Saturday, November 13, 2021

Saturday Night Fever?

 There are several versions of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial being shown in the media. Depending on the "news" channel of your choice, Rittenhouse is either on the edge of being executed for his heinous crimes or the prosecutors have not proven anything. 

The child molester who was the first person shot had been ordered by a judge not to have contact with anyone under 18. By trying to assault Rittenhouse, he was in violation of that order. Rittenhouse should get a cash reward for putting that wild dog down. The pervert sexually assaulted five boys between the ages of 5 and 11. Somebody should have killed that son of a bitch before Rittenhouse did. The second assailant learned a lesson most already know, "Don't bring a skateboard to a gunfight." The third person shot has admitted on the witness stand that he pointed a gun at Rittenhouse just before he was shot. These three are all candidates for the Darwin awards later this year.

Biden telling Americans that we aren't smart enough to understand the supply chains seals any doubt about his dementia. Why aren't ships stacking up offshore on the East Coast? There are more ships parked off California now than before Biden took action. Biden doesn't understand the "supply chain". 

 Biden also is stunned by gas prices. Wow!! He is even more out of touch than even I believed. According to Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, Biden has ample supplies of gas and he doesn't mind sharing.

Did Joe Biden really shower with his daughter or is the FBI just burning payroll dollars chasing her diary? Will he have to register as a sex offender? Maybe Hunter referring to "Mr. Big" had a different meaning?

On a more personal level, I have not heard from the FBI or the Justice Department about my request that they help find a set of keys that I lost. 

Kamala Harris went to France and destroyed our relationship with the French by doing her Pepe Le Pew impression while talking about "the plan". You would think that a woman who attended school in Montreal might have a better working knowledge of the French language. She's no longer just a local embarrassment. 

Word on the street is that Cam Newton is back with the Panthers. He's a pretty good quarterback. We won't discuss his alleged "fashion sense". I thought that he went to Auburn, but he dresses like he is a Clown College grad.

Word came this week that the White House was aware of the letter from the National School Board Association two weeks before it was published and acknowledged. Wonder how that happened? Maybe because that lady who sleeps with Joes and probably makes most of his presidential decisions, is a member of a teachers union?

Set North Carolina free!  Impeach Roy Cooper.

I did my part for the local economy this week. I bought a flag from a brother selling conservative flags and tee shirts in a parking lot in Eden. His business must be booming. He was driving a Suburban and had a new cargo trailer carrying his merchandise. Maybe I need to get into the flag business?

Headed to Moultrie, Georgia in a couple of days for the auto swap meet. See you there.

Let's Go Brandon!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Mid Week Minutia

 "America is Back1" This is what Joe Biden claims his message was to foreign leaders several months ago. Palace sources in Great Britain this week are revealing that Biden may be underestimating his affect on the English. Apparently while in Scotland last week, making small talk with Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, our President blew a rather loud and fragrant fart. He offered no apology to Camilla. The palace source said that Camilla was shocked and offended and is still telling everyone about it. As an apology from all Americans, I am sending the Duchess a "Let's Go Brandon" shirt. Fragrance free, of course.

When Biden's Gestapo (the agency formerly known as the FBI), finishes their search for Ashley Biden's memoirs about showering with her father and other sexual issues, I have another case for them. I lost some keys about ten years ago and never found them. Can they start a nationwide search for them? They don't need to bother with the grand jury.

Pete Buttigieg has returned to work after maternity/paternity leave. Sources reveal that he was unable to chest feed his newborns. He is now focused on the "racism" of highways.  

My grandfather's house used to sit where the intersection of US 321 and old SC 5 is now. It has been more than 65 years since they relocated the house but I am still stunned to learn that a bunch of southern white folks were the victims of a racist highway. Who do we sue?

Memo to Pete Buttigieg: In building highways, the government tries to use the least expensive route that will satisfy the requirements of the highway. That explains the lack of oceanfront interstates.  Can you grasp this idea, Pete?

In Senate hearings last week, Sen. Bill Cassidy asked Dr. Wallensky, CDC Director, about the percentage of CDC employees who have been vaccinated for COVID. Ms. Wallensky claimed that she did not know, but assured Cassidy that they were working to educate the staff. If the staff at the CDC doesn't believe, who does?  That's like asking elves how many believe in Santa and finding out there are some who don't.

After coming up empty on the vaccination question, Cassidy asked Wallensky what percentage of CDC employees are still working from home. Again Wallensky had no idea. Cassidy was growing frustrated so he tried another tact. He asked her, "Walking down the hall, do you see lots of empty desks?" Again, she had no answer. What does she know about her operation? Maybe she is still working from home?

How's that backlog of  cargo unloading going in California? Meanwhile, ports on the eastern seaboard are moving cargo in record amounts. Maybe the federal government should review some of the laws that California has passed regulating motor vehicles and independent contractors to find a solution to these issues.

