Friday, May 29, 2020

Media vs Media?

I watched part of Roy Cooper's incredibly dull press briefing on Thursday afternoon. The usual cast of clowns was there. Cooper, Dr. Mandy "I don't actually practice medicine" Cohen, and the  guy who directs Emergency Management and always starts his comments with "Thank you Governor Cooper for providing great leadership". I can't remember his name, but he is obviously a case for drug testing.

Reporters aren't actually allowed to attend this event, they have to phone in their questions. This is much like Cooper phoning in his responsibilities as Governor when he sneaks out of the state for fundraisers.

Anyway, a woman representing the  Carolina Press Coalition questioned Roy about why the media could not get records they had requested and in some cases had been told they would not get the records. As all of this is contrary to state law, she asked what he was going to do about the situation. She also pointed out that they were going to sue if they could not get this information. Roy was visibly shaken that a reporter would question royalty.

Roy's word of the day yesterday was "unprecedented". The media is unable to get the records because the work load on state employees is "unprecedented".  You can't do anything because everything COVID-19 touches is "unprecedented".  The only thing not "unprecedented" is the steady stream of bullshit flowing from the lips of Governor Cooper.

This set the stage for the "Media vs Media" show. The Press Coalition filed suit after Roy's briefing rather than waste any more trying to communicate with an idiot. A media coalition suing a Democrat?? Are you serious?? Now, that is "unprecedented"!!

"Media vs Media"? If you are my age, this brings to mind Mad Magazine and "Spy vs Spy". It's just not as funny. This morning, the News & Record had a story about the lawsuit. I didn't watch television this morning since my blood pressure was already high. So a few minutes ago, I checked the news website for three local TV stations. Not a one mentioned the media coalition suit against Cooper. One of the stations had a feature story about Costco starting to offer samples again. WOW!! There's some hard hitting news! So why didn't any television station think that a media group suing the governor was not newsworthy? Nothing here folks, keep moving.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Cheap shots?? Say it ain't so!!

Watching something on You Tube and on the list of upcoming videos was "Secret Service agent exposes Hillary Clinton". Isn't it enough that we can see her face??

When the Congress passed the CARES Act, there was discussion about the $600 a week federal supplement on unemployment. Some tried to point out that people would not go back to work if they can make more not working. Congress passed it anyway. Guess what's happening right now??

Why aren't people at box stores and Wal-Mart not all dying of COVID-19 after being exposed to crowds of people for hours every day? Yet, I am told that if I get within 6 feet of someone, I will die.

Andrew Cuomo or Roy Cooper? Who holds the dullest press conferences? By the way, this isn't England. Stop calling them "pressers".

Trump wants Governor Cooper to guarantee that the Republican Convention can take place in Charlotte in August as scheduled. If not, Trump wants to move it to another state. A Charlotte official says that Trump is bluffing.  I think that General Soleimani was the last guy to make that claim.

Cooper said that the virus will still be here in 3 months. So now he's a medical expert? Guess as a lawyer, he gave up on that Constitution thing.

If Cooper really knows what the virus is doing, why did he sneak out of the state on March 5 to go to a fundraiser in Tampa, Florida? Twelve days later, he shut down the state. What did he know on March 5 about the virus? He claims now to know what will be happening in 3 months. Did he know then?

Why doesn't Cooper get the kind of questions at press conferences that Trump does?

While Cooper and Charlotte bullshit the press about the Republican Convention, governors in Florida, and Georgia are asking Trump to bring the convention to their states. Losing business will be nothing new to Charlotte businesses as they can watch traffic on I-77 everyday heading to South Carolina to shop and eat.

Fox is coming out with a new mini-series, The Gretchen Whitmer Story. The role of Whitmer will be played by her twin brother/sister(?) Caitlyn Jenner.

Mandy Cohen, leading the NC DHHS, is in charge of the COVID-19 program. Could we not find a doctor who has actually practiced medicine?

In NC, bars are still closed, but you can drink in restaurants. Call if this makes sense.

The US House has been in session two days since the virus outbreak. Guess they are not essential.

Cooper, Whitmer, and Northam all need to study the history of revolutions. Or maybe have someone read it to them.

Any elected official or journalist using the phrase "new normal" should be executed.

