Tuesday, July 30, 2024


 Democrats in politics all work from a highly coordinated script. They all get the same messages and use the same exact terms. A good example of this was when U.S. Attorney Robert Hur announced that he would not file charges against Joe Biden for his handling of confidential documents because he didn't think that a jury would convict an old man with a bad memory. Kamala Harris spoke about this and said that Hur's remarks were "gratuitous". She had a pause before the word as she ran it through her mind a couple of times. Someone in the audience should have asked her to spell and define the word. Over the next couple of days, the word "gratuitous" turned up on television more than it had turned up in the previous fifty years or so.

The word of the week for Democrats this week is "weird." They are labeling J.D. Vance and other Republicans as "weird". I just don't think that Democrats understand what the word means. 

Sam Brinton was the Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Office of Nuclear Energy. But that was before his propensity for stealing women's luggage came to prominence on national television. According to Wikipedia, Brinton uses "singular they pronouns." The only thing weirder than Brinton using "singular they pronouns" is Wikipedia using "singular they pronouns" in writing about him. How many Dims have labeled Brinton as "weird"? Is anyone other than me going to start calling Wikipedia by their Democrat inspired name of Weirdipedia??   

The Paris Olympic organizers had a drag group stage a scene that mocked the painting of the Last Supper during the opening ceremonies. I can't find any mentions of a Democrat labeling this depiction as "weird." There was a statement from Donald Trump announcing that there wouldn't be anything like that in the opening for the 2028 Olympics in Los Angeles.

Where are the news reports labeling Thomas Crooks, wannabe Trump assassin, as "weird"? I haven't even seen him referred to as a "geek" or a "nerd". But Republicans are "weird."

Here's a thought for the Democratic Party, give individual thought a chance. You would have more credibility if you and your media puppets didn't all use the exact same words and phrasing. This is real life, it's not a prime-time drama series. Maybe, the Dims should stop making all of those "gratuitous" statements.

Weird or not weird, you pick.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Saturday, Satireday

 We all think that when a UFO lands and someone comes out of it to talk to us, that alien is going to look like ET, some character from Star Trek or even the robot from Lost in Space. Maybe it will look like Rachel Levine, the Surgeon General. Of course. Biden picked a surgical experiment as Surgeon General.The smart money is betting that the space alien will look like Barack Obama.

Until he became President, Obama was the perfect human as far as environmentalists were concerned. He had been on the planet for 47 years and had left absolutely no trace behind him. If you don't believe that, try to find any concrete evidence of his first twenty years of life. Find someone who was in a class at school with him when he was in high school. Of course, he has made up for that since his election in 2008 by destroying the strongest nation on earth and leaving evidence everywhere. 

I saw an alleged "news story" where Barack and his wife "Big Mike" endorsed Kamala Harris. In the video, Kamala has the phone up near her ear while we hear the Obamas on "speaker phone". What moron holds the phone to their ear with it on speaker phone? Wait! The answer was in my previous sentence.

My beloved and I spent the last couple of days experiencing the US 21 "road sale". It's a 100 mile stretch of yard sales in the mountains and foothills of Virginia and North Carolina. We didn't see a hint of a Kamala sign. On the other hand, scores of vendors were selling Trump merchandise. 

You can get more info on the US 21 Road Market at takeabreakfromtheinterstate.org 

Kamala is trying to reach the top of the political heap after starting from a position flat on her back. Thank God that she had Willie Brown on her side. And on her top and on her back. It was San Francisco. She was lucky that Brown even appointed a heterosexual woman to a board.

I am sure that Kamala was not drawn to Brown, a man twice her age, by his political position and power. I am checking with my other short, fat, old guy friends to see how many of them are besieged by attractive women half our age wanting us to be their lovers. So far, exactly zero have experienced that. There is still time to contact me if this has happened to you.

Dims claim that Harris is not a socialist. It was just an accident that she voted more to the left than Bernie Sanders. Bernie is the only avowed Socialist in the Senate. With Sanders and his wife having gone to Moscow on their honeymoon, that status is not even questionable. So, is Kamala a Socialist? Do bears do it in the woods?

Today at the US 21 Road Sale, I bought some old political buttons. I picked up a "Kennedy '80" button. There are those who believe that Ted Kennedy's campaign against Jimmy Carter for the nomination may have caused Carter to lose the general election. I still think it was the hostages in Iran. As hard as it is to believe, Kennedy's campaign slogan was "Teddy is ready". Maybe he just wasn't ready to "cross that bridge" to the Presidency.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Haters, Hypocrites and Half-Wits

 Of course, I am writing about the Democratic Party or as they should be known, "The New Nazis." Democrats are bringing antisemitism to heights not seen since the glory days of Adolf Hitler.

On Wednesday Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel spoke to a joint session of Congress. More than 100 Congressional Democrats boycotted the session. Kamala Harris skipped his appearance to speak to a sorority in Indiana. That's a pretty good indicator of her priorities. Biden did not attend. They are all unhappy with how Israel is handling their war in Gaza. They want Israel out of Gaza. As my mom used to say "People in hell want ice water."

For Democrats to demand that Israel withdraw from Gaza is to ignore the reality of history. The United States was in Afghanistan for twenty years after the 9/11 attacks. We still have troops in Iraq. Yet less than ten months after Hamas attacked Israel and slaughtered more than a thousand Israelis, Democrats are demanding that Israel get out of Gaza. What's the hurry? When their supporters burn and loot cities, Democrats call that "urban renewal". Israel isn't destroying Gaza, it is "re-imagining" the future appearance of Gaza.  

Democrats need to win Michigan and Minnesota in the Presidential election this year. Michigan has a large Arab population, so Democrats are throwing Israel overboard. This is just a side effect of a failed immigration system. Arabs think that their hatred of Jews should be required behavior for all of us. They are wrong.

In 1979 and 1980, after Iranians seized more than fifty hostages at the US embassy in Iran, Americans were outraged. There was a day by day count by the media of how long the hostages were held by the Iranians. Why aren't they doing this about the Americans being held hostage by Hamas? Even Jimmy Carter had the balls to at least attempt a rescue. The failure of that raid may have cost Carter the election. A few weeks ago, the Israeli army staged a raid in Gaza and freed a few Israeli hostages. Where's our "world's best military" been since October 7?  Are they "missing in non-action"? Hamas is holding 8 American citizens hostage. Two hundred years ago, we sent the US Navy and the USMC to Tripoli to kick some asses for doing the same thing. Those eight Americans are paying the price for a demented old man letting his wife make the decisions so that the world won't know that he is senile.  We all know anyway, but some Dims just won't admit it.

The majority of Jews have traditionally supported Democrats. Like they do with the blacks, Democrats take the Jewish vote for granted. It's time for Jews to look for a political party that is actually acting to help them and not just taking their votes for granted.

It's time for the Biden-Obama Justice department to take action against all of these antisemitic protesters. on college campuses. You can bet your ass that if white college students were protesting and calling for the deaths of blacks, the Justice Department would be all over them. But there are blacks and Arabs calling for the deaths of Jews and Merrick Garland is sitting with his thumb up his ass. This is that two tier justice system that liberals deny exists in this country.

Let's clean up the environment on college campuses. They can start by enforcing the laws. Then start deporting these haters who are here on student visas. Let them go home and pull this shit and see what happens.

I am fascinated that after being told that the Republican Party is made up of racists and haters, it turns out that the racists and haters are all in the Democratic party. Liberals are just bigots who lie about it. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

.....Get to Tomorrow?

 In the United States today, we are faced with a multitude of problems caused by stupid decisions made by government officials. People who have never operated a business are running and ruining the biggest business in the country, the government.  These schmucks have no clue about how the real world operates. They think that if the government issues a new policy, the world will change immediately.

