Friday, June 24, 2022

I'm Tired?

 I'm tired of liberals telling me that the world will end if states are allowed to regulate abortions. I grew up before Roe v Wade and we seemed to do okay. Since Roe was created out of thin air by the Burger court there have been scores of other ways to prevent pregnancy developed. Why are people too lazy to use one of these? Hell, just try saying "no" once in a while. Maybe just stay dressed for the evening? Tie your legs together? Maybe have your stallion clipped? At the least, give him condoms for his birthday. All of these would be preferable to ripping a living thing from your womb. I'm tired of people who are stupid and irresponsible.

I am tired of hearing "her wife" or "his husband". 

I'm tired of the whole "pronoun" thing . In the ninth grade at Pierce Junior High, Ms. Jane Ward taught us all we needed to know about pronouns. Bonus points for Ms. Ward, great teacher and very pretty.  If you are waiting for me to use your "preferred pronouns", go ahead and get pissed. It ain't going to happen!

I am tired of hearing about WNBA player Britney Griner. I don't give a rat's ass if she rots in a Russian prison. Maybe if the US government can get her back to America, she will stand up for the national anthem. Sen. John Kennedy of Louisiana said it best, "Go to Arlington. At Arlington, there are 400,000 reasons that you should stand your ass up for the national anthem!"

I am tired of the Left crying about the Supreme Court decision on New York's gun laws. They are all whining about the grocery store shooting in Buffalo. Your laws didn't prevent that, why are you complaining?

I am so tired of "equity" that I think speaking that word should be criminal. If you want the same thing I have, get off your ass and earn it. 

I'm tired of the ever- increasing amount of legal gambling. We used to tell people that they had to work to be successful. Now to generate more revenue, state governments are telling us that we can gamble our way to wealth. Putting casinos on Indian reservations is sufficient cause for us to have to redefine "stupidity". 

I'm tired of a Presidential Press Secretary who can't string together a complete and coherent sentence. She got her job as a reward for being a black lesbian. This is everything wrong with the government today.

I'm tired of liberals who don't know the difference between a man and a woman. If you can't tell the difference between a man and a woman, go stand in the corner until you stupid yourself to death.

I'm tired of seeing kids in cars at convenience stores while one or both of their parents are inside buying stacks of lottery tickets. And then buy snacks for the kids with the SNAP thing.

I'm tired of politicians telling us how evil other governments are while political prisoners from the January 6 disturbance rot in solitary confinement in the District of Columbia jail without bail or speedy trial on misdemeanor charges.

But mostly, I'm tired of a bunch of lying bastards trying to tell me that a guy with dementia is doing a great job as President. People around the world can see the truth, but the liberal media is hiding it here. If he has to have notes telling him to sit in "his seat", it's time to come clean on the truth. Biden is the great swindle of 2020. That was the year we elected a man as President who doesn't know that he is President. Let's sue the Democratic party for fraud. They knowingly sold the nation a defective product.

Tuesday, June 07, 2022

How Stupid is Joe Biden?

 How stupid is Joe Biden?

How high is the sky? How deep is the ocean? How many stars do you see in the night?  

"Naval Academy" Joe topped his previous standard of stupidity when he failed to acknowledge the commemoration of  D-Day  yesterday until contacted by the media late in the evening. The White House finally issued a statement around 8:45 PM. Does anyone at the White House have access to a calendar?  How about a smart phone? Do they even let him watch television? Then it turned out that last year he had not acknowledged the day either. How stupid are those folks telling Brain Dead Biden what to do? (See line two above)

While millions of Americans honored the sacrifices of the 150,000 Americans who stormed the beaches at Normandy on that day, our national joke Joe Biden stayed quiet. Thousands were killed or wounded in the battle on that beach on D-Day. Europe is free today because of the courage of those Americans in that battle. Yet, "New World Order" Joe failed to recognize the importance of  our soldiers and sailors on this date.  

One would think that with his appointment to the Naval Academy years ago, Biden would know enough U.S. Navy history to be aware of the Navy's role in D-Day.  From the battleships and cruisers bombarding the German positions to the landing ships and transports getting soldiers and equipment to the beach, the Navy was there. If not for the Navy destroyers going in as close as possible to Omaha Beach to fire on the German positions, the casualties would have even been higher. Maybe Jughead Joe has not forgiven the Navy for bouncing Hunter Biden out for cocaine use?

There's a new federal holiday for "Juneteenth". June is "Pride" month. "Pride Month" used to be for gay people, now the Pride flag represents everyone except white folks. Have either of these causes affected the history of the world more than D-Day? They have not, but you can bet your ass that Biden will not fail to mention these celebrations. If only we had managed to get some gay slaves and transsexuals to land at Omaha Beach, we could get Jerk-off Joe to pay attention to the calendar on D-Day.

Biden has for years lied about the truck driver involved in the accident that killed his first wife. Biden has claimed that the guy was drunk. He was not.  Yet, Nancy Pelosi's husband was arrested for DUI and being involved in an accident and Joe remains silent. Democrats are masters of the double standard.

Can you imagine what would have happened if one of the Trump kids did what Hunter Biden or Paul Pelosi did? Would Pelosi and Biden be calling it "a private matter"? 

The Circus is back in town in Washington this week as Pelosi Productions premieres "January 6, a day which will live in infamy". At least that's how the  Joe, the Plagiarism King is labeling it.  When do the hearings on gasoline prices start? When do the hearings on the Biden Family and Ukraine corruption start? How about those hearings on corruption in elections? How about a hearing on who the "real" President is?