The Monterey County DA in California is launching an investigation into Tara Reade's testimony about her job qualifications. Helen Keller could have seen that one coming.

Why are all of the states that are slow to reopen run by Democrats?

If "lockdown" works, why do so many inmates at state prisons have the virus?

Some states are releasing prisoners so they won't get the virus in prison. Instead, they will be out robbing and killing. Raise your hand if this makes sense.

Roy Cooper says that the pandemic response can not be political. That's why the counties that did not support him have a lower rate of infection than those that did support the crook. He's always wrong.

The New York Times keeps running stories praising Cooper. Of course, they don't live here. Also, they are used to Cuomo and de Blasio. Cuomo, Cooper, de Blasio, weren't they The Three Stooges?

Coming Thursday, "Is COVID-19 a social disease?"

Hump day haircut Happiness

As a mostly bald guy, I get a haircut about every five weeks. My last haircut was in late February. Since King Cooper saw fit to allow barber shops to reopen, I was able to get a haircut today. It's those little things that make life worthwhile.

The Virginia moron-at-large posing as their governor has raised the stupidity level in their state again. Over the holiday weekend,  "Numb Nuts" Northam made an appearance at Virginia Beach. He posed for a selfie with someone and posed with a family for other photos. He failed to do any of the social distancing that he requires the "little people" to perform. When his office was asked about why the Governor didn't wear a mask, his office said that "he was not expecting to be within 6 feet of anyone". Going to Virginia Beach on Memorial Day weekend and didn't think that he would be within 6 feet of anyone?? He's too stupid to be governor. When asked about it on Tuesday, he responded that he had left his mask in his car. This is the political equivalent of "the dog ate my homework".

"Numb Nuts" Northam signed a bill last week decriminalizing possession of personal use quantities of marijuana. Then he requires everyone to wear a mask indoors. Is that so the weed smell doesn't bother other people?

In North Carolina, Governor Cooper says that if local officials will not obey his orders, he will find another solution to enslave the public. At Nuremburg after World War 2, the world decided that "I was only following orders" does not justify violating the rights of individuals. Is it too late to hang Cooper for violating that idea?

Ace Speedway in Altamahaw, North Carolina opened on Saturday night with the support of Alamance County officials. The sheriff, Terry Johnson, had said that he would not enforce the governor's restrictions as they are "unconstitutional". In a few years, there will be a historical marker placed at Ace Speedway marking it as the site of the Second Battle of Alamance.

Jerry Falwell wants to market a mask that shows Governor Northam's "blackface" picture and his "KKK" photo. Northam is still unclear as to whether he forgot about these pictures or if they are fake. He has used both excuses.

Mandy Cohen? This is what happens when you hire a "medical professional" who has practiced politics, but not medicine.

Sign on my truck, "Cooper Sucks, The media swallows".

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Thirty Thoughtful Thursday Thoughts

1.  The State of Washington wants restaurants serving customers on a dine-in basis to keep a log of customer names for thirty days. They don't have to do this for carryout orders, Walmart doesn't have to do it for their shoppers, pot stores don't have to do this for their customers, and the Post Office doesn't have to do this for their customers. Why restaurants? Before you tell me that they are more likely to get infected sitting in the restaurant, how long does it take to get infected?

2. Let's get all of the CDC's past forecasts and check their results for accuracy.

3. Let's do the same the same thing for all of the pollsters predicting the results of elections. The same people who were predicting a Hillary win are predicting a Biden win.

4. If Biden wins, will he concede the election to Trump afterwards during his victory speech?

5. If Roy Cooper farts, which reporter is the first to know?

6. If the material in your mask/face covering doesn't matter, why does even wearing it matter?

7. We are being told to stay home, but the NC governor claims that we are more likely to get infected if we stay inside or remain seated. Is there actual verifiable that shows the position that someone is in when they get infected? Outside of those who were infected in nursing homes?

8. Why are we taking advice from Doctors who don't actually practice medicine?

9. Why are museums still closed in North Carolina? Is it the crowds craving knowledge?

10. Why sanitize shopping cart handles? Is it safe to touch the rest of the cart?

11. An unidentified NFL players claims that he was sexually assaulted on a United Airlines flight by a woman. Will this answer the questions about gay players?