The leftists in government want to eliminate fossil fuels to "save the planet." The good news for some is that I am not going to discredit that whole climate change bullshit in this post. I have other points to make. Joe "I used to drive an 18-wheeler" Biden wants everyone to change to electric cars. He doesn't care if they work or are affordable or are safe, he just wants to change. 

The leftist loons want us to go to electric lawn care equipment. I think that California is banning gas powered leaf blowers. To be honest, I just don't understand the whole leaf blowing concept, but I am not going to tell you how to move leaves. It's not safe to walk the streets in California, stores are getting looted, and California is the homeless capital of the universe. So, naturally the government there wants to ban gas leaf blowers. It just doesn't make sense. Can Gruesome Newsome even spell prioritize?

Government leaders are always talking about these high-tech data centers and computer chip plants that they are going to bring to the United States. These plants are enormous users of electricity, but we aren't building any power plants. Instead, we are throwing up some windmills and building solar farms. We are taking land that used to produce grains and vegetables or raise livestock and are using it to generate electricity. This is not a long-term strategy.

In China they are adding about a power plant a week, every week. When did the last new power plant open here? We are closing more power plants than we open. 

The problem we have with liberals is that they don't understand that one cannot simply order change to happen and watch it happen. The world just doesn't work that way. Change occurs slowly.

In the old days when I had a real job, I had a simple saying that the government should learn to use. Employees would often complain about the performance of other employees or would whine about why I wouldn't change some things that they didn't like. What did I say? As everybody on television always says, "Thanks for asking me that." I would tell people, "I have long term goals and plans. But I have to get through today to get to tomorrow. " I would explain that if I didn't succeed today, I wasn't going to be around to succeed tomorrow. 

The problem with the liberals in government is that they don't have the slightest clue about how change happens in the real world. I would always tell people that someone doing a mediocre job was better than the great job that I didn't have the time to do. We all have to make do with what we have today while we work on improving the future

Here's a list of questions that need answers before EVs become popular. Americans aren't rushing down to car dealers to buy EVs that are more expensive to own and operate. How are you going to reduce the price of EVs? Do we produce enough electricity to power all of the vehicles that use fossil fuels today? Of course not. Do we have a network of charging stations to make travel possible? Pete Buttgig and his cohorts have built seven charging stations in a program that is slated to spend $5 billion.  How long before that system covers a county, much less the nation? Have all of the fire departments and other emergency services across the country been trained in how to handle EV accidents? What's the process for scrapping EVs when they need to be replaced? Do the EVs have sufficient range to allow people to go on a vacation trip? What's the source for all of the elements needed to produce the batteries for these cars? Are we going to swap a dependence on foreign oil for a dependence on Chinese lithium? We have one lithium mine in this country. One! Are the batteries and all of the plastics in the new EVs recyclable? How many jobs will be lost by producing EVs instead of ICE powered cars? Can the unemployed auto workers all be cashiers at a Dollar Tree? How are we going to replace the tax revenue from the highway taxes on gasoline? If people can't travel very far in their EVs, how will resorts, theme parks, hotels and other vacation spots be impacted? EVs will mark the end of the "great American road trip". What is currently a single day drive from my house to Florida will turn into a three-day scavenger hunt for charging stations. How many jobs will be lost in businesses based on travel? You can bet your ass that there is no government agency addressing these issues.

Let me take a quick off ramp here. The government would prefer that we all live in tightly packed cities where they think that control of the citizenry would be easier. One quick look at crime in cities would indicate that this line of thinking is bullshit, but that's just how they work. The government is terrified of people who have land, guns, tools, power equipment or anything else that indicates some degree of independence. EVs are a system designed to limit the mobility of the population. But that's just me.

It is more than just EVs. How about that whole transexual thing? What's the plan to deal with the high rate of suicides among those who have "transitioned"? What's the plan for people who suffer from "buyer's remorse"? Let's not forget about immigration. How long is this rate of immigration sustainable? We are running trillions in deficit spending every year. We can't feed, house or employ millions of immigrants a year. Why do we keep letting them into the country? How long will civilization (such as it is) last if we are ending the lives of the unborn? What percentage of the population has to be gay before the birth rate drops to a level that will not support our society?

This all brings us back to my favorite question that is never asked in this country, "Then what?"

These things are like problem solving in junior high school algebra. You have to work through the problem-solving steps BEFORE you turn in your paper. 

Here's ten simple words for success: "We have to get through today, to get to tomorrow." Write it down!!!

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Guarding Doritos??

 I watched a couple of hours of Secret Service Director, Kimberly Cheatle, being questioned by the House Oversight Committee yesterday. Cheatle was able to hit for the cycle and piss off both Democrats and Republicans. She was able to unite the two parties in a demand that she either resign or be fired. It was so bad that AOC and Kweisi Mfume were criticizing her.

She basically denied knowing anything. She would not give any details, if in fact, she knew any. She has not visited the site of the Trump shooting, but she did go to the RNC last week to visit something being done for "partners". That's where she dodged four United States Senators wanting her to answer questions. The most honest comment of the day came when Rep. Nancy Mace of South Carolina told Cheatle, "You are full of shit today!" The second best was when a Congressman from Texas told her to "go back to guarding Doritos."

There was a group from the House visiting the scene of the assassination attempt while Cheatle lied to Congress. Maybe they can bring her back some pictures. If Cheatle is going to leave, Biden will have to fire her since Mayorkas thinks that she does a great job. Of course, they will have to get Joe to do that in the few minutes during the day when he is lucid.

The party that accuses Trump of "destroying democracy" is on their way to nominating a Presidential candidate who got zero votes for President in the primaries. You have to hand it to the Democrats for their incredible flexibility in defining "democracy". They rigged the primary system to guarantee a Biden win, then they forced Biden out. They prohibited other candidates from going to New Hampshire. They rearranged the primary schedule so that South Carolina would give Joe a win to start the process. They basically threw RFK Jr. out of the party for wanting to run for President. Russia and China are sending teams to the United States to study how Democrats rig elections. 

The Democrats did everything to make sure that Biden would win. Apparently, they just thought that the dementia was just going to go into a holding pattern. It's hard to explain away those pictures from that debate in June. That was the debate that Democrats actually proposed. That's the best example of "be careful of what you wish for" that I have ever seen. Who knew that "Jacked Up Joe" would take the night off?

Kacklin' Kandidate Kamala, the new KKK. Apparently, the Kamala Koronation will take place in Chicago. Hopefully they can work it in between the riots and the protests.

Kamala claims that her most important issue is "Reproductive Freedom" for women. If you are a liberal, nothing is more important than ending the lives of the unborn. You have to love the Democrats' gift for word games. "Abortion" is now "reproductive freedom". Going with that thought, robbing or stealing from someone will soon be "redistribution of wealth".  Stealing cars will be "reimagining transportation systems." We already know that smash and grab events are just "unauthorized product sampling." Death from the COVID vaccine was labeled as an "adverse reaction".

I am fascinated with the Democrats and their obsession with women's bodies. They scream "hands off women's bodies" when discussing abortion. Pardon me, reproductive freedom. Where were they on "women's bodies" during the push for everyone to get the COVID vaccine, even if there was a chance that it would kill you? How many women lost their jobs for not getting a shot? How many have been fired for getting an abortion?

In Kamala's America, you will be able to get an abortion anytime. Of course, you might have to walk to the clinic because your car was stolen. If it wasn't stolen, the sun didn't shine long enough for your solar panels to charge the batteries. You may get robbed, raped or killed on the way to the clinic but that's a small price to pay for "reproductive freedom." Don't bother stopping at the grocery store on the way home from the "reproductive freedom" clinic, there won't be anything on the shelves. Not that you can afford anyway.

The other day on the news, there was a live report from an ice cream shop in Washington where Kamala and two of her nieces were trying to get ice cream. It was even more painful than watching Joe get ice cream. If you can't figure out how to order ice cream, the nuclear launch codes are going to be a real problem.