Thursday, June 02, 2022

The Race to the Bottom

"The Race to the Bottom" title won out over a long time favorite "In Search of Mediocrity". What am I ranting about today?  Turn on the television or radio, go online, read a newspaper, or talk to a liberal.

In pursuit of liberal dreams, we have created a nation of idiots. We no longer encourage excellence as that would mean that someone else sucks at whatever activity is being measured. Liberals all want "equity". This means that someone else failed at something, so I want to fail too. I am sorry, but life is still a big math problem. If you want everyone to have equal outcomes, you must have everyone make equal efforts. Anything else is simply not true.

Thomas Jefferson High School in Fairfax used to be a school with high academic standards. They have abandoned grades and test results and are using race as a standard for admission. They are setting up people to fail by admitting students without the proven skills to do the work. Then when those folks fail and they will, we will listen to another round of endless whining about race. 

Let's just put all of the liberal theories to a simple test and see if they work. Let's make the team rosters of the NFL and the NBA conform to the national racial mix. Is this any different than requiring a school to do the same? 

In Greensboro, there is a library across the street from a recreation center. I have never seen anyone entering or leaving the library and the library parking lot is always empty. The recreation center is always full when I pass. Equal outcomes require equal effort.

Why do Asians do better in math and science classes than children of other races? They do better because they study math and science rather than play ball. There is no "math gene". 

This may surprise some of you, but most scientists were not major league ball players first. Not may nuclear physicists can hit a three pointer. Your doctor probably did not set his high school passing yardage record in football.

The Senate confirmed a female justice who could not define what a "woman" is. I am looking forward to her ruling on laws that apply only to women. How will she know?

Biden said that mass shootings don't happen anywhere else in the world. Using that same standard, how many other countries engage in mutilating the sex organs of children not old enough to have "teen" in their age? The suicide rates among transsexuals are sky high, but we keep lopping off schlongs and hoping for the best. Is there a future in this?

The liberal media is currently screaming that the Second Amendment is not absolute. They want guns banned. Meanwhile, they use their First Amendment rights giving six year olds the idea that they can change their "gender" and be happy. Are they willing to discuss whether the First Amendment is absolute? Let's face it, social media, the Internet, television, radio, podcasts, and movies did not exist when the Constitution was written. None of those involve a "press". Are they covered by the First?

This whole gender thing confusion is actually pretty easy to sort out. Let's walk through the process.  Go into a room by yourself and pull down your pants or whatever you are wearing that covers your body below your waist. Look down. If there is a penis there, you are a man. If there is a vagina there, you are a woman. If you run into a Supreme Court Justice, pass this pointer on to them.

There is nothing wrong with being the best at something. We need to quit pretending that we are all the same. Let's be honest and just celebrate our differences.

Wednesday, June 01, 2022

Putting out an APB for "Fact-checkers"??

 RMOL has put out an All-Points Bulletin looking for all of the missing fact-checkers. There has not been a fact-checker sighting since around noon on January 20, 2021. For the previous five years or so, you couldn't sling a dead cat without hitting a fact-checker. Now, they are more scarce than rational statements at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

When Trump was President, if he said "Good Morning" at a minute after noon, the fact-checkers rushed to label him a liar. Now the "fact-checkers" are apparently in some kind of hibernation mode or cryogenically frozen. 

So, there are a few obvious questions. First, was the news media just biased against Trump? If you answered "no", what the hell are you doing reading this site? Second, are they just in hiding because the workload is too heavy with Lying Joe at the wheel? Third, are they all in Fantasyland at Disney World for the never-ending PRIDE festival?

Biden said that a 9MM round will blow your lung out of your body.

Biden said he didn't know about the baby formula problem until recently. Even MSNBC had the story.

Biden ships weapons to civilians in Ukraine that Americans can't buy without special licenses. 

Biden said that he never talked to Hunter Biden about his businesses.

Biden said that he drove an 18-wheeler.

Biden said that the economy is good.

I have put up with about all that I can take of Biden's dementia and his stupidity. On Friday, Biden finally crossed the line.

First, a little personal information. From about age seven to age fifteen, I wanted to attend the Naval Academy. Everybody has a dream. My dream died at the eye doctor's office in 1968 when I found out that my vision would not just fail the standards at the Naval Academy, I was also color deficient. So not only could I not attend the Naval Academy, if I went through the NROTC program to be an officer, I could not be a line officer. Looking back, I should have tried to get into running service clubs. 

Friday, the lying, demented, child molesting, payoff pocketing, liberal bastard Joe Biden spoke at the Naval Academy graduation ceremony. In his speech he claimed that he had been given an appointment to the Naval Academy in 1965 by the Senator he ran against in 1972.

In 1965, Biden graduated from the University of Delaware. Why would he need to go to the Academy? How many people with a bachelor's degree have ever been selected for the Naval Academy? I am pretty sure that the number is zero or close. Is there anything that Biden will not lie about? Picture the news media remaining silent if Trump had said that same thing!

Where are the fact checkers? This is so obviously false that it can be proven or disproven in a matter of minutes. Those people who claim to be "investigative reporters" need to pull their heads out of their asses and investigate. 

When asked, his press secretary claimed that she had not heard that part of his speech. Why doesn't somebody at the White House grow a pair of balls and tell us that Biden has dementia? We all already know. The world knows! Only the Democrats will not admit it. 

A friend sent something the other day about the senile guy with his finger on the nuclear strike button who thinks that Americans aren't responsible enough to own firearms. 

Let me carry the nuclear football!