12. Has Roy Cooper sneaked out of the state for a fundraiser this week?

13. Has Mandy Cohen ever actually practiced medicine?

14. What happened to all of those ventilators that Cuomo needed in New York?

15. Hospitals in North Carolina are laying off employees while they wait for all of the COVID patients.

16. Is the USNS Mercy still in California?

17. What did it cost for the USNS Comfort to go to New York and treat less than 200 people?

18. Gretchen Witmer purports to being vetted for the VP nominee consideration. Really?

19. Why does the "local news" keep telling us about meaningless crap from other states? Is there not any real local news?

20. If everything scheduled in the summer and fall is cancelled, what happens if the virus disappears before then?

21. Is anything dumber than playing games in empty stadiums? Will they give up those choreographed, end zone celebrations in football?

22. Biden wants to pick a gay woman for VP, so they will have something in common.

23. Reporters broadcasting from home is not a good look for many.

24. We are told to wear a mask to protect other people. If they want to be protected, why aren't they wearing a mask?

25. A guy was forced to leave a grocery store in Colorado for wearing a KKK hood. The chain that owned the store said they value "diversity and inclusion", but obviously not enough to allow an opposing opinion. Was there a "No Hoods" sign on the door?

26. People staying at home waiting for a cure or a vaccine may cause us to redefine "cowardice" and "stupidity".

27.  Costco has made it clear that you must wear a mask to shop there. Go ahead and fire your public relations staff, guys!! You won't need them anymore.

28. Have you noticed that there is no demographic data on COVID-19 victims available?

29 Still looking for the control group on the Social Distancing experiment?

30. During the AIDS/HIV epidemic, how many gay people were put into lockdown and quarantined? How many gay bars, clubs, spa, and/or  bath houses were shut down?  I will wait while you research that.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Just Wondering on Wednesday

It's been more than two months since Gov. Con Man Cooper closed North Carolina. No one has been able to get their hair cut except for Cooper. He is either getting illegal haircuts or he is wearing a rug. You pick!! I guess that "lead by example" thing is not is in his vocabulary??

The NC DOT is compelling employees at all levels to take unpaid furloughs. Of course, they have massively overspent their budget the last couple of years. Who will notice if potholes take a few more days to fix? It's not like people are driving to work.

The Employment Security Commission is still not up to date on paying all of the unemployment claims in North Carolina. This is how government works. Step 1. Shut businesses down  Step 2. Promise to pay out-of-work employees.  Step 3.  Don't pay the unemployed  Step 4.  Have the Governor, who is getting paid, tell those not getting paid to "hold on". In the real world, a business would have moved employees, idled by the shutdown, over to ESC to help with processing. Or called in temporary employees. Work 24 hour days until everyone is caught up. Has this happened? Of course not, this is government.

It's time to end lifetime terms for Federal judges. Let's amend the Constitution to provide for better justice. Ruth Bader Ginsburg is some kind of science experiment by Democrats to hide dementia. Joe Biden is obviously the control group for this experiment.

Can a Republican get a fair trial in the District of Columbia?

Let's forever ban the use of "whistle-blower" and "scientist" by the alleged news media. In the Obama years, "whistle blowers" were "racists" and everyone was a "scientist".

CNN has chosen Greta Thunberg to be part of their COVID-19 advisory task force. Will she be sailing to Atlanta for appearances? Did Ronald McDonald have other commitments and was unable to serve?

Memo to Dan Forest: PASSION!! You need to show a passion for North Carolina to beat Cooper in November. I realize that passion is hard to find in architects, but give it a shot. Go see Mark Robinson, candidate for Lt. Governor and have him give you some pointers.

Just a reminder so that you won't be surprised when this happens, but I still think that Cuomo will be the Democratic candidate for President. The nipple rings will be a plus in the Democratic Party.

I think that Joe Biden's announcement that he would pick a woman for his VP candidate is just wrong. Is he interested in the best candidate or just the best female candidate? What if he announced that he was going to pick a man? Imagine the outrage! It's all about pandering with the Democrats.

Constitution 1
Roy Cooper 0
Film at 11:00

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Inspiration for Social Distancing??

This is the inspiration for social distancing. A small der has been killed and is on the side of the road in an abandoned parking lot. Notice that one vulture is working on the carcass while the other two are waiting at a respectable distance. This is science in the 21st Century. Next week, the inspiration for "climate change" or "global warming".

