Saturday, December 30, 2023

Saving Haley??

 I hate Nikki Haley, but I am going to take a moment and defend her recent comments on the Civil War or the War Between the States or The War of Northern Aggression, you pick. When asked about the cause of the war, she did not single out and cite "slavery". Of course, the left is all over her about this. 

Haley's problem is that she has been part of a government that after 150 years have passed, seeks to rewrite the history of the Civil War. They are taking down anything and everything Confederate. They believe that 150 years after the fact, people who have never read a book or visited a battlefield are better prepared to write the history of the war than those who actually participated. 

In 1874, John Clark Ridpath, an Indiana history professor, wrote a multi volume History of the United States. He also wrote several other books about the history of the United States. Contrast this with Harvard President Claudine Gay who has not written anything published outside of Communist China. She has written less original material than Joe Biden. The last book she read was either the Communist Manifesto or Mein Kampf. But I have swerved off course here. Back to Ridpath. So, this was a teacher from the North writing about the Civil War. In Volume 3, Ridpath covers the period of the Civil War. In Chapter XVII, Ridpath enumerates the causes of the Civil War. 

According to Ridpath, "The first and most general cause of the civil war was the different construction put upon the national Constitution by the people of the North and South." This meant that the North viewed the Constitution and the Union as "indissoluble".  The South thought that states had a right to leave.

"A second general cause of the civil war was the different system of labor in the North and in the South." In the North, they were free men. They also used child labor and had company towns. After the war, they brought these things South. Slaves and plantations were replaced by sweat shops and mill villages. "I owe my soul to the company store" was factual. Suggested reading is "When Southern Labor Stirs" by Tom Tippet.

"The third general cause of the civil war was the want of intercourse between the people of the North and the South." No, it didn't have anything to do with sex. Ridpath believed that as most of the railroads and thoroughfares ran East and West, there was not enough travel, business and exchange of opinions between the North and the South. 

"A fourth cause was found in the publication of sectional books." These were books that unfairly portrayed members of each section in a negative matter. This is still an issue today with the "news" media.

"A fifth cause may be cited in the influence of professional politicians. There are always men who help to incite partisanship and sectionalism in order to reap political reward." Turn on the news if you don't understand this one. Start with Lying Biden.

So, what the left is telling us today is that a bunch of schmucks who have been born and educated in the last 50 years know more about the War Between the States than the people who actually lived through it knew. How is that even possible? 

About twenty years ago, I was being interviewed for a local news show and I told the interviewer that young people didn't know anything about our nation's history. I said "The only reason kids even know that we fought a war in Korea is because they have watched MASH." If you guessed that quote didn't make the broadcast, you are correct. 

Today, college campuses are filled with ignoramuses (ignorami?) who are urging the destruction of Israel. We have college presidents who cannot bring themselves to acknowledge that calling for "genocide" is a bad idea. There are people blocking the streets and bridges calling for the extermination of Jews. Are you telling me that the history of my ancestors is going to be placed in the hands of this mob who are so easily manipulated by their Communist leaders? Thanks, but I will take a pass on that.

Somebody on the left needs to look around. This trend is unsustainable. These idiots out in the streets don't know what happened last week. Take their smartphones away and they will wander the streets, unable to find their way home or back to the college. There is nothing they know that happened more than one hundred years ago. If ignorance is bliss, these "students" are the happiest people on earth.

In a conciliatory gesture, I will close with a quote from 1838 by Abraham Lincoln, who the left is starting to hate also.  

"At what point shall we expect the approach of danger? By what means shall we fortify against it? -- Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant, to step the Ocean, and crush us at a blow? Never! --All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest; with a Bonaparte for a commander, could not by force, take a drink from the Ohio, or make a track on the Blue Ridge, in a trial of a thousand years.

At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide."

What always amazes me is that the soldiers who fought each other in the Civil War got along better after the war than their descendants do today. My personal opinion is that the descendants of the Puritans in the North still want to punish the South. It's the same thing that caused the Civil War. The Puritans and their offspring are unable to tolerate any other opinions. They got thrown out of England for causing problems. The Dutch didn't want them in Holland. No wonder the Indians tried to kill them all. But I digress.

 The Civil War ended more than 150 years ago. No one knew that we would face an "endless Reconstruction". No less an imbecile than Hillary Clinton recently said that we need to place Trump supporters in camps to "be deprogrammed".  WOW!! A female, liberal Democrat channeling Chairman Mao. Who would have guessed? Anyone who can read a history book. History is circular. We have traveled this road before. It's not going to end well.

You can't learn anything from history that you have banned and destroyed. Think about that the next time you see a mob of college morons on the news.

Friday, December 29, 2023

Deep Fried Friday- The Story goes on

 There is a war in the Middle East, the southern border is awash with illegal immigrants, the economy sucks, Iran and their friends are attacking US bases in the Middle East, we still don't have a budget and the President is out of town. Leaving Washington, the other day Joe was boarding Air Force One when a reporter yelled a question: "Mr. President, what are you doing?" Joe looked and yelled, "When the going gets tough, the tough get going. I'm going to St. Croix." With that snappy response, the only chance that millions of Americans had left for things to change was to pray for Air Force One to go down at sea.