Kamala and Kimberly are the results of a system that values what you are, more than what you can do. They are the reality of "DEI hires." This is what happens when "ability" falls to the bottom of the list of job qualifications. Let's bring back competence!!

Monday, July 22, 2024

What else are they lying about?

 In a written statement on "official" stationery, Joe Biden announced on Sunday that he would not be a candidate for President. I don't want to sound cynical, but Helen Keller could have seen this coming.  Somewhere Corn Pop is breathing a sigh of relief. The folks who "sign" Biden's speeches for the deaf are somewhere screaming "Free at last!"

In 1968 when Lyndon Johnson announced that he would not run, he did it live on television. In contrast, Biden appears to barely be alive. Biden issued an endorsement for Kameltoe Harris a short time after announcing his own demise. That's like getting a cruise recommendation from the captain of the Titanic.

The Democrats have maintained for months that Biden was "at the top of his game". Those around him kept telling us about how he was so energetic that they couldn't keep up with him. Memo to morons/Dims: If you can't keep up with Biden, get into a twelve-step program. Of course, twelve steps are ten more than Joe can take. Have you seen the video of him getting into a Suburban last week?

For the last three and a half years the taxpayers have been subsidizing the world's most expensive dementia treatment center at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. It now turns out that the "naysayers" were all correct about Biden. It's hard to be wrong when you see the evidence live on television.

This coverup of Biden's mental condition makes Watergate look like a third-rate burglary. Wait!! Nixon already said that. Every time that Republicans screw up the media calls it "(insert scandal here) gate". So, obviously this is Biden-gate or more honestly "dementia-gate". Let's hold some Congressional hearings so that the Dims can tell a lot more lies!

The taxpayers need to file a lawsuit against the Democratic Party for fraud. Those people have lied and then lied about lying. This may be the biggest fraud ever perpetrated against the American public. Those responsible must be held accountable for this. The Democrats put the old carnival barkers pitching freak shows to shame. At least, the barkers would let you look after you paid them. They still haven't pulled back the curtain on the real Joe Biden.

Now they are building up Kamala Harris as some kind of leader who is really smart. She hides it well. I don't think that Kamala could spell "cat," if you spotted her the "c" and the "a". I don't understand how anyone could question her leadership abilities since she did such an incredible job as the "Border Czar". Kamala's performance in that job serves as a reminder of why they overthrew the last Czars in Russia. The only difference between Kacklin' Kamala and Biden is which Obama is pulling the strings.

They had Biden run in 2020 from his basement. When it became obvious that they couldn't pull off that strategy this year, they pulled the plug on the Biden campaign. I guess that the White House basement was not available.

Why didn't the media report Biden's condition? Are they going to hang Karine Jean-Pierre for lying or is she moving to Florida to sell time shares? Is Jill still going to be President for the next six months? What day this week will Hunter be pardoned? Will there be mass suicides at MSNBC? Is Joy Reid flying to Guyana to channel the spirit of Jim Jones? Can Rachel Madcow get her old job back at the Dairy Queen? Is NBC looking for model rocket motors to put on Joe Biden? Can MSNBC's ratings drop any lower? Can the average IQ of their viewers drop any lower? Will the Center for Disease Control formally declare Trump Derangement Syndrome to be an epidemic? Will Dr. Fauci make millions from a vaccine for TDS? Or will he keep his job as a spokesman for Hair Club for Men?

Let's line up the polygraph machines and start asking the Democratic leaders and media members some questions about Biden-gate. That could be a new game show on Fox. 

What happens if Biden wakes up today and says, "What do you mean I decided not to run?"

Is this the end of the lies from the news media? Of course not. Today they just start lying about their new favorite puppet.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Fake News "on location"??

 When the story of "Fake news" networks is finally written, the main character will be MSNBC. This is what happens when you only focus on one side of any issue. Microsoft got out of this business in 2005. So, there is no one other than NBC to blame for this mess.

Someone once described MSNBC as being "a collection of lying, left-wing losers". I think that person was being kind. I think that MSNBC stands for either "Mostly Shit, Nothing But Communism" or "Mostly Swill, No Body Cares".  I vary those labels depending upon my audience.

I don't actually watch MSNBC and don't plan on starting any time before I meet Jesus. However, clips from MSNBC show up online too frequently. But I am not going to stop that from allowing me to make a few observations about their journalistic prowess.

The NBC parentage of this network is obvious. NBC was the network with the Dateline show that brought us the story of the GM trucks with the exploding gas tanks. Of course, it turned out that the NBC show had placed model rocket motors in the tanks actually causing them to explode. With all of the news in the world every day, why do they have to make stuff up? They could just do regular reports on what is happening inside NBC and fill their shows. This is a network that attacks other people while their own Matt Lauer made his reputation as a serial sexual harasser. Just for the record and it has little to do with this issue, Al Roker was a much nicer guy when he was fat. People who make drastic changes in their life do not always become better people. A perfect example is Joe Biden. After spending someone else's fortune on hair plugs, face lifts and dental implants, he's still an idiot. If his spending was as tight as his face, the economy would be in great shape.

And in the true rambling nature of this blog, that brings to mind a work-related incident. One day at work, our area director was in the restaurant, and he told me that our regional VP would be in with him the next day. He told me that because I had a tendency to blurt things out that I should know that the VP had hair plugs to cover his bald spot. I suggested that it would have been better if he had not said anything as now, I would probably just stare at his head. When the VP showed up the next day, we were talking and he said, "You ought to consider hair replacement surgery. I had it and it works great." I almost choked. I finally stammered out, "You know I just don't think that's for me." My area director breathed an audible sound of relief.

Back to MSNBC. They are the poster child for Trump Derangement Syndrome. If Jerry Lewis were alive, he would put together a telethon to help get them all into therapy programs. I can't believe that there aren't television commercials urging us to support the victims of TDS. "If we could just save one mind?" From Rachel MadCow to Joyless Joy Reid, this is a group of people who need mental health professionals. They should have a shrink on air sitting next to them. 

I saw some black anchor or reporter claiming that we had not seen any kind of medical report on Trump so we can't be sure of what happened to him. As one of the million or so folks who saw it happen live on television, let me assure you that Trump got shot.

But back to the "Fake News" that brought me here today. MSNBC proved this week that Trump was right to call them "Fake News". While all of the other networks were in Milwaukee broadcasting from the convention site, MSNBC stayed home in New York. They sent a couple of reporters to the convention but kept the anchors in New York.  While their set looked like they were in the convention center looking down at the convention floor, they were actually in New York. They used the same "green screen" technology from the weather forecasts to bring you an LED screen view of the convention. Did they ever tell you this? No. They claim that at the top of every hour, they said that they were reporting from NBC headquarters. If they weren't trying to deceive people, why have the convention floor view when nothing was going on? What else did they misrepresent?  What else have they lied about? This was so bad that Sen. Rubio was being interviewed on CNN and thanked them for actually being at the event. The CNN guy pointed out that an unnamed network was not there. If MSNBC could have blown up a couple of GM trucks in the convention center parking lot, they could have hit for the cycle. The "Fake News" cycle.

And that's the best in the news today!

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Yes, Commissioner?

 Last Saturday evening some deranged young man with an AR--15 and a bad case of body odor tried to kill Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania, The Secret Service is refusing to release any information about the shooting other than to acknowledge that Trump did, in fact, actually get shot. Of course, the Joys (Reid and Behar) and Whoopi Goldberg don't even believe that.

I have had several email exchanges with people about the shooting. Theories are sprouting about the shooting like weeds in my yard during the recent drought. My personal belief is that conspiracy theories abound where the facts are few. By not putting out some serious data, the government encourages conspiracy theories. The refusal of the head bitch at the Secret Service to answer questions from United States Senators is not going to end well. It's an election year, Honey. You better start talking!!