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Happy 85th Birthday Irv Cohen!!!

Today may or may not be my old friend Irv (Irving) Cohen's 85th birthday. I can't remember the exact date but I am pretty sure that it closely follows Mothers Day. If not, have a "Happy Birthday" whenever it rolls around, Irv.

I have known Irv for more than 35 years or more than half my life. I am not as old as Irv, just in case your math skills are bad. But I digress.

Irv is the founder and former proprietor of Allstate Restaurant Equipment in Greensboro. He was the stainless steel king of Greensboro. If it was restaurant equipment, he had it. He sold new equipment, he sold used equipment, and given the nature of the restaurant business, he sold some of those same pieces of equipment several times.

I really enjoyed doing business with Irv. He and his staff handled a complete kitchen replacement, it was more than a renovation, for us at Tex & Shirley's in 1992. Everything went great and on schedule.

Most small businesses and a few larger businesses take on the personality and values of the owner or manager.  That was the case at Allstate. His staff carried his values and dealt with customers as Irv would, whether or not he was there. I never experienced a problem at Allstate that was not promptly resolved. I was usually at Allstate once a week and I loved going there.

Irv does have a huge weakness, he's a Democrat. Irv and I would take good natured political jabs at each other, but we were always friends. In 2010, I saw him one day and told him, "I will gladly pay some kid to wash that Obama sticker off your car!". We both laughed. I am sure that when he traded that car in, it still had the sticker on it.

Since I retired, I haven't run into Irv in three or four years. I hope that your birthday is a great day, Irv!!

Thanks for everything over the years.

Dr. Satan, your tag is expired

I was at the Dollar Tree this morning. They had four or five people stocking the shelves and boxes were everywhere. It looked a little like London after the bombing in the Battle of Britain. Only lower priced.

Fire Fauci!! Only because sewing his lips together would require someone to violate social distancing.

In a moment of stupidity I watched 10 minutes of the PBS News Hour this evening. I found myself longing for MSNBC and their conservative approach..

I visited the Rural King in Ridgeway, Virginia today. It is in an old K Mart store. If you haven't been in there, it is like a Tractor Supply store on steroids. They also have guns and ammo. If you are looking for ammo for your AR-15, they have a barrel of around 13,000 rounds for sale.

At the Rural King, they sell a variety of unusual soft drinks. They have bottles of Canada Dry Ginger Ale made with real sugar. They only had two left. I am looking forward to one after mowing the grass tomorrow. It is chilling in the refrigerator as I hunt and peck.

They are repaving US 158 near my home. I have to take the long way anywhere to avoid the construction zone. I heard that Lee Harvey Oswald got caught in a construction zone on his way to work at the Texas Book Depository.

We live in a country where people rant that they would never eat at a buffet because it is so dangerous. Then they drive at 90 MMPH on a crowded highway in rush hour traffic. I guess that it is the slow death with the food poisoning that scares them.

In North Carolina, we have a doctor in charge of the Department of Health and Human Services. She hasn't actually been practicing medicine, her job history is political positions. I doubt that she is licensed to practice in this state. In the field of health inspections, the sanitarian who inspects restaurants, grocery stores, pools, and septic tanks must be registered and work in this field to remain registered. If they leave the job and return after a set period, they go through a recertification and retraining process. Do we do this with those at the top?? Who goes to medical school to be a policy wonk??

If my goal for this year had been to get an answer for my question, "How stupid can anyone be?". I can call it December already. I am flooded with winning entries.

I was in formerly bustling, Bassett, Virginia this morning to pick up some items that I had purchased in an online auction. What was the best thing that I bought? Thanks for asking. I purchased a lot that contained two older Virginia license plates. One was a 1972 and the other was last used in 1988 according to the sticker. Most states stopped making plates with the year on them in the late 1970's. The 1988 plate is pictured below. The number is PHD 666. Yes, I have Dr. Satan's license plate. Coming to a flea market or car show near you soon!! WOW!! I just noticed that it expired in October. Of course, it expired on Halloween!!

Home-based Education??

Saturday, May 09, 2020

Science, Col. James Clark, and social distancing

At the start of the ninth grade in 1967, I reported to Mr. Clark's classroom at Pierce Junior High for science class. Mr. Clark was a retired colonel from the USAF and the Army Air force in WW2. He wore a crew cut and drove a red 4-door 1962 Rambler. Of all the science teachers that I had in junior high and high school, Mr. Clark was my favorite. He had high hopes and expectations for all of us. If you weren't meeting those expectations, he was quick to let you know.