Biden went to St. Croix so that Hunter won't have to go through customs on the way back since it is in the American Virgin Islands. No need to get those drug dogs involved in a Christmas vacation.

The District of Columbia federal district court and the DC Circuit Court of Appeals between them have more communist members than the old Soviet Politburo had at its peak. We need to move the federal government to the plains of Nebraska and build a new District of Columbia there. Take the current District and give it back to Maryland. Then Maryland will have Baltimore and Washington, "The Twin Sisters of Shitholes". In those two cities, you can count the number of public-school students who can read at grade level on one hand. You won't even need your thumb.

On January 6 Donald Trump was not responsible for security at the Capitol. That was the responsibility of the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi. The role of the DC Police Department was controlled by Mayor Bowser. So naturally, Jack Shit has charged Trump for their failures.

The Justice Department and the FBI will not disclose how many federal agents and informants were in the crowd on January 6. Why can't the public see this information? 

The only person killed on January 6 was Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt. Almost three years later, the government has not told us why an unarmed person was killed. If this had been a white cop shooting a black man, the town would have exploded. But it was a black cop killing an unarmed white woman, so nothing was done.  There were several other people who died afterwards, but none died of injuries from the incident. That includes the people that the Democrats claimed were "killed" in the disturbance. They simply were not.

This year's hot topic has been AI, Artificial Intelligence. I realize that in DC any intelligence would have to be artificial, but I am just not interested. My desire to tell a vending machine what I want is remarkably limited. What we need in this country is AI, Actual Intelligence. People are so dependent on their smartphones that an attack on cell towers would leave the masses unable to find their way home and unlock the door when they get there.

I thought that Nikki Haley might make a tolerable candidate, but I gave up on Haley when I learned that she had served on Boeing's board after her time as UN ambassador. As governor of South Carolina, she worked to get Boeing to build a plant there. She was instrumental in getting them millions of dollars in taxpayer funds to get the Boeing plant built there. Then she took a job on their board. I am going out on a limb here, but I am guessing that no one on the Boeing board is clipping coupons for lunch specials.

More than sixty years ago, Dwight Eisenhower warned us about the military-industrial complex. I realize that Nikki's not as old as I, but it's okay for her to read a history book. I would vote for RFK Jr. before I would vote for Haley.

Why are the Democrats trying to take away the right of Americans to vote for the candidate of their choice? Who is afraid of Donald Trump? Everybody with a (D) after their name.

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Just Spitballing on a Thursday

 In 2020 Democrats told us that Joe Biden was going to be a "unifier" and bring the country back together after four years of Donald Trump. Judging by Biden's actions and words, either he doesn't know what "unifier" means or this is just another word that Democrats have redefined. Who knew that we would get a whole new dictionary when Biden became President? 

You may be sitting there thinking, "Of what other words have Democrats changed the meaning?". How about that "Green Pigs New Deal" that they labeled the "Inflation Reduction Act." As an Inflation Reduction program, it has failed miserably, but that's because it didn't contain anything that would reduce inflation. It has however, hurt most people's IRA (Individual Retirement Accounts). In short, Biden's IRA destroyed your IRA.  Biden is much like the Alfred E. Neuman character in Mad magazine, "What me worry?"

Our real problem is that we elect people who have no actual experience in private business and let them experiment on our enormous government and our formerly huge economy. Along the way, they screw up everything but they all become millionaires using the insider trading info that Paul Pelosi used to grow Nancy's breasts.

Our real problem is the "Deep State". We need to limit federal civilian employees to ten years on the job.  Not a day more!! All of the work in government is being done by people who have been there less than ten years. The rest are just harassing taxpayers to prove that government is King.

Dissolve the Department of Justice before they jail us all!! Ma Garland needs to read up on the French Revolution. Then there are always the lessons of the Russian Revolution. Ma, keep reading. Here's my forecast: Hunter Biden turns up as the new Princess Anastasia. Just spitballing! (The spell check doesn't recognize "spitballing" as a single word. It must have been written by Yankees)

I am sure that I have mentioned it before, but we need at least a 50% reduction in force at the federal level. There's an old joke about a guy at the Department of Agriculture who goes into work one day and the guy who works sits at a nearby desk is sitting there crying. The first guy asks, "What is wrong?" The crying man says, "My farmer died." I won't claim that we are that overstaffed, but most jokes are based on actual events. 

The real issue is that bureaucrats keep coming up with new and more absurd regulations on every aspect of our lives. There is no aspect of your life that is so small and inconsequential that the government doesn't want to control it.

The environmentalists are telling us that unless we change everything we do, the world will end in a few years. Newsflash!! People have been predicting the end of the world since right after the beginning of the world. For more info: Contact Al Gore on a polar ice cap somewhere.