I heard someone on the news the other day claim that the government needs to form a "commission" to investigate the shooting. Yeah, like that worked out so well with the Warren Commission and the Kennedy assassination. I haven't heard any questions about the Warren Commission report in almost 8 hours.

Assassination conspiracies are a cottage industry in the United States. How many books have been written about the Kennedy assassination? How many movies, magazine articles and television shows have resulted from the Kennedy assassination? 

If you know someone who actually believes that Oswald killed Kennedy without involvement from any other person or group, call me immediately with their name. I have some great investment opportunities for them.

Will a commission end the conspiracy theories? Do you believe that Sirhan Sirhan killed Robert Kennedy with three shots from a nine shot Iver Johnson .22 caliber pistol? Oh yeah, he also wounded five other people with that same gun. Sirhan may have been the best shot in the history of .22 caliber handguns. Just to finish off the conspiracy, Sirhan is a Palestinian. Who could have guessed?

Did James Earl Ray kill Martin Luther King? King's son Dexter met with Ray before Ray died and Dexter is not a believer. James Earl Ray who had worked all kind of menial jobs, fled to Canada and then to London. He flew to London on a bus boy's paycheck. Really? Most of the bus boys that I have known would have had to borrow money to take the city bus home. He was arrested at Heathrow Airport as he waited to board a plane for Rhodesia. I guess Rhodesia is some kind of bus boy retreat.

The government has waited a week and is still not releasing any facts. Memo to government morons: Millions of people watched this happen live on television. If may be time to just release the facts and tell the truth. The government is hampered by the axiom, "The truth will set you free!" It's just too easy.

Life is cruel. Commissions won't work because this is real life and there's no Caped Crusader waiting by the Bat phone to answer a call with those famous words, "Yes, Commissioner!" 

Thursday, July 18, 2024

You didn't hear this in Milwaukee

 I watched part of Joe Biden's speech to the NAACP. I saw enough to cause me to realize that those who edit dictionaries are going to need to redefine "pandering".

Biden's speech to the NAACP consisted mostly of incoherent screaming. One online comment read, "Who was the old white guy yelling at us to get off his lawn?" Memo to Joe: Volume is not a substitute for actual content.

Democrats are trying to have a virtual nomination process before the convention to ensure that Biden and Harris are the nominees. I think that Democrats who scream that Trump is a "threat to democracy" need to look into a mirror. Democrats wouldn't let people run against Biden in the primaries and now they want to cancel the convention and replace it with a coronation. I think that they are confused about what a "threat to democracy" would look like. Right now, the only real threat to democracy is a demented old guy who alternates whispering and screaming.

I didn't get an invitation to speak at the Republican convention. I didn't have a speech written anyway. Then, I realized that they were looking for "ordinary people". I obviously missed the cutoff on that standard. 

Joy Reid, the lead racist on MSNBC, said that Biden getting COVID is just like Trump getting shot. Joy had COVID, but I am pretty sure that she hasn't been shot. So, we will put this down as just another asinine statement from Joy. She really needs to change her name. "Joy" is a misnomer.

Tonight, Donald Trump is scheduled to make his acceptance speech at the Republican convention in Milwaukee. That means that about 6:00 PM, Biden will announce that he is not running this year. That's about the only way Biden will ever upstage Trump. Just for the record, I am posting this at 10:30 AM.

On Fox their resident liberal elitist, Jessica Tarlov, was praising Joe Biden yesterday. She said that he was the most accomplished President since Lyndon Johnson. I would like to point out that LBJ died in 1973, eleven years before Jessica Tarlov was born. I was a teenager in the LBJ years, and my knowledge comes from personal experience not some swill penned by Doris Kearns Goodwin. 

So, Tarlov regards LBJ as a great President. She mentioned the Civil Rights Act of 1964. She left out the part where after the bill passed Johnson said, "I will have them n*****s voting Democrat for the next 200 years." In her glowing praise of Johnson, she left out the race riots that happened while he was President. Watts, Newark, Detroit. Do any of those names ring a bell, Jessica? She completely ignores the Vietnam war. Did "All the way with LBJ" mean all the way to Hanoi? Under Johnson' leadership, the United States troop count in Vietnam went over half a million. More than 58,000 Americans died in Vietnam. Did all of those men die so that 50 years later we could import cheap tennis shoes from Vietnam? Is that Tarlov's standard for greatness? WOW!!

Last night, Trump's oldest granddaughter gave a speech and said that when she made high honor roll, Trump made a copy and showed all of his friends. I can relate to that. If you missed my post several weeks ago, my granddaughter had the top GPA in the sixth grade in her school. Here's her plaque.


Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Wednesday Wit and Wisdom

 You either believe that God protected Trump, or you believe that Trump won the Powerball, Mega Millions and a million-dollar scratch-off on Saturday without buying a ticket. There are no other possibilities.

Who decided to let Joe Biden do an interview with Lester Holt? That was an "It's time to take the car keys" interview.

The mayor of Milwaukee claimed in an interview that crime is going down under Joe Biden. Finally, we have found a politician who is willing to discuss UFOs and extra-terrestrial life.

"Gold Bar Bob" Menedez, Democrat Senator from New Jersey has been found guilty of multiple counts of taking bribes and operating as a foreign agent representing Egypt and Qatar. This case was handled by the same Department of Justice that has failed to charge Hunter Biden for acting as a foreign agent. 

Reports from Butler, Pennsylvania indicate that the geek who killed one and wounded three at the Trump rally on Saturday was walking around with a range finder before the rally started. He also brought a ladder and a rifle to the building he used as a shooting stand. Apparently, the Secret Service was only checking people with tee shirts that read "Assassin" in large letters.

The Secret Service director said that the Secret Service didn't put snipers on the roof of the building where the sniper was because the roof was sloped. The Secret Service sniper who killed the geek was on another building with a sloped roof. Either Director Cheatle is lying, or she is stupid. Both are valid reasons for dismissal. 

J.D. Vance was named Monday as Trump's running mate. I'm not a fan of facial hair and that applies equally to men or women. I was born in North Wilkesboro, North Carolina, I don't need to read Hillbilly Elegy. I am not enthused about Vance, but he is ahead of the stiff who ran for Vice-President last time with Trump. There are days that I miss Dan Quayle!

If you think that government actually works, call Social Security with a question. Or you can always go to the DMV.

Judge Aileen Cannon is my new hero for dismissing the charges against Donald Trump in Florida. The Justice Department announced that Jack Shit was going to appeal the ruling. I am in the group that believes that Jack Shit lacks the legal standing to appeal that ruling. Jack and Merrick should have read Justice Clarence Thomas's concurring opinion in the case about Trump's immunity. Barring that, they should read the opinion disabling the Chevron doctrine. It's all about laws, not rules from some unelected bureaucrat.

The United States is a nation of laws, not rules. The Justice Department claims that Jack Shit's appointment met all of their policies. Unfortunately, their policies are not the United States Constitution. We are a nation of laws, not rules.

Congress needs to go back to passing actual laws, not guidelines. Congress is supposed to decide what the law is, not some idiot appointee over at the DOJ.

If Jack Shit has the power to prosecute Trump or anyone else, why do we have US Attorneys who are nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate? Why bother if anyone hired by the Attorney General can prosecute Americans? 

The DOJ is claiming that other "Special Counsels" were not confirmed by the Senate. If you get stopped by the police for robbing a store and you tell them that you robbed a store yesterday and no one arrested you, are they going to let you go?

The law should be so simple that the average man can easily understand it. It's been messed up for more than one hundred years, it's time to get back to the basics. Moses brought Ten Commandments down from the mountain. Merrick Garland is hustling a library of laws that no one has read completely. 