In the first week of class, Mr. Clark started teaching us the six steps of the scientific method and  about how to do experiments. We learned the importance of having a control group or situation. We learned about drug and medical experiments where the control group gets a placebo and the main group gets the real drug. I have always been fascinated by the fact that sometimes people in the control who are taking only the placebo actually do better than some of those taking the medication. Later in life, Dr. Hector Rivera would explain to me his belief "If you think that you are better, you are." It was always interesting.

For full disclosure, I once watched Bill Nye, the Science Guy, and hated it. He's an actor, he's not even an amateur scientist. At least we all knew that Captain Kangaroo wasn't a real captain.

Anyway, all of the recent publicity about the COVID-19 virus has re-stimulated my interest in science. What I found is that the "scientists" of today seem to be "made for television" scientists and not people concerned with factual outcomes.

The concept of "social distancing" has caused me the most distress by the impact it has had on my life and most people in America. I keep hearing experts telling us how we need to "social distance" to "flatten the curve". Even President Trump is advocating "social distancing". Mr. President, this is what happens when you get bad advice.

Now, we are told that the "curve is flattening" because of "social distancing". So I started looking for the data on the control group in this process. There is/was no control group in the United States. So while we can say the "curve is flattening", to attribute it to "social distancing" is simply false. There is absolutely no data from a control group that can demonstrate this. There can't be any data because there is no control group. You can't compare something to nothing and tell me that something worked better. Better than what? Folks, this is a simple research technique. The alleged scientists didn't do it right and now they are bullshitting us on the results.

As states stretch out "reopening" to accommodate "social distancing", we are destroying businesses,  human lives, and the nation's economy. These "made for television scientists"  are destroying our nation.

Over the next few months, we will see the cost of "social distancing" in human lives as the nation's suicide rate climbs. The highest rates of suicides in this country previously was in the Depression era. How long before we top it or do we have something to "flatten that curve"?

Anytime I am out, I tell people working in stores or restaurants, "There's not a scrap of quantifiable data to  show that social distancing works". They are all surprised. The same principle applies to masks, those plastic sheets between the cashier and the customers, and limiting the number of people in a store. There's just no data, folks!! It's all a guess!

In their struggle to remain relevant, we are bombarded by bad news from TV networks. The virus has been blown out of proportion. Media pressure in an election year is forcing political leaders into bad decisions to escape criticism and  attacks by the alleged "press". Deaths are tragic, but realistically in 1968, we lost more than 100,00 to the Hong Kong flu and no governor shut down the economy in their state. What's the magic in COVID-19? It's all about news ratings. The media is driving the bus and it is time for us to get off this bus.

In 1962 during the Cuban Missile Crisis, I attended Tinker Elementary on MacDill AFB in Tampa, FL.  MacDill was in the top three on the target lists for Russian missiles in Cuba. At school, we practiced nuclear attack drills. In the classroom, we had to get down under our desks. If we were out in the hall, we had to crouch down on the floor where the wall met the floor. If I had known then what I know now, I would have just sat at my desk and read. None of those exercises was going to protect me from a nuclear strike.

Today is no different. We hang sheets of plastic, paint marks on the floor six feet apart, and we wear masks that in many cases actually reduce our ability to breathe freely. We post occupancy limits on doors and ban church services of more than ten people while hundreds gather at Wal-Mart to pray for toilet paper. The government closes places to eat while leaving the pot stores and the liquor stores open. None of those things will protect us from the virus. Just like the government knew in 1962 that we could not survive a nuclear attack by hiding under our desks, the government today is also dealing in fantasies rather than facts. The difference  today is that those fantasies are destroying our lives and our nation. The "scientists" tell us that we are all in danger of dying if we don't follow their fantasies. Political opportunists are using this alleged science to gain power.

During this national panic, what can we do? Maybe Nancy Reagan said it best with her anti-drug campaign, "Just say no". Just say no to hype and hysteria and false information from the alleged "news" media. Just say "no" to more government control of our lives. Let's go live our lives!