How about all of these green appliances? The toilets only use 1.0 gallons per flush. Of course, sometimes you have the flush the son of a bitch three times instead of only once under the old system. How about those great shower heads? It takes so long to get clean with that water usage level that I have occasionally fallen asleep trying to get clean in that mist. Your washing machine costs three or four times as much but uses half as much water. Naturally, you have to wash them twice to get your clothes clean, so there is no actual benefit to the consumer. The new detergents for the high efficiency washers cost two or three times what Tide powder used to cost. That's if you can find detergent in the grocery store. Kids now steal detergent pods to use as snacks or steal them to conduct drug experiments. Nobody ever did that kind of stupid shit with Tide or Fab or Duz.

In the restaurant business, you have to have clean dishes and utensils. All commercial dishwashers have a pre-rinse area where you scrape off the plates and put them into racks. After racking them, you have to pre-rinse them to get most of the food off the dishes. If you don't do this, they are not going to come out clean. So, around 15 years ago they came out with "low flow" spray heads for the pre-rinse station. The new nozzle plates had smaller holes to reduce the flow of water. The fly in the ointment was that reducing the water pressure reduced the ability of the water to remove dirt and food from the dishes. This resulted in several dirty plates in every load. You then had to sort out the dirty dishes and hand scrub them with a brush or "greenie" before returning them to the machine for another attempt at clean. I solved this by taking the spray heads home and drilling out the tiny holes in them to enlarge the flow of water and get clean dishes. I have waited for years to write this as I am sure that some federal regulation from those bastards in the Deep State prohibited that activity. I just pulled a Hunter Biden and stalled until the statute of limitations expired before writing about it.

If P.T. Barnum comes back from the dead; he will be hustling electric vehicles. At least watching your money go down the crapper will be entertaining. Maybe he can sell those low flow faucets in his spare time.

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Another Eyewitless Wednesday?

 In my recent Festivus post, I mentioned that Charles S. Thomas, Confederate veteran, had represented Colorado in the United States Senate. He was the last Confederate veteran to serve in the United States Senate. I just want to point out again, that the Colorado Supreme Court has ruled that Trump cannot be on the ballot there because they think that he has violated the 14th Amendment but lack any actual evidence of that. 

Evidently, the Colorado Supreme Court has no knowledge of the history of their own state. In researching the Colorado State Archives, I found that Charles S. Thomas had also served a term as Governor of Colorado. In addition to that, the Democratic Party as a whole, needs to shut up because Charles S. Thomas also served on the Democratic National Committee for twelve (12) years. It's obvious that Democrats have a history of allowing people who they now consider "insurrectionists" to serve in government representing their party.

On the Democratic "Insurrection Scale" how does watching a riot at the Capitol, sparked and aided by the involvement of numerous government informants and operatives, compare to actual participation in a civil war? How many participants in Pro-Palestinian demonstrations will be charged with "obstructing a government function"? How many Hamas followers are headed to federal prison for sitting illegally in the Rotunda? What's good for the goose is good for the gander. That's a bad analogy because liberals don't recognize the difference between sexes. For libs, goose and gander are "hate speech" terms. Let's have that "two standards of justice" discussion again.

At this point in my rant, I would normally describe the liberal arguments as "bullshit". Not today. In reading the Merriam Webster "Word of the Day" message that I receive; I discovered the word "Excrementitious". Even the slow among you should be able to figure that one out. So, if you are a liberal contemplating penning a reply to this screed, don't waste your time.

Proving that stupidity is, in fact, contagious, more than a dozen other states are reported to be considering removing Trump from the ballot. Meanwhile, the leader of the Demoncrats keeps telling us that we have to go broke to keep Putin out of the Ukraine. Hell, I am more worried about keeping Biden out of North Carolina!!

While Americans struggle to pay their bills with the plague of Bidenomics ravaging the land, the President has jetted off to St. Croix for the holidays. On Air Force One, he won't have to worry about any flight delays caused by Secretary of Trans Pete Buttgig. Those problems are left to those who aren't selling out the nation to China.

Democrats don't need a Presidential candidate, they need an "exorcist".

Monday, December 25, 2023

Good News Today!!

 And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed.

2 (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.)

3 And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city.

4 And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David:)

5 To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child.

6 And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.

7 And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.

8 And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.

9 And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.

10 And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.

11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.

12 And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.

13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,

14 Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

15 And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us.

16 And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger.

17 And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child.

18 And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds.

19 But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.

20 And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them.

Secret Santa Seen on Senate Site?

 Festivus was celebrated on December 23. I had seen it mentioned in a Seinfeld episode, but other than that we don't celebrate Festivus. One of the parts of Festivus is the "Airing of Grievances". So, on the evening of December 23, I sat down to write about "Festivus and the Airing of Grievances". 

One of the topics that I wanted to discuss was the Colorado Supreme Court decision that Donald Trump had participated in an "insurrection" and could not be on the ballot in Colorado. The Court believes that the 14th Amendment mandated this decision. The first word that sprang to my mind when I heard this news was "Bullshit!!" 