Make America Safe Again!! Start by overhauling the Department of Justice.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Where Trump Found God

 On Saturday evening at about a quarter after six, Donald Trump found God. I have written about finding God before and I referenced the song by Larry Fleet titled "Where I Find God". If you haven't heard it, check it out on You Tube. Trump's life and the future of our nation were both changed by God as that bullet hit Trump's ear instead of his brain. Trump and America both dodged a bullet on Saturday.

I'm not a terribly religious man, I am a Methodist. But even I know what the hand of God looks like. Thousands of other people at that rally had a similar experience. If Trump had not decided to display slides about illegal immigration, which caused him to keep turning his head, there may have been different outcome on Saturday. So, did opposing illegal immigration save his life on Saturday?

I think that Trump's experience on Saturday will affect him in such a way as to help him get elected again in November. Trump met Jesus on Saturday night and he is forever changed for it. I believe that Trump was changed just enough to win.

My wife and I turned the television on a few minutes before 5:00 PM and waited for Trump to make his appearance. I have been to three Trump rallies, and he never appears at the projected time. He waits for the anticipation to build in the audience. So, we waited for it to start. Then after the shot heard 'round the world, we waited there in front of the television until after 11:00 PM to see how it turned out. It's a sad day in America when we watch an attempted murder on live television. However, this will turn out to be the shot that elected Donald Trump. It's everything that is wrong in Biden's America.

The sordid details of the assassination attempt are starting to come out now. While the Secret Service did a good job of leaping to cover him as the bullets passed, they failed badly in setting up the perimeter of protection for Trump. They depended on local police to handle part of the security but there were mistakes made by all involved. Today's reports are that people were reporting the sniper about thirty minutes before the shooting. You don't need to be a nuclear physicist to realize that a kid carrying a rifle around at a Trump rally is a problem. 

What we are hearing about the details of the attempted murder is that apparently no one is directly responsible for the protection of Donald Trump. The Secret Service is claiming that it was the fault of another police agency. The police are claiming that the Secret Service is wrong. "Victory has a hundred fathers, failure is an orphan."

The Secret Service is in the Presidential protection business. Don't waste your time telling me what else they do. Their focus is or should be protecting the President and other officials. If your goal is more diversity in the ranks of the Secret Service, you have taken your eye off of the ball. I'm sorry, but the laws of physics make it impossible for a short woman to protect the body of a large man. This isn't gender-based job discrimination, this is simple physics.

What were Director Cheatle's qualifications for the job? After more than twenty years in the Secret Service, she went to PepsiCo to head up their corporate security group. Then Joe Biden appointed her to head the Secret Service. What qualified her for the job? She had been part of Jill Biden's protective unit. It's the good ol' girl network.

The shit has hit the proverbial fan with the Trump attempted assassination. The Secret Service failed miserably. It's time for the Ms. Cheatle to resign. She failed, it's time to move on. People who make the big money take the big responsibility. She had to know that taking the job. In the real world, Cheatle would lose her job. In Biden Land, she probably gets a promotion. 

The one good side benefit is that yesterday Joe Biden directed the Secret Service to start providing protection for Robert Kennedy in his campaign. That's a few months late.

Liberals are always ridiculing people with conspiracy theories. Now, there are people on the left claiming that this assassination attempt was planned by Trump to help his campaign. This is the height of insanity. Just when I was wondering what happened to all of my aluminum foil hats, they turned up on the heads of Democrats. 

Monday, July 15, 2024

An Assortment of Assassination Observations

 Rep. Benny Thompson. Democrat from Mississippi of January 6 Committee fame and fortune has allegedly dismissed a staffer for an online post about the Trump shooting. The post read, "I don't condone violence but please get you some shooting lessons so you don't miss next time ooops that wasn't me talking." The post has reportedly been deleted. You have to love the peace and understanding demonstrated by liberals. You have to wonder about the thought processes of a Congressional staffer who thought that this comment would be okay. What made her think that Benny would not mind the comment?

I watched the attempted murder live on television. I'm not good with math but, if you have a Secret Service female agent who is about 5'4" tall trying to shield a former President who is 6'2", it just isn't going to work. Also, if you carry a firearm as part of your job, you should practice getting it in and out of the holster, so you don't look like a rookie on national television. Getting your sunglasses back on is not as important as holstering your firearm. I don't think that protecting Presidents with DEI hires is a winning strategy.

I don't want to sound like the male chauvinist pig that I have been called by some BUT, Ann Coulter who is not a male chauvinist pig, asked this in an online post; "Why are girls Secret Service agents?" 

There may be some jobs that women in the Secret Service can do, but Presidential Protective Detail is not on that list. Bodyguards tend to be big, burly guys. Tyrus on the Gutfeld show, had a career as a bodyguard, Kat Timpf did not. DEI will eventually cause someone to DIE.

The New York Times or Pravda as we call it here at the Jones house, published the soon to be iconic photo of a bloodied Donald Trump surrounded by the Secret Service with his fist raised and the American flag flying overhead. They displayed their Communist roots by editing out the American flag. And they wonder why Americans don't trust the Media.

I'm tired of hearing leftists call conservatives "Nazis". I don't want to confuse the leftist wingnuts with fascist facts but, Nazi is short for National Socialist. There aren't any socialists who are conservatives. There just aren't any.  Also, Nazis were famous for their antisemitic views and actions. The same liberals in our country who call conservatives Nazis, want to kill the Jews. They want to destroy the nation of Israel. The liberals are calling the conservatives Nazis, while they are the ones pursuing the policies of the Nazis. Someone is more than a little confused. Liberalism is obviously a mental disorder.

President Biden seems to have added amnesia to his dementia as he tells the rest of us what we should and should not say. Republicans need to put together a television ad consisting of Biden calling Trump things that obviously inspired some loser to seek fame and fortune by shooting Donld Trump.

In the news yesterday, the FBI has taken the shooter's cell phone to their lab in Quantico VA. As of this writing, the FBI experts have been unable to unlock the phone. They need to bring in a 12-year-old to do that for them.

The shooter tried out for a high school rifle team but was turned down because "he was a bad shot". I guess that he worked on that problem.

We have been told that the shooter had been bullied in school. Lots of people are bullied, they don't resolve it by shooting former Presidents. He had other issues.

Democrats should pray that the shooter does not inspire copycats.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

New Standard for Media Bias/Stupidity

Last night minutes after the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, CNN ran a story titled, "Secret Service rushes Trump off stage after he falls at rally". This is the new standard for either "stupid" or "media malpractice".

My wife and I were watching the event on Fox News because I wanted to see what Trump was going to say before the Republican National Convention starts on Monday. On live television you could hear the shots and see that Trump's ear was bleeding. 

Did anyone at CNN watch the video before writing the headline? Trump didn't "fall", he dropped to the ground to get out of the line of fire just milliseconds before Secret Service agents leaped to cover him. On what video did the CNN writer base his asinine headline? Are people at CNN really this stupid?

I am pretty sure that all of the major news networks have some staffer who watches the other networks to see what they are covering. How could you watch the live report from Fox and decide that Trump "falls at rally"/ In what universe or alternate dimension is CNN operating?

As hard as it may be to believe it, Donald Jackson at the USA Today evidently told CNN, "Hold my beer". The USA Today headline read "Trump removed from stage by Secret Service after loud noises startles former president, crowd".

Do these alleged news sources not have access to what other news sources are saying? Do CNN and the USA Today not have Internet access?

This is a pathetic use of the First Amendment by alleged news sources. These clowns need to turn in their press cards. Millions of Americans watched this happen live on television. Obviously, that did not include any liberal "reporters".

