Saving Haley??
I hate Nikki Haley, but I am going to take a moment and defend her recent comments on the Civil War or the War Between the States or The War of Northern Aggression, you pick. When asked about the cause of the war, she did not single out and cite "slavery". Of course, the left is all over her about this.
Haley's problem is that she has been part of a government that after 150 years have passed, seeks to rewrite the history of the Civil War. They are taking down anything and everything Confederate. They believe that 150 years after the fact, people who have never read a book or visited a battlefield are better prepared to write the history of the war than those who actually participated.
In 1874, John Clark Ridpath, an Indiana history professor, wrote a multi volume History of the United States. He also wrote several other books about the history of the United States. Contrast this with Harvard President Claudine Gay who has not written anything published outside of Communist China. She has written less original material than Joe Biden. The last book she read was either the Communist Manifesto or Mein Kampf. But I have swerved off course here. Back to Ridpath. So, this was a teacher from the North writing about the Civil War. In Volume 3, Ridpath covers the period of the Civil War. In Chapter XVII, Ridpath enumerates the causes of the Civil War.
According to Ridpath, "The first and most general cause of the civil war was the different construction put upon the national Constitution by the people of the North and South." This meant that the North viewed the Constitution and the Union as "indissoluble". The South thought that states had a right to leave.
"A second general cause of the civil war was the different system of labor in the North and in the South." In the North, they were free men. They also used child labor and had company towns. After the war, they brought these things South. Slaves and plantations were replaced by sweat shops and mill villages. "I owe my soul to the company store" was factual. Suggested reading is "When Southern Labor Stirs" by Tom Tippet.
"The third general cause of the civil war was the want of intercourse between the people of the North and the South." No, it didn't have anything to do with sex. Ridpath believed that as most of the railroads and thoroughfares ran East and West, there was not enough travel, business and exchange of opinions between the North and the South.
"A fourth cause was found in the publication of sectional books." These were books that unfairly portrayed members of each section in a negative matter. This is still an issue today with the "news" media.
"A fifth cause may be cited in the influence of professional politicians. There are always men who help to incite partisanship and sectionalism in order to reap political reward." Turn on the news if you don't understand this one. Start with Lying Biden.
So, what the left is telling us today is that a bunch of schmucks who have been born and educated in the last 50 years know more about the War Between the States than the people who actually lived through it knew. How is that even possible?
About twenty years ago, I was being interviewed for a local news show and I told the interviewer that young people didn't know anything about our nation's history. I said "The only reason kids even know that we fought a war in Korea is because they have watched MASH." If you guessed that quote didn't make the broadcast, you are correct.
Today, college campuses are filled with ignoramuses (ignorami?) who are urging the destruction of Israel. We have college presidents who cannot bring themselves to acknowledge that calling for "genocide" is a bad idea. There are people blocking the streets and bridges calling for the extermination of Jews. Are you telling me that the history of my ancestors is going to be placed in the hands of this mob who are so easily manipulated by their Communist leaders? Thanks, but I will take a pass on that.
Somebody on the left needs to look around. This trend is unsustainable. These idiots out in the streets don't know what happened last week. Take their smartphones away and they will wander the streets, unable to find their way home or back to the college. There is nothing they know that happened more than one hundred years ago. If ignorance is bliss, these "students" are the happiest people on earth.
In a conciliatory gesture, I will close with a quote from 1838 by Abraham Lincoln, who the left is starting to hate also.
"At what point shall we expect the approach of danger? By what means shall we fortify against it? -- Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant, to step the Ocean, and crush us at a blow? Never! --All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest; with a Bonaparte for a commander, could not by force, take a drink from the Ohio, or make a track on the Blue Ridge, in a trial of a thousand years.
At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide."
What always amazes me is that the soldiers who fought each other in the Civil War got along better after the war than their descendants do today. My personal opinion is that the descendants of the Puritans in the North still want to punish the South. It's the same thing that caused the Civil War. The Puritans and their offspring are unable to tolerate any other opinions. They got thrown out of England for causing problems. The Dutch didn't want them in Holland. No wonder the Indians tried to kill them all. But I digress.
The Civil War ended more than 150 years ago. No one knew that we would face an "endless Reconstruction". No less an imbecile than Hillary Clinton recently said that we need to place Trump supporters in camps to "be deprogrammed". WOW!! A female, liberal Democrat channeling Chairman Mao. Who would have guessed? Anyone who can read a history book. History is circular. We have traveled this road before. It's not going to end well.
You can't learn anything from history that you have banned and destroyed. Think about that the next time you see a mob of college morons on the news.
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