After getting that out of my system, I realized that I would need a more convincing fact-based argument than that.  So, I set about to gather some facts. I knew that some Confederate veterans had held elected and appointed positions in the federal government in the post-Civil War years. So, I set out to find out how many people in Congress after the war had been Confederate veterans. 

My research took me to the official United States Senate website. I read about the Senate's history in the post-Civil War years. I was surprised to find out that there were 63 Confederate veterans who had been elected to the Senate. Just for the record, there were 81 Union veterans elected to the Senate. It was apparent that the 14th Amendment didn't mean then what the left is trying to tell us that it means today. 

Did it get any better than that? Of course, it did. The last Senator to have been a Confederate soldier was Charles S. Thomas who was from Georgia and served until 1921. but Thomas did not represent Georgia. He represented the state of Colorado. So, the state that claims that Trump cannot be on the ballot in their state had elected a Confederate veteran to the United States Senate more than one hundred years ago. I guess that precedence has no meaning when it involves Donald Trump, the Great Orange Satan who terrifies Democrats and the media. When did they pass all of these laws that apply only to Donald Trump? The hypocrisy level of the Colorado court is off the charts.

I wrote a couple of paragraphs on this in my last post, Festivus, The Airing of Grievances. I saved the long explanation for today's post.

Since I haven't heard this information anywhere, I passed it on to someone in a much higher media position than my blog. I will wait and see what they do with that info. 

For the doubters among you, here's a link to the Senate page on the post war years. U.S. Senate: The Civil War: The Senate's Story

In the end, Santa was looking out for me on Festivus. Who knew???

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Festivus- The Airing of Grievances

 Why is the Democratic Party preventing other Democrats from running against Biden in the primaries? Do they think he will lose to Marianne Williamson? 

Will Biden be elected or anointed? Will he know when it happens?

Democrats are putting all of their eggs into one basket and letting a senile old man carry that basket. They are praying that he doesn't have to carry that basket up a set of stairs or off of a stage. So, the good news is that Biden has caused a few Democrats to take up praying. Does Satan answer prayers?

If you don't think that college students are stupid, just look at all of them participating in pro Hamas rallies? What happened? Could they not get directions to the pro-Nazi rallies?

How about those students participating in those "Queers for Palestine" rallies? That's a group that should be pictured in the dictionary beside "dumbasses". 

In his book "How do you kill Eleven Million People", Andy Andrews wrote that Hitler did that by lying to them. Based on that, it's not looking good for college students. 

The only thing that college students know is how to protest and take selfies while doing that. Their protests are "mostly mindless". This is the most documented collection of dumbasses in history. 

The Carolina Panthers finally won their second game of the season last week. On a rainy day in Charlotte only five thousand people showed up for the game. This win could keep them from getting the top draft pick in a few months. Of course, they owe that draft pick to Chicago, so it doesn't really matter.

New York Democratic legislators want to force Chik-Fil-A to be open on Sundays in rest stops on the New York Thruway. Democrats are unclear on this whole "freedom" thing. They also don't grasp the concepts of "contracts". The real problem is that Democrats have no grasp of "private enterprise".

Democrats told us that Trump would destroy America. Since Trump did not do that, the Dims are having Joe Biden do the job. 

I saw film of Hunter Biden getting off of Marine One the other day. Is he hauling cocaine on the trips or is the Secret Service just keeping the dogs away because they don't want to explain anything to the press?

The White House claims that they don't release Hunter's name because he is a family member. Has Hunter moved back into the White House to avoid legal notices? I notice that Ma Garland didn't appoint Jack Shit to investigate Hunter.

I can't remember what planet Mork was from on the old Mork and Mindy show, but I am pretty sure that Karine Jean-Pierre, the liar with the Jiffy Pop hair, is from that planet.

I can't decide if KJP is dumber than Kamala Harris or if they just both failed Kindergarten. I don't know why they keep calling Kamala's remarks "word salad".  Who has ever seen a salad bowl that big?

Rep. Dan Goldman, because you can't count on KJP and Kamala to be complete idiots every day. It is my opinion that Goldman is actually being paid by Fox so that they have another buffoon in the Democrat Party to ridicule. But it's not like Goldman needs any help being an idiot.

Hamas is short on food, water, medical supplies, and dozens of other humanitarian items. But they always have a supply of missiles and rockets to fire at Israel. How exactly does this work?

Sixty-three Confederate Veterans became United States Senators. This is according to the official history of the Senate. If the Fourteenth Amendment means what Democrats today claim it does, how did so many Confederates get elected? Other than almost all of them being Democrats?

One last point on those US Senators who were Confederate veterans. The last Confederate Veteran to serve in the Senate was Charles S. Thomas. He had been born in Georgia. He served until 1921 and had represented Colorado in the Senate. Yes, Colorado. You just have to love the irony of that. 

Mayor Brandon Johnson of Chicago is a walking case for the failure of liberal ideas. He and Eric Adams are in a race to the bottom for "America's worst mayor." 