I am old enough that I remember the world before CNN and the USA Today. That was when we still had "journalists". It's time for these media clowns to pack it in.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Saturday Points to Ponder

 We live in a nation where we drug test people who work at many businesses but don't drug test the people who run the government. The bottom line is "What kind of drugs are they giving Biden?" Beyond that, "Is Biden giving his leftover and/or unused drugs to reporters?" Inquiring minds may want to know, but rest assured that information is stashed somewhere in the White House. It is probably in that locker with Joe's cocaine. It won't be found until Joe stupids himself to death.

I watched the alleged press conference on Thursday night and then on Friday morning I watched the news reports about it. There are a lot of reporters who were either stoned or stupid as they watched that performance. A press that operates in conjunction with the government that they claim to report about is not worth calling a news organization.

I expect politicians to lie. But what are the reporters getting for telling us lies?

I made a bad decision today. I made a comment claiming that Joe Biden is the Alfred E. Neuman candidate for President. "What me worry?" I didn't realize that we had that many stupid people who could access anything online. I finally altered my post to tell them to Google "Alfred E. Neuman".

It's not "social media", it is "Moron Media".

They call her Dr. Jill because "controlling bitch" is just too honest.

Donald Trump should pick either Tim Scott or Ben Carson as his Vice President. Then before the Vice-Presidential debate either one could challenge Kamala to take a DNA test. We could get Ancestry to sponsor the debate. The Democrats have been pushing Kamala as a black woman for years. In the 2020 campaign, Kamala's father denied that they were black. She is probably blacker than Elizabeth Warren is native American, but that's about it. Then we can decide who the first black Vice President really is. We can call it "The Ancestry Challenge". Let's put facts back into politics!!

This gem from a 2020 issue of "Oprah". "According to a 2004 clip from the Los Angeles Times, "a favorite family story begins with Harris's parents pushing her in a stroller as they marched for civil rights, joining in the protest chants. After one march, Harris's mom innocuously asked, 'What do you want, Kamala?' The toddler replied: 'FEE-DOM!'"  

My favorite part of this story is in the January 1965 Playboy magazine which came out in December of 1964. This was about two months after Kamala was born. In that issue Alex Haley interviewed Dr. Martin Luther King. King told a story incredibly similar to that Harris family legend. WOW! What are the odds that a plagiarist President could find a plagiarist Vice President? Birds of a feather?

Fifty years ago, at the Waffle House on Dale Mabry in Tampa, Dr. Bill, one of my favorite customers, was sitting at the end stool at the high counter. (More on Dr. Bill in my post titled Phony Fani Phux for Fun, Fame and Fortune from earlier this year.) There was a guy who owned a jewelry store sitting in the booth beside the counter with two women. One was seated beside him, and the other was across from him. The jeweler had obviously had a couple of drinks too many. I don't know exactly how the subject came up but at one point he looked at the young lady across the table and said, "If I had tits like yours". Before she could respond, Dr. Bill bellowed out, "You would be in a big herd." At that point, the young lady pulled her breasts from her blouse and displayed them for all to see. I may have temporarily been blinded by that view, but a second or two later, I heard the jeweler say, "I think that guy is right." She laughed and then put those puppies back in her blouse and I resumed breathing normally. Three people standing nearby waiting for a table all offered to pay for Dr. Bill's dinner. I don't know why that story came to mind just now, but it beats bitching about politics any more today.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Ridin' with Biden! Really?

 A few days ago, Congressman Jim Clyburn was asked if he still supported Joe Biden as the Democratic Party's presidential candidate. Clyburn's much-repeated response was. "We're ridin' with Biden." I will just point out that the last time I saw Biden riding a bicycle, he fell over. But that's just me.

Last night's much heralded press conference was billed by the Biden lackeys as a "Big Boy press conference". I watched the press conference. We need to sue those lackeys for fraud.

First, as the press conference started, Biden announced that he had a list of reporters who had been selected to ask questions. It's pretty likely that if you have picked who is going to ask the questions, you already know what the questions are going to be. Given that the Biden campaign recently sent a couple of radio stations questions that they should ask in an interview, this is not some kind of wild ass claim.

If any reporter in attendance had any courage, they should have stood up and walked out of the room when Biden announced they he had a list of reporters to call on for questions. I am not sure that courage is a quality of many media types.

Democrats are claiming that because Biden did not freeze up, he did just fine I can only assume that they did not actually watch the press conference. I watched the entire event, and I was left wishing I had taken the dog out for her to take a shit instead. That press conference was an hour of my life that I wasted and will never get back.

Someone in the Biden Administration needs to tell Joe that his whispering during speeches is not making him look any better. He's no "Whispering Bill Anderson". Neither does his obsession with Donald Trump's golf game. Trump offered to donate a million dollars to the charity of Biden's choice if Biden could beat him at golf. Biden should just accept the challenge. I don't know how long it has been since Biden last played golf, but I heard that playing golf is like riding a bicycle. I think that Trump's million dollars is safe.

In other news from yesterday, in an appearance before a Congressional committee, Federal Reserve Board Chairman Jerome Powell said that he has not had a meeting or any communication with President Biden in more than two years. I understand that the Federal Reserve is an independent agency but given the state of the economy, one might think that the President might want to talk to Powell occasionally.

It was also pointed out that Biden has not held a Cabinet meeting since October 2023. Back when I was working at a "real job", I worked as a store manager for Bojangles. Every Monday afternoon, we had an area managers meeting. Does the Cabinet need to meet weekly? Why not? I am not talking about a "Zoom" meeting or a "Teams" meeting. I am talking about a live, face to face meeting. Zoom meetings are a phone call with pictures. It just doesn't have the impact of a real meeting. Nobody is going to show up for a real meeting wearing a dress shirt and boxer shorts. That's unless Jill doesn't check Joe's wardrobe before he heads out the door. When you have to discuss something in a face-to-face environment, I think that you are going to be more involved. Let's face it, what they are doing now is not working.

If Democrats think that Biden's "press conference" cleared anything up, they need to take another shot of the Kool-Aid. If Joe changed any minds last night, it was him losing supporters.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

"I had a bad night"

 "I had a bad night" was Joe Biden's explanation of his performance in his recent debate with Donald Trump. Biden obviously has a gift for understatement. 

Can you picture a reporter asking Mary Todd Lincoln, "What happened at Ford's Theater?" Do you think that Mrs. Lincoln would have said "I had a bad night?"

Did George Custer have a "bad night" at the Little Bighorn? Did the United States Navy's Pacific Fleet have a "bad night" at Pearl Harbor? Did the Light Brigade have a "bad night" at the Battle of Balaclava? Did Gen. Burnside have a "bad night" at the Battle of Fredericksburg?

A "bad night" is getting food poisoning at the family reunion. A 'bad night" is when the Viagra doesn't work. A "bad night" is when the septic tank backs up. Biden's debate performance was not a "bad night", it should have been a career ender.

If you are looking for a "bad night" that could compare to Biden's standard for "bad night", look no further than Washington, DC last week. A little after 1:15 AM on July 5, a minivan pulled up beside a car parked outside the residence of Justice Sonia Sotomayor and a man got out. He pointed a gun a gun at the driver of the car in an attempt to carjack the vehicle. The two people in the car were US Marshals who were part of Sotomayor's security detail. The driver pulled his gun and fired four times striking the moron attempting the carjacking. He was taken to the hospital, treated and jailed. Now, that's a "bad night"!!

The carjacker's bad night was caused by stupidity. Biden's bad night was caused by arrogance. Biden has been declining for several years. Joe's problem is that he and his family are addicted to power. Unable to find a twelve-step program to battle their addiction to power, they just prop Joe up, drug him for appearances and hope for the best. They thought that they could ride the gravy train for four more years, they can't.

The night of the debate, many high-profile Democrats made bad comments about Biden's debate performance. As the days went on, many of those same folks have quieted their criticism of Biden. They have been told that if Biden loses, they all lose. Rather than put some distance between themselves and Joe Biden, they are going down with the ship.

