Secret Santa Seen on Senate Site?
Festivus was celebrated on December 23. I had seen it mentioned in a Seinfeld episode, but other than that we don't celebrate Festivus. One of the parts of Festivus is the "Airing of Grievances". So, on the evening of December 23, I sat down to write about "Festivus and the Airing of Grievances".
One of the topics that I wanted to discuss was the Colorado Supreme Court decision that Donald Trump had participated in an "insurrection" and could not be on the ballot in Colorado. The Court believes that the 14th Amendment mandated this decision. The first word that sprang to my mind when I heard this news was "Bullshit!!"
After getting that out of my system, I realized that I would need a more convincing fact-based argument than that. So, I set about to gather some facts. I knew that some Confederate veterans had held elected and appointed positions in the federal government in the post-Civil War years. So, I set out to find out how many people in Congress after the war had been Confederate veterans.
My research took me to the official United States Senate website. I read about the Senate's history in the post-Civil War years. I was surprised to find out that there were 63 Confederate veterans who had been elected to the Senate. Just for the record, there were 81 Union veterans elected to the Senate. It was apparent that the 14th Amendment didn't mean then what the left is trying to tell us that it means today.
Did it get any better than that? Of course, it did. The last Senator to have been a Confederate soldier was Charles S. Thomas who was from Georgia and served until 1921. but Thomas did not represent Georgia. He represented the state of Colorado. So, the state that claims that Trump cannot be on the ballot in their state had elected a Confederate veteran to the United States Senate more than one hundred years ago. I guess that precedence has no meaning when it involves Donald Trump, the Great Orange Satan who terrifies Democrats and the media. When did they pass all of these laws that apply only to Donald Trump? The hypocrisy level of the Colorado court is off the charts.
I wrote a couple of paragraphs on this in my last post, Festivus, The Airing of Grievances. I saved the long explanation for today's post.
Since I haven't heard this information anywhere, I passed it on to someone in a much higher media position than my blog. I will wait and see what they do with that info.
For the doubters among you, here's a link to the Senate page on the post war years. U.S. Senate: The Civil War: The Senate's Story
In the end, Santa was looking out for me on Festivus. Who knew???
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