Those leftist loons whining about the two things that Trump said that he would do as a "dictator" on Day One need to examine Biden's performance on his first day. 

As the news continues to come out about the FBI and their surveillance of Traditional Roman Catholics, it keeps looking worse. There are only two possibilities: Ma Garland and Crooked Chris Wray are complete liars, or they haven't got the slightest clue about what is going on at the Justice Department.

The only answer to the Justice Department issue is to impeach and remove Wray and Garland. Dissolve the entire Justice Department, burn their buildings to the ground and then start to rebuild from scratch. After hiring a new staff, they need to build a new headquarters in Kansas or Nebraska and get away from Washington. 

Who knew long ago that when Tennessee Ernie Ford sang about being "another day older and deeper in debt," that he was singing about the United States in 2023?

If the President of Harvard was a white male, he would be at Bojangles applying for a job as I write this. Does anyone at Harvard know how to define "man"?

Happy Festivus!!

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Christmas Eve Eve Medley

 'Twas the night before the night before Christmas and all through the house, the only sound was the sliding noise of the cheap computer mouse. So, I will share a few thoughts on the eve of Christmas Eve.

Jack Shit, the alleged Special Counsel, got bitch-slapped by the Supreme Court the other day without as much as an explanation. Jack wanted the Court to speed up the prosecution of Donald Trump but won't say why. The Supremes are smarter than Jack gives them credit for. It's back to the Court of Appeals for Jack Shit.

Meanwhile, former Attorney General Ed Meese and a couple of Constitutional professors filed an amicus brief with the Supreme Court pointing out that Jack Shit is not legally a Special Counsel according to the law. Even if the Court does nothing with this right now, Trump's attorneys are free to file a similar motion with Judge Slutkan in the District Court and start the entire process over. The Meese brief makes an excellent case for the dismissal of Jack Shit and his case. The government is also compelled to follow the law, even for Donald Trump, the Great Satan for Democrats.

Tomorrow will be Christmas Eve. If I find myself at home and bored, I will think back to more than forty years of chasing customers out of restaurants on Christmas Eve. About twenty years ago, I was telling a guy that it was time to go, and we were closing. We had seated our last customer more than an hour earlier. He said, " I am just trying to spend some time with my friends on Christmas Eve." I told him that the staff had that same desire and to get his ass out. He told me that he would never return, I told him that I was willing to take that chance rather than lose my employees over an inconsiderate customer. Three days later he was in for breakfast. He kind of apologized for the misunderstanding. I told him that it was okay. I asked what had caused his viewpoint to change. (That's as close to polite as I could get,) He told me, "My wife said that I was being a jerk." We both laughed. I comped his breakfast check and he walked over to the waitress who had waited on him and his friends on Christmas Eve and gave her a twenty-dollar bill and shared his wife's wisdom with her. She may still be laughing.

It's not a problem unique to full-service restaurants. One Christmas Eve as I was locking the door at Taco Bell #1265 at 7911 West Hillsborough in Tampa, a guy ran to the door and said, "I have to have a Burrito Supreme and a Beefy Tostada for dinner on Christmas Eve." He was obviously crazier than I was, so I let him in.  

At Casa Gallardo, we didn't have problems with diners on Christmas Eve. The problem was with morons in upper management who wanted us to stop seating customers at 7:00 PM. That meant that it was after 9:00 PM when the last customers left. It was almost 10:00 PM when the managers and the last of the employees left. We got a new VP of Operations the next year who had us close down at 4:00 PM. Problem solved. We were out by 6:00 PM.

We never had those problems when I worked at the Waffle House, we never closed. Christmas Eve at the Waffle house was not very busy after 5:00 PM. The late-night shift was busy from 11:00 PM until about 4:00 AM as those who were celebrating Christmas in various bars and clubs stopped in for a meal on their way home or wherever they were going for Christmas. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day were both big days for tips for the waitresses. That didn't help me, but there were a lot of regular customers who gave me cards with money or gift certificates in them. If I missed telling you then, Thanks!!

From 4:00 AM to 6:00 AM on Christmas morning, we rarely had a customer. It was incredible how quiet a busy city like Tampa could become on an early Christmas morning. As I sit here more than fifty years later writing this, I am having flashbacks to those times and the peacefulness of those moments.  I haven't been out at that time on Christmas Day since 1977, so I won't speculate about what happens now.

What's the good news about being older on Christmas? The kids are grown. To accommodate various in-laws, we are having our family get together the day after Christmas Day. Maybe on Christmas morning I will get up and head out to a Waffle House around 4:00 AM? The world has changed a lot since then so my main concern will be "How much gun do I need to carry on Christmas Morn?"  I don't remember reading if the shepherds had Concealed Carry Permits.