Do they really think that they can get another four years out of Joe Biden? It's interesting how the term "Democrats" is often shortened to "Dems". I have never heard anyone refer to Republicans as "Reps". "Dems" is not just for Democrats anymore; it can also be a term for "Dementia victims". Biden's a "Dem Dem". Or maybe it should be "Dim Dem". The possibilities are endless, Biden's days in office are not.

I still want to know one thing. Who looked at Joe Biden at 8:55 on debate night and said, "Hell, yeah! He's ready to go!" Whoever that was, is the person who is the real President.

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Jill, Joe and more

 President Jill Biden was in Wilmington, North Carolina yesterday. Wilmington is about a five-hour drive from my home, but you could smell the bullshit in the air here. Can you picture Jackie Kennedy, Mamie Eisenhower, Lady Bird Johnson, Pat Nixon or Barbara Bush screaming at a rally that "Trump Lies"? Melania Trump was a First Lady. Jill Biden is a Roller Derby Queen.

Two pro-Hamas supporters climbed over the fence at the NASCAR Street Race in Chicago on Sunday to protest. The start of the race was delayed several minutes while police removed the idiots from the course. To paraphrase Jason Aldean, "Try that shit at Talladega!"  At Talladega, the police wouldn't be the first to respond and remove the protesters.

If they don't remove Joe Biden from the ballot, Democrats owe Richard Nixon an apology. Nixon lied about a third-rate burglary; Biden's White House is lying about his mental ability to do the job. Have the Dims considered what will happen if Biden dies in office before the election?

Hurricane Beryl struck Texas yesterday. There were more than three million people who lost power. How do you evacuate with your EV if the power is off? How do EVs do in streets that are flooded? Have EVs been flood tested?

I heard that Biden has dispatched Pete Butt-gig to Houston to show Texans how to ride a bike through flood waters while carrying your household items.

Is Jill Biden really Nurse Ratched from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest? 

Do you think that Joe Biden has already pardoned Hunter Biden and just hasn't publicized it? He just said that he wasn't going to pardon Hunter, he didn't rule out having already pardoned him. 

The press briefing at the White House Monday with Karine Jean-Pierre looked like it was on the verge of turning into a riot. Jiffy Pop couldn't spin the lies fast enough with the press to keep them happy. She might want to consider asking for an armed guard before today's briefing. 

I don't understand guys who go around with a three- or four-day beard growth on their faces. Hey! Grow a beard or be clean shaven. Make a call! I just don't think that the "I just got home from a short camping trip" look works for most people. It just looks like you are too lazy to shave. My facial hair is gray to white, I am just not interested in looking like Santa.

In the same vein, I don't understand the whole "manscaping" thing. As a guy who has spent more than half a century shaving my face and cutting it thousands of times, I am just not interested in getting cuts from shaving anywhere else. 

On January 31 the City of Chicago City Council passed a resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. Over the Fourth of July weekend more than 110 people were wounded in Chicago. Why hasn't the City Council called for a ceasefire in Chicago? 

Will today be the day that Joe Biden drops out of the race? Will today be the day that Joe knows what day it is?

Monday, July 08, 2024

Monday Memos

 Memo to Democrats: Primary season is over. You prevented people from running against your anointed candidate. You changed primary dates to make sure that he started with a win. Your preferred candidate won easily. Now, after discovering what most of Americans knew, that your candidate god has a brain of clay, you want to start the process over. It's too late guys!

Memo to Jim Farley, the CEO at Ford. Jim, thanks for sharing your thoughts that Americans "need to fall in love with smaller cars again". Mr. Farley believes that Americans need to buy cars that the liberals in Washington want the little people to own. Here's a lesson for Mr. Farley from the restaurant business. The more successful restaurants serve food that people want to eat; they don't try to get people to eat the food that they want to serve. If you don't understand that idea, allow me to condense it into two words. New Coke.

Memo to the bureaucrats: The federal government wants us all to drive small EVs, while they ride around in large SUVs and custom limousines. Pete Butt-Gig faking it by riding the last two blocks to the White House isn't convincing anyone to give up their car. Try to lead by example.

Memo to Pete Butt-Gig: How did Tesla build a network of charging stations without a $5 billion grant from the Congress? Beyond that, please direct me to the legislation where the federal government funded a network of gas stations to supply cars with gas engines. You are squandering $5 billion to build charging stations for cars people don't want to own. Maybe you should get out of government and get a real job.

Memo to Bojangles: I worked for Bojangles as a store manager for three years and then worked part-time for several years after I retired. The new Bo-berry Sausage biscuit is pure genius. It uses products you already have. It's a great sweet and savory taste! I will swing by and check out that new peach cobbler this week!

Memo to Joe Biden: Just go ahead and own up to the declining mental condition. There are some things that you just can't hide. You will be lucky if Jack Smith doesn't charge you with fraud. Wait!! No need to worry. Smith only prosecutes conservatives.

Memo to Jack Smith: When the next American Revolution comes, avoid stopping in places with large trees and long ropes.

Memo to the WNBA: If you continue to let other players beat up on Caitlin Clark, you will be killing the goose that laid the golden egg. We all know what racism looks like and it is not the exclusive province of white folks.

Memo to the New York Justice system: If Trump wins in November, expect a real Justice Department task force to be at your offices on January 21.  

Memo to the Ukraine: That which deserves to survive does.

Sunday, July 07, 2024

Top Ten Reasons to Vote For Joe

 10. It will keep Hunter off the streets and instead staying in the White House showing Dad how to do coke.

9. It will give Ashley Biden four more years of NOT having to shower with Dad.

8. It will guarantee four more years for the Easter Bunny who keeps Joe away from the media at the White House Easter Egg Roll.

7. It will give Zelensky in the Ukraine another four years to hold office without elections.

6. Iran will get four more years in their nuclear weapon building process.

5. Biden will expand the United States by making the Ukraine the 51st state. That's Joe's plan to cut foreign aid and make it domestic spending.

4. Four more years of job security for Morning Joe, Joy Reid and the (insert derogatory description here) on The View.

3. Pete Butt-gig will have four more years to build all of those electric charging stations. He's already got seven stations built out of the 500,000 promised.

2. It will keep Kamala Harris off the streets of San Francisco and out of Willie Brown's bedroom for four more years.

1. It will end immigration problems because everyone will have already moved here.

No Mo Fo Jo!!

Saturday, July 06, 2024

Saturday Snippets

 NASCAR is holding their street race in Chicago tomorrow. I was offered a job as a door gunner on one of the race cars but decided that Chicago was too dangerous for an old white guy. Maybe next year! 

Maybe NASCAR is working with the Secret Service and just trying to test escape routes for the Bidens to use when the Democratic National Convention goes to Chicago in August

As Biden struggles to decide on whether or not to remain in the presidential race, Kamala Harris continues to make people wonder what it is that she actually does in her job.

George Soros is reportedly sending a team of attorneys and bail bondsmen to Chicago for the convention. He wants to make sure that protesters are not hampered in disrupting the convention.

There are reporters and politicians lining up to appear on Fox News to say, "I told you so!" about Biden's mental fitness. Kamala Harris continues to answer reporters who ask if Democrats are in denial by saying "Why do people keep asking me about that river in Egypt?"

In the American Spectator, Rabbi Dov Fischer wrote this in a piece about the conflict between Jill Biden and Kamala Harris: "In one corner, Dr. Jill Biden Ed.D. (By the way, why aren’t all law school graduates, all of whom are conferred a “J.D.” (Juris Doctor), also titled “Doctor” the way that this Doctor of Education is?) " Interesting point, but I refuse to address either Joe or Jill as Dr. Biden.

On a radio interview on Thursday, brain-dead Biden claimed to be the first black woman Vice President to serve with a black President. WOW!! If only he really knew?