In Ecclesiastes 3, we are told that there is a time for everything. "A time to be born, and a time to die."  I don't believe that today is checkout time for me.

Friday, May 08, 2020


I haven't seen a TGIF post in weeks. Why not? If you lost your job, what difference does it make? If you are still working, it doesn't matter, there's no place to go on the weekend. It's so bad that atheists are starting to complain about missing church. Last Saturday, I actually saw two Jehovah Witnesses walk up to the drive through window at McDonald's and start handing out brochures.

Here in Stalag NC with Commandant Cooper and his right hand doctor Mandy Cohen-Schultz, the grand reopening has just started. Phase 1 started at 5:00 PM. This is just confirmation that the Cooper/Cohen team has their heads firmly inserted into their asses. Or as we say in the sarcasm business, they are doing rectal-cranial inversions. Why start Phase I at 5:00 PM? Why not start it at 8:00 AM? Because it is not about making sense, it is about exercising power. What had to change today between 8:00 and 5:00 to make it safer to re-open at 5:00?

Good news in Stalag NC!! Churches can now have services with more than ten people. Bad news is that you have to meet outside. Can someone direct me to the Commandant's order compelling Wal-Mart to move all of their merchandise outside?  Belk's and other stores still in business will be opening soon with "social distancing". Tomorrow's post will be a rant of the complete scientific failure to produce a scrap of evidence that social distancing works. Put it on your calendar, if there is room.

Commandant Cooper has announced that he is going to find out why so many people have not received any payments on their unemployment compensation claims. With more than a million unemployed North Carolinians, it's about time that the Commandant will do something.  Has Cooper ever had to check and see where his salary payment is?? Asking for a friend.

South Carolina restaurants will open in a few days. Don't get caught in that traffic heading south out of Charlotte to eat dinner somewhere that it doesn't come in a box or bag. The tax revenue generated by this surge of business in York County, South Carolina should retire any debt they have incurred in the Great Corona Scam of 2020.  However, liberals should be required to remain in Charlotte and  eat from those "contactless" brown bags.

The TGIF news was cranking early today with the news that Stalag North Carolina has the sixth worst unemployment situation in the nation. Sixth from the bottom, really? With Cooper guiding us to poverty and complete government control of our lives, who could have expected less? The great news is that means that we have hit the trifecta!!  The unemployment situation ranks with the reading and math skills of our high school graduates. When I was in school, if you missed 15 days, you failed. This year's "graduates" have missed about 50 days. Are they still giving out participation trophies?

Last shot of the day comes from one of my "outreach ministry" signs.
"Lockdown" From the producers of "Waco"

Thursday, May 07, 2020

Biggest Lockdown lie??

What do we have for the winners, Johnny??

Well, Wink, winners will spend 14 days in quarantine in wild, wonderful, welcoming, Wuhan, China. Their trip will start in their hometown where they will be Ubered to the Greyhound Bus station. They will "Go Greyhound" to San Francisco where they will spent two nights in a sumptuous tent in the Homeless Quarter before flying Air China to scenic Wuhan. Once in Wuhan they will spend fourteen nights in a beautiful field hospital quarantine facility. All meals, if any, are included. If our winners survive, they will be given postcards of the Great Wall and put on a plane back to the United States. Where and when you go from there is up to Nitwit Newsome, the California governor. WOW Wink, what a trip!!

And now to the entries:

Commercials that say "We got this!?  If we actually had this, we should be at home. Otherwise, we should be out living our lives. Memo to governmental morons: Quarantines are to keep sick people out of the population, not to isolate healthy people. When a kid gets the measles, they don't lockdown the other kids. I realize that "we got this" is trendy and popular. So is getting tattoos and eating Tide pods. I will pass.

Requiring masks works?  Government reports are that many people don't want to wear masks. In North Carolina, until the legislature amended the law the other day, it was illegal to wear a mask in public. This was done years ago to combat the KKK. Now they are begging you to wear a mask or forcing you to wear a mask.In California, a guy was asked to leave a grocery store because he was wearing a KKK mask. If you are going to be picky? I thought that the government would have learned from the AIDS epidemic years ago. They wanted everyone to use condoms. Of the 10 people who used them, 8 did not get the disease. Stats on the other 23 million are not available. By the way, I do not remember them closing any gay bars or clubs during this epidemic.