I would like to wish a Merry Christmas to a bunch of folks that I worked with at the Waffle House. I don't know how many are still alive as I was one of the youngest there, but Merry Christmas to Grace Swank, Earline Reaves, Gail Hubbard, Archie Morgan, Robert Patrick Frazier, David Riley, Elmer Gagner, Carol Morris, Linda Erwin (who is now Linda Erwin, M.D.), Kimberly Ashley, Chester Albert, Bobby Riggins, Doris Antrobus, Randy Palmer, John Earl Blodgett, John Smith (really), Hilda Gagner, Gurney and Evelyn Jones (no relation to me), Lake Anderson, Darcy Anderson, Judy Lomax, Mary Lay, Rick Love, John Reagan, Larry Martindale (who is probably still an asshole), Bionic Bonnie Sammons in Brandon, Pat McConnell, Jerome Weldon, Robert Criss,  Linda Black, Sandra Coulter, Sharon Schulte, Ken Hibner, Ed Wetherington, Connie Rudolph, Michelle Eskridge, Debbie Gable, Judy Miller,  and hundreds of others whose names escape me more than 45 years after leaving the Waffle House. Merry Christmas y'all!!!

Friday, December 15, 2023

Please Tell Me Why or How

 With millions of Americans unemployed and living on government programs, why is Biden allowing millions of illegal immigrants into the country? Aren't we supporting enough people now?

How can we convince California, Oregon and Washington to secede from the Union? How about creating the Republic of COW? 

If we don't count everyone crossing the border, how does the government know how many "gotaways" there are coming into America?

Why is an impeachment inquiry for Biden "political", but two impeachments of Trump were not "political"?

Why did Hunter Biden hold a press conference outside the Capitol the other day but refused to go inside and answer questions on the record?

If Congress votes to cite Hunter Biden for contempt, will the Department of Injustice charge him? Or will they just let him off because he is a Dim. It's another chance for them to show that there are really two standards of justice.

How many guys do they have as doubles for Joe Biden?

How did we find so many stupid college presidents?  Is "affirmative action" liberal code for "Just say yes to stupid"?

Why is an extension of the FISA court system in the National Defense budget bill? Does the Clinton campaign need it to discredit Trump again? Let's go ahead and put both of those dogs down.

How about that bigot mayor in Boston? She sent out invitations to official for an "Electeds of Color" Christmas party. Someone screwed up and sent the invite to all elected officials. So, the moron Mayor then sent out a message telling white people they weren't invited to the party. Amazingly enough, no one is screaming about the racism that this actually is. Why not?

Hunter Biden said that he was in a "dark place" when he was using drugs. That's what happens when you spend the electric bill money to buy crack. Why didn't he know then?

If Gavin Newsome runs for President, will his wife be at the debates to decide when they end?

Why aren't the European nations borrowing money to give to the Ukraine? According to liberals when Ukraine falls, the rest of the European nations will fall quickly to Russia. The people spreading that "domino theory" thing again must be in that "dark place" with Hunter.

While claiming that the case against Trump is not political, Jack Shit is telling the Supreme Court and everyone else that the trial must start on March 4. I guess that the Super Tuesday primaries are on March 5 is a complete coincidence. Jail Jack Shit for violating Trump's rights and trying to incite a revolution.

How long will it be before there is a new Three Stooges movie ready to be released? If Democrats lose in 2024, Merrick Garland, Chris Wray and Jack Shit are all available for roles.

How stupid is Dr. Jill Biden? Check out the White House Christmas video starring some Marxist group. I can't believe that anyone of more than a room temperature IQ decided to release that video.

How does an administration of morons oppose Communism in Ukraine but is okay with it here at home?

Why haven't people noticed that Democrats are just Communists in expensive outfits?

Why is Dan Goldman suddenly the face of Democratic Party stupidity? I guess that being rich leaves him more time to be stupid since he isn't tied up with graft and corruption.

Thursday, December 14, 2023

The Trial of Donald John Trump

 The trial of Donald Trump brought by Special Counsel Jack Shit has been paused while the United States Supreme Court takes up the issue of whether or not Trump can be charged for things that happened during his time as President. Judge Slutkan has ruled that Trump's claims of immunity are without basis. Trump has appealed that ruling.

In 1976 Douglas Jones published a book called "The Court-Martial of George Armstrong Custer". The book is one of those "alternative history" stories. In the book, Custer alone survives the Battle of Little Bighorn. President Grant, William Sherman and Phil Sheridan make the decision to court-martial Custer for his defeat in the battle. In his court-martial, they bring several witnesses in an attempt to prove that Custer made several serious errors and misjudgments. Custer is the final witness in the trial. When questioned by the prosecutor about his actions in the battle, Custer answers every question with "Command Decision".

When the jury of officers meets to reach a verdict, they consider Custer's "command decision" defense and ultimately vote to acquit Custer. Most of their decision was based on other events in the recent Civil War. If you voted to convict Custer for Little Bighorn, what do you do about Grant and the carnage at Shiloh? What about Grant and Cold Harbor? What about Burnside and Fredericksburg? What about Hooker and the Battle of Chancellorsville?  Then there is my personal favorite with General Charles Stone at the Battle of Ball's Bluff. The list goes on. You can't imprison people for losing a battle, but you can replace them.