I watched an interview of Doris Kearns Godwin. Neil Cavuto asked her about Biden running for president with his health issues. Doris, one of the leading liberal historians, went on to tell the story of Franklin Roosevelt running for reelection in 1944 with all of his health problems. She talked about how he convinced the voters that he was healthy enough to keep leading the nation and won the election. His fourth inauguration was on January 20, 1945. What Doris neglected to mention was that FDR dropped dead 82 days later. Oh, to be that healthy!

I also watched the George Stuffing-Envelopes interview of President Biden last night. The Democrats need to form a line to apologize to Special Counsel Robert Hur after attacking him for claiming that President Biden was not mentally fit to stand trial. The Democrats always put out "talking points" for their minions to use in defending Biden. If you doubt this, what are the odds that Kamala actually knew what the word "gratuitous" meant? Mental midgets don't use four syllable words without orders from headquarters.

I have overdosed on watching the news for the last several days. I am headed out today to observe live people. Obviously, Norman Minow was right!

Friday, July 05, 2024

The Media-Political Complex

 Upon his retirement from public life, Dwight Eisenhower gave a speech where he warned us about the dangers of the military-industrial complex. If Ike were alive today, he would be warning us about the media-political complex.  All you need to do to see this is to turn on a television set.

Here's my opening argument. Last Thursday night in Atlanta, as Joe Biden and Donald Trump prepared to take the stage, tell me who looked at Joe Biden and said, "Hell, yeah! He's ready to go!" I am serious. Who looked at Biden and talked to him and made the decision to send him out on that stage? Is there someone with more than a room temperature IQ who thought that he was ready for national television at that moment? Did Hunter think that the cocaine was about to kick in and Joe would spring to life? 

Why not just announce that he had a "cold" and would not be able to debate? I forgot, no one said that he had a cold until the next day. That was still before the "jet lag" excuse was announced. By the way, if you are still suffering from "jet lag" twelve days after getting back home, it's time to retire from a job that involves a lot of travel. Since neither of those excuses has gained any traction, maybe they could claim that he has cancer?

If it was a staff member who made that decision, they should have been fired at about 9:05 that night. If it was Jill Biden, a court needs to appoint a new guardian for Joe. How could a woman who claims to love Joe Biden send him out on national television in that condition?  Has Jill Biden's lust for power exceeded her claimed love for Joe Biden? How could you do that to someone you love? Power corrupts 

This is a serious issue. The people backstage with Joe Biden had to know the condition that he was in that night. Have you seen any reporting on who was with him before the debate? Did anyone suggest pulling him out of the debate? We will probably never know. The answer is in a statement John Kennedy made at a news conference in April 1961. He said, “Victory has a hundred fathers and defeat is an orphan."

I didn't watch the debate live. I was up early the next morning to catch the highlights on television. It was amazing to see how many media members were claiming to be stunned by Biden's appearance. These are people who see him regularly. There are two ways that this could have happened. The first way is that the media reporters are all addicted to their positions as "insiders' and are just wearing blinders and trying not to see anything outside of what they report is happening. The other possibility is that they are just supporting the "big lie". They are enjoying their positions and are afraid that the whole house of cards will collapse if they tell the truth. They are afraid of getting attacked by their co-conspirators if they choose to tell the truth. Neither is a good look for a group of people who purport to deal in "news" and "facts".

Liberals dominate the news media. They want us to view the world as they do. Rather than report the news, they are trying to shape the news. Their problem is that there is always a "fly in the ointment." Biden is the biggest fly that they have had to deal with in years. Unwilling to admit that Biden has cognitive issues, they are trying to tell us that this is not true. Unfortunately, last Thursday night someone fumbled the ball. So now they are trying to convince Americans that what they saw live on television is not what really happened. Like Enron stock after the collapse, there simply are no buyers for that. For that matter, the collapse of the whole Biden thing might have been bigger than Enron's collapse. The similarities are amazing. 

The Biden media team needs help or replacing. They need to come up with a story and run with it. Biden's excuses are the constantly evolving story. He had a cold. He had jet lag. He didn't see a doctor. He did see a doctor. There's not a shred of credibility left.

The reporters in the media-political complex are going to have to find another liberal politician's ass to kiss. It shouldn't be that hard, guys. 

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Orange Man, the Understudy

In July of 1971, I was working at the Waffle House on Westshore Boulevard in Tampa as the cook on the 3-11 shift. On my day off one week, I got a phone call from the district manager. He wanted to know if I could work the 11-7 shift that night at the store on Dale Mabry. Always willing to make a little more money, I told him that I would do that. 

A few minutes after I arrived at work that night, I heard some laughter, and I looked around the room. At the low counter, the two waitresses were talking to a black man who was drinking coffee. I got back to what I was doing and a minute later, one of the waitresses came to me and said, "Wayne Allen is that man over there. He wants to talk to you." 

In 1971, the uniform for cooks at the Waffle House was white shirt, white pants, white paper overseas cap with the WH logo, white shoes and a red bowtie. If you are ever in a Waffle House, look up at the old pictures they have on the walls and see it for yourself. Anyway, I walked over to Wayne Allen. He was still laughing a little while talking to another customer. 

Wayne introduced himself. He was not a Kamala Harris or Barack Obama shade of black. He was black black. Anyway, Wayne looked at me and said, "Daddy, I don't want to offend you, but you are the whitest white boy that I have seen." The people all around us just started laughing. This may stun some of you, but I didn't have a comeback for that comment. I just laughed and went back to work.

Wayne passed away several years ago, so he didn't get to see "the whitest white boy" that I have ever seen. That would have been on Friday morning when I turned on the news to see the debate highlights. If Wayne Allen were alive today, he would have called me to say, "Did you see that white ass boy Joe Biden on television? " Yeah, Joe Biden looked pretty pale on Thursday night for the debate. Biden wasn't Waffle House cook white; he was cadaver white. Casper the Friendly Ghost wasn't as pale as Biden. Biden looked closer to death than anyone I have ever seen. He must have spent all of his prep time at Camp David in an old photography darkroom.

Anyway, fast forward from Thursday night to Monday evening. Biden made a national television appearance to attack the Supreme Court. I looked at his face and thought that it was some kind of political joke. Biden's face was some other color than the pale white that it had been on Thursday night. Observers who can tell shades of color reported that it looked kind of orange. All joking aside, my vision is color deficient, so I am not sure. I just knew that it didn't look right.

I was stunned, but obviously I gave them too much credit. I thought that they were taking a shot at Trump and would make a joke about it. They didn't. After the four-minute speech, several of the news people commented on Biden's sudden "tan". That "tan" got more attention than his speech.

I just want to make sure that I understand how Biden's people think. At the debate he couldn't complete a sentence, he could not speak coherently and on the way to the podium, he waved at a crowd that wasn't there in the empty room. He also just stood there for the first half hour looking slack jawed and slope headed.  So, the staff looked at that performance and immediately thought, "He needs to look more tanned." Really? Wait! I forgot that liberals don't measure a man by the color of his skin. Unless of course, that it is their guy. 

Can we call in some kind of consultant to study the thought process that Biden campaign staffers are using? It would be hard to argue with those claiming that Biden's campaign needs to change some staffers. Biden probably told him that he wanted to look more Presidential, like Trump. Is there an undercover Republican on the Biden staff?

People, even those who vote for him, have spent years ridiculing Trump for that spray tan look. Biden and Democrats hate everything that Trump does. Then one day they roll out "Orange Joe". Who is making these decisions for Democrats? How bad was this decision? This was like "New Coke" bad. This is like deciding that you want an electric pickup truck bad. What wife lets her husband go out looking like that?  Is Jill channeling Rush Limbaugh's spirit? Was there a circus at Camp David? Did Hunter get a bad bag of weed or cocaine to share? What possessed those people to send him out looking like that? 

I guess that Oscar Wilde was right. Oscar is credited with saying, “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness”.