Closing "Dine In" restaurants will stop the virus?    This is close to my heart as I spent 50 years working in restaurants. This was my "Truth in Ranting" disclosure. So they close dine-in, but drive through and takeout are available. So you get takeout and go home to eat with the same people that you would have dined with at the restaurants. The average restaurant is as clean as many homes and inspected regularly by the health department. Is your home??  The same people handled your food whether it is carryout or dine-in. Apparently the danger lies in the people near you at other tables. Are they any closer than the people you are wrestling at the Wal-Mart for toilet tissue?  Give me a table at the Angus Barn anytime please.

Commercials with celebrities "We're all in this together."  The sight of about one more allegedly famous person proclaiming "We are all in this together" is going to push my ass over the edge. If you believe this, start looking for celebrities or politicians at the grocery store with you while you search for meat. How many state governors have you seen at the Dollar General foraging for toilet tissue?  Like everything else, the ruling class is not living the same life that we are.

AND THE WINNER IS!! Roy Cooper , Governor of North Carolina. If Roy's lips are moving, he is lying. Roy has shut down the barber and beauty shops. Yet , Roy appears at press conferences with his hair cut and perfectly coiffed. Appears to have had a manicure as well. Roy, if it as against the law to give a haircut in the state of North Carolina, it is against the law to get a haircut here. Of course, many of our leaders all have haircuts, while the rest of us look like Shaggy from Scooby Do. Go figure!! Roy is still following a model that projected between 250,000 to 750,000 cases of COVID-19 by May 31. He has refused to present any updated info. As of today, May 7, we have a little over 10,000 cases. So we need to have between 7500 and 23,000 cases PER DAY to make Cooper's forecast work. It's not looking good for Roy.

Tuesday, May 05, 2020

I love Stupid People, The Roadside Edition

To paraphrase Whisperin' Bill Anderson, "God must love stupid people , cause he made so many of them."

I was doing my outreach ministry in Yanceyville yesterday, trying to educate folks about the "Great Shutdown". I was holding a sign that read "Free North Carolina". As I was standing on the side of the road, a car pulled over near me with an older man (even older than I) behind the wheel. He put down the passenger window and I walked over to his car. I asked him, "What do you need, pardner?" He answered, "What you giving away, buddy?" I replied, "What are you talking about?" He drawled, " Your sign says free." My head exploded, "It says Free North Carolina, you idiot!! How did you even find your way here? Who let you drive by yourself?"  He hit the gas and sped away. I guess he found his way back home.

I was at the "Reopen NC" rally in Raleigh today. I probably won't go back to that because they have some leadership and focus challenges. How's that for being polite? Anyway, while I enjoyed visiting with most of the people there are some that make me uncomfortable. I don't quite understand what 5G has to do with the state's shutdown.

Some politician who had served in the legislature spoke passionately and invoked the story about the Star Spangled Banner and Francis Scott Key and the "bombs bursting in air".  He had my attention until he said it happened at Fort Sumter. Another tribute to the failure of education.

Last week, the Capitol Police arrested four protesters for stepping onto the sidewalk in front of the Executive Mansion. Taking no chances, they barricaded the area off today. Of course, the walks on the other three sides were open. I guess that the Governor's office windows are on the front of the building? I would like to see a list of laws concerning those sidewalks. Who builds sidewalks and then denies people access to them?? Someone told me that this is action they take to help with the Governor's safety. Tell him to stop pissing people off and he would be a lot safer.

Standing on the side of the road yesterday in historic Yanceyville, I must have seen at least 80 cars go by with a driver wearing a mask and no one else in the car. Why??

Monday, May 04, 2020

Joe Biden's Vietnam Experience

Sunday, May 03, 2020

Gov. Mike DeWine sings "I saw the light"

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine issued an executive order requiring that everyone, both customers and employees, in retail stores wear a face mask. That order lasted about 24 hours before being rescinded.

On one of the Sunday talking heads shows this morning, DeWine described the order as a "bridge too far".  He also said "People were not going to accept the government telling them what to do." WOW!! Finally a governor has grasped the reality of the situation.

Still waiting for Roy Cooper in North Carolina to make a reality check??

Friday, May 01, 2020

Cooper Pooper Paper

Out of toilet paper??

Take a sheet with Roy!!

Free Samples.