In 1977, there was a made for television movie based on the book. It starred Ken Howard, Brian Keith, James Olsen and Blythe Danner. It was an interesting movie, but America was not interested in history enough for it to get any awards.

So, what does all of this have to do with Donald Trump? Jack Shit is claiming that there was a plan by Trump to stop the vote certification by Congress. He claims that Trump failed to call out the National Guard to provide sufficient security for the Congress.

The US Constitution calls for impeachment and conviction of the President for high crimes and misdemeanors. It DOES NOT provide for a special counsel to file charges two and a half years later. Trump was impeached twice by the House and the Senate failed to convict him either time. The second impeachment was after he left office and was about the January 6 situation. Why did they impeach a President who had already left office? Is Jack Shit's case against Trump a case of double jeopardy? In more than 230 years we have not taken this action against a former president. Why now?  Because Democrats believe that there is some unwritten set of laws that apply only to Donald Trump.

As Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi was responsible for the security of the Capitol. Has she been indicted by Jack Shit? Of course not, she's a Democrat. Did she call for the National Guard? No. Why isn't she on trial? It was her responsibility. 

So, what does all of this have to do with "The Trial of Donald John Trump"? If the Supreme Court allows this circus to move forward, Donald Trump needs to use the "Command Decision" defense. If you can put past Presidents on trial for decisions they made, where will it end? Will they put Biden on trial for the bungled retreat from Afghanistan? Will they put George W. Bush on trial for the 9/11 disaster? Will they put Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama on trial for the debacle at Benghazi? Will they put Janet Reno, Bill Clinton, the FBI, and the ATF on trial for the slaughter of American citizens at Waco? Will they put George H.W. Bush on trial for the murder of Vicki Weaver at Ruby Ridge? Can we finally talk about Kennedy and the debacle at the Bay of Pigs? Of course, they are not going to do any of this.

This whole case is a manifestation of the Trump Derangement Syndrome that has infected so many Democrats and other liberals. Their hatred of Donald Trump is so strong that they cannot get over it. The liberals had set up Hillary Clinton to be the first female President and Trump destroyed their plans. They lost the election to an outsider, and they can't get over it. They hate Trump because he destroyed their whole scheme. None of the predicted disasters for a Trump presidency happened. 

The liberals who claim that Trump was trying to interfere with the election are now themselves trying to interfere with the election of 2024.They need to quit squandering tax dollars chasing Donald Trump and get some serious psychiatric assistance.

One final note. The total damage to the Capitol on January 6 was $2.8 million dollars. That's not much more, if any more, than the loss by Wendy's of an Atlanta location set afire during the riots of 2020. Hundreds of people have been sentenced to years in federal prison for being in the Capitol that day. The two arsonists in Atlanta were fined $500 each and given probation. Thanks to DA Fani Willis for showing that there really are two justice systems in America. 

Wednesday, December 06, 2023

Mid-Week Wonders

 Every time that I see Liz Cheney show up online or on the television news, I find myself missing Dr. Jack Kevorkian. I wonder why?

I also wonder why her father hasn't taken her hunting by now. Why do news people keep calling her a Republican? She's the only Republican closer to the Democrats than Romney.

Joe Biden wants to spend more billions of dollars to protect the Ukrainian border but won't spend any money to protect our borders? Does anyone wonder why?

There are more illegals here in North Carolina than there are Russians in the Ukraine. So naturally, the Democrats want to send billions to Ukraine. Can somebody wake Biden and ask why?

Do you remember the "Domino Theory" from the Vietnam war years? Almost fifty years later, that theory still hasn't panned out. Today, I heard some leftist claiming that if the Ukraine falls to Russia, Poland will be next. Slow learners?

Interns at the White House are signing a Pro-Palestinian letter to give to President "Senile Joe" Biden demanding an Israeli ceasefire. WOW!! They are even less informed than I thought possible. I have fired smarter people than that.

Many colleges have discovered how much money that Jews USED to give to colleges and universities. Many college presidents have discovered that there is a price to pay for supporting Palestinian terrorism. The sad thing is that they are supposed to be the "smart ones". Another theory down the crapper? 

Gavin Newsome is holding the California Capitol Christmas Tree lighting on a zoom meeting. Pro-Palestinian sympathizers have threatened to protest at the ceremony, so Newsome retreated to the Internet. It makes you wonder what kind of schmuck wants to light up a tree online to avoid offending other schmucks. 

I keep hearing liberals crying about families trying to come into the nation illegally to get a better life, but all of the images on the news are lines of young males waiting to get into the United States. Wonder why?

Sen. Marsha Blackburn tried to get the Senate Judiciary Committee to subpoena the flight logs for Jeffrey Epstein's airplane, the Lolita Express. Chairman Dick Durbin blocked her attempt. I wonder why?

I traveled to the Lexington Flea Market on Tuesday this week to sell some of my collectibles and semi-useful stuff. I saw several people wearing Trump hats and shirts but not a single t-shirt proclaiming, "Bidenomics saved America."  