Is there intelligent life in Washington, DC? Was there ever?  On the bright side, Millard Fillmore is no longer our worst President. Way to go Joe!!

Let's Go Brandon!!

Tuesday, November 09, 2021

Dear Diary, The FBI is on the case!

 Joe Biden's Secret Police, formerly the Federal Bureau of Investigation, has started searching homes of people associated with Project Veritas, in an attempt to find Ashley Biden's diary. Yes, her diary.

Ashley reported to the Justice Department in October of 2020  that her home had been burglarized and her diary and some other items stolen. The Justice Department opened a probe into this case at that time despite the fact that Ashley Biden is a private citizen.  In the last week, Biden's Secret Police have served subpoenas and performed searches on residences. For a diary??

Here's an excerpt about James O'Keefe of Project Veritas and his experience in this last week.

"In a letter to followers on his website, Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe wrote: “I woke up to the news that the homes of Project Veritas journalists or ex-journalists were raided by FBI agents. It appears that the southern borough of New York is now targeting journalists who are targeting the alleged “crime” of doing their jobs lawfully and honestly. Or at least this journalist. “He added; “I had to think long before I made that statement. It’s a choice that only I can make. They don’t want me to defend myself and immediately tried to silence me. For this reason, the letter accompanying the summons of the grand jury that we have received contains the following wording: “The government hereby requests that you voluntarily refrain from disclosing the existence of the summons to third parties. Although you are under no obligation to comply with our request, we ask you not to disclose it in order to protect the confidentiality of the investigation and as disclosure of the existence of this investigation could affect and hinder the investigation."

So the Federal government has convened a grand jury to look into a missing diary?  The question that begs asking by someone in the alleged mainstream media is, "What's in that friggin diary?" The National File published what were claimed to be excerpts and they indicated a young lady who had experienced some kind of sexual harassment from an unnamed source or sources. 

The National File published this alleged excerpt. “Hypersexualized at a young age,” it says on the page. “Why is that? I was molested. I think so – I can’t remember the details, but I remember trauma – I remember not liking the (surname) house; I remember getting sexualized with (another woman); I remember having sex with friends at a young age; Showering with my father (probably not appropriate); to be turned on when I shouldn’t be. “

Think of that quote the next time you see Joe Biden with little girls. In the meantime, let's find out when the theft or loss of a diary became a federal crime. Why is a federal grand jury being convened about a missing diary? What's all of this costing taxpayers? Is there anyone out there who doesn't realize that Joe Biden is a liar and a degenerate? Why do the federal law enforcement agencies keep helping the Bidens, whether Joe is in or out of office?  Did Hunter's laptop have a copy of his sister's diary on it? 

Is this really Ashley Biden's diary? I agree with those who say that the FBI authenticated that it is her diary when they started looking for that diary. 

Memo to Ashley: If you don't want people to read it, don't write it!!

Dear Diary, 

I am so old that I remember when all we had to worry about was which intern was blowing Bill in the Oral Office.

Let's Go Brandon!

Wednesday, November 03, 2021

Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus

 Christmas came early to Virginia this year. Last night, David slew Goliath. If Tom McEwen were still alive, this would be the year of the Gator. This is the year that Harold Stassen never had. Yesterday, politics turned upside down for liberals.

I was pleased by Youngkin's win in Virginia. I read today that Sen. Tim Kaine is blaming McAuliffe's loss on the Congress not passing $10 trillion worth of spending and handouts for the left. When asked about mistakes that McAuliffe made, Kaine claimed that discussing that would be "counter productive". He lost, how much more "counter productive" could it get?

I thought that Youngkin had a chance after watching an interview with Doug Wilder, the first black governor of Virginia a couple of weeks ago. Let me be kind, Wilder is not on the McAuliffe bandwagon. Then McAuliffe handed Youngkin the election when he told parents that they should not tell the schools what to teach their children. You do have to credit that Loudon County School Board and a few other boards with helping McAuliffe lose. A board that has a man arrested for speaking out against his daughter being raped at school needs to be replaced. Let's hope that recall movement works out.

The real question for Democrats is this, When will Joe Manchin go over to the Republicans? Joe may be the only Democrat left in West Virginia. Joe thinks that Congress needs to slow down on this "Build Back Better" bullshit. 

The Democrats think that they have to add a mountain of debt to our balance sheet so that they can buy people's votes in the next election. I don't recall Youngkin offering a sack of cash to voters.

I saved the best for last. In New Jersey, the president of the State Senate, Steve Sweeney,  is losing to a truck driver, Edward Durr. Durr ran for the State Senate because he applied for a concealed carry permit and it was denied, though he had no criminal record. Edward spent $153 on his campaign. Yes, $153. His campaign strategy was to go out and meet people in the district. It looks like it worked. With 100% of precincts reporting, he had 52% of the vote. He is 2200 votes ahead, but it is New Jersey. Democrats are probably filling out absentee ballots as I write this.