Thursday, December 28, 2023

Just Spitballing on a Thursday

 In 2020 Democrats told us that Joe Biden was going to be a "unifier" and bring the country back together after four years of Donald Trump. Judging by Biden's actions and words, either he doesn't know what "unifier" means or this is just another word that Democrats have redefined. Who knew that we would get a whole new dictionary when Biden became President? 

You may be sitting there thinking, "Of what other words have Democrats changed the meaning?". How about that "Green Pigs New Deal" that they labeled the "Inflation Reduction Act." As an Inflation Reduction program, it has failed miserably, but that's because it didn't contain anything that would reduce inflation. It has however, hurt most people's IRA (Individual Retirement Accounts). In short, Biden's IRA destroyed your IRA.  Biden is much like the Alfred E. Neuman character in Mad magazine, "What me worry?"

Our real problem is that we elect people who have no actual experience in private business and let them experiment on our enormous government and our formerly huge economy. Along the way, they screw up everything but they all become millionaires using the insider trading info that Paul Pelosi used to grow Nancy's breasts.

Our real problem is the "Deep State". We need to limit federal civilian employees to ten years on the job.  Not a day more!! All of the work in government is being done by people who have been there less than ten years. The rest are just harassing taxpayers to prove that government is King.

Dissolve the Department of Justice before they jail us all!! Ma Garland needs to read up on the French Revolution. Then there are always the lessons of the Russian Revolution. Ma, keep reading. Here's my forecast: Hunter Biden turns up as the new Princess Anastasia. Just spitballing! (The spell check doesn't recognize "spitballing" as a single word. It must have been written by Yankees)

I am sure that I have mentioned it before, but we need at least a 50% reduction in force at the federal level. There's an old joke about a guy at the Department of Agriculture who goes into work one day and the guy who works sits at a nearby desk is sitting there crying. The first guy asks, "What is wrong?" The crying man says, "My farmer died." I won't claim that we are that overstaffed, but most jokes are based on actual events. 

The real issue is that bureaucrats keep coming up with new and more absurd regulations on every aspect of our lives. There is no aspect of your life that is so small and inconsequential that the government doesn't want to control it.

The environmentalists are telling us that unless we change everything we do, the world will end in a few years. Newsflash!! People have been predicting the end of the world since right after the beginning of the world. For more info: Contact Al Gore on a polar ice cap somewhere.

How about all of these green appliances? The toilets only use 1.0 gallons per flush. Of course, sometimes you have the flush the son of a bitch three times instead of only once under the old system. How about those great shower heads? It takes so long to get clean with that water usage level that I have occasionally fallen asleep trying to get clean in that mist. Your washing machine costs three or four times as much but uses half as much water. Naturally, you have to wash them twice to get your clothes clean, so there is no actual benefit to the consumer. The new detergents for the high efficiency washers cost two or three times what Tide powder used to cost. That's if you can find detergent in the grocery store. Kids now steal detergent pods to use as snacks or steal them to conduct drug experiments. Nobody ever did that kind of stupid shit with Tide or Fab or Duz.

In the restaurant business, you have to have clean dishes and utensils. All commercial dishwashers have a pre-rinse area where you scrape off the plates and put them into racks. After racking them, you have to pre-rinse them to get most of the food off the dishes. If you don't do this, they are not going to come out clean. So, around 15 years ago they came out with "low flow" spray heads for the pre-rinse station. The new nozzle plates had smaller holes to reduce the flow of water. The fly in the ointment was that reducing the water pressure reduced the ability of the water to remove dirt and food from the dishes. This resulted in several dirty plates in every load. You then had to sort out the dirty dishes and hand scrub them with a brush or "greenie" before returning them to the machine for another attempt at clean. I solved this by taking the spray heads home and drilling out the tiny holes in them to enlarge the flow of water and get clean dishes. I have waited for years to write this as I am sure that some federal regulation from those bastards in the Deep State prohibited that activity. I just pulled a Hunter Biden and stalled until the statute of limitations expired before writing about it.

If P.T. Barnum comes back from the dead; he will be hustling electric vehicles. At least watching your money go down the crapper will be entertaining. Maybe he can sell those low flow faucets in his spare time.


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