Joe Biden keeps telling us that his son Beau died in Iraq. Why doesn't someone in the media actually point this out to him?  If Trump had made that kind of claim, Sixty Minutes would have spent the whole show covering it.

George Santos was a rank amateur about lying when compared to Biden. Guess which one Congress voted to throw out of office?

Merrick Garland has indicted four Russian soldiers for allegedly torturing an American living in the Ukraine in 2022. There is not even a remote chance that these guys will ever leave Russia, so the indictment is at best an exercise in futility. I wonder why he hasn't indicted someone like Hunter Biden, who he can actually find. 

I saw AOC on the news this evening talking about men playing women's sports. I know this is hard to believe, but she appeared to be even dumber than I thought. 

Also on the news was a story about how a project from the Inflation Reduction Act to put more EV charges available to the driving public is failing. After two years of funding, they have failed to put a single charger in place. Who did they hire for this, the Post Office?

Sunday, December 03, 2023

Santos Claus?

 It's that time of year again, but in Washington D.C. they were singing "Do you believe in Santos Claus?" Yes, I am talking about the chubby, gay, Republican elf from New York, George Santos.

The House of Representatives voted to expel Santos from the House allegedly because of a House Ethics Committee report. For starters, how many people in Congress can even spell ethics, much less grasp and practice that concept? Congressional activities are not the ethical standards for the rest of the nation to emulate.

While Santos Claus waited to become the only the sixth Congressman to be expelled from the House, Rep. Jamaal Bowman, also of New York, announced that he would vote to expel Santos. Earlier this year, Bowman pulled a fire alarm to stop a House vote from being taken. He later pleaded guilty to a charge of setting off a fire alarm and was punished with probation and being compelled to write an apology. Why wasn't Bowman charged with "obstructing a government function" like many of the Jan. 6 protesters? There are people in prison for less than setting off a false alarm. Wait! I forgot that Bowman is one of the "chosen people", Democrats. So, in Bowman, you have someone actually convicted of a crime and he stays. Santos, who has only been indicted, gets expelled. Tell me again how this "justice" shit really works.

Santos is sent home in disgrace while a Palestinian flag, a nation that does not exist, flies in the hallway outside a representative's office. Does this explain why Pro-Palestinian protesters occupied the rotunda? Were they all arrested and charged with obstructing the government? Of course not, they aren't Republicans.

I think that Santos is a lying fraud. Having said that, I must confess that I believe Santos is in the majority in Congress. They are all liars. That's how they all manage to get re-elected every two years in the House. Wirth six-year terms, Senators are working on long term lies.

If we expel all of the liars and frauds from both Houses of Congress, it's going to be pretty lonely for those who are left. Good news for those with little seniority, there are going to be some nicer, bigger offices opening up when they start expelling the liars.

Years ago, someone suggested that we cut the tongues out of adulterers. That idea faded quickly when someone else pointed out how quiet it would be in Congress. You can use the same joke with liars.

Sen. Robert Menendez of New Jersey has been indicted on corruption charges. When will they be expelling him? They won't because he is a Democrat, and they aren't going to give up a slender majority in the Senate. Where are the pictures of Santos and gold bars? Menedez's son is a member of the House. What are the odds that he knew what his father was doing? Are they going to expel him?  They won't even consider it. 

The Democrats look so bad on this thing with Menendez that John Fetterman pointed it out the other day. You know that it is bad for the Democrats when the guy with brain damage has to point out the obvious. That is "If you expel Santos, you must expel Menendez."

If we are looking for honesty and integrity in Congress, let's investigate the stock trades made by Paul Pelosi when Nancy was Speaker of the House. I am sure that they will find that all of the big money deals were just a matter of coincidence. The hypocrisy of the Congress is breath taking. 

Santos mentioned a few names the other day of people in Congress making money in the stock market from insider knowledge. Will Congress investigate these claims or just dismiss the idea since it came from Santos Claus? If you think that Congress will investigate all of their members' finances, stop reading now and go back to watching "The View".

Bernie Sanders claims to be a socialist. Outside of politics, he has never held a real job. He didn't come from a rich family, yet he now owns three homes. Joe Biden has spent fifty years in the government, most of it in the Senate. Yet he owns three homes, one of them on the beachfront, and a classic Corvette. How did those two guys get all of that on a Senator's salary? I read somewhere that Putin only has two homes as did Hitler. 

George Santos did not get expelled for lying. He was expelled because they are afraid that he will start telling the truth about how Congress really operates and nobody in Washington wants that to happen. It's the same reason that the Democrats are trying to discredit Trump. They have to smear people to keep the truth from being believed.

If you have read this far and still think that I am crazy, this question. How many people have gone to Congress poor and left as millionaires? Or how many went as millionaires and left poor? Congress exists to sell their influence and profit from insider knowledge. 

Thanks to Santos Claus for bringing us that knowledge for Christmas.