The Race to the Bottom
"The Race to the Bottom" title won out over a long time favorite "In Search of Mediocrity". What am I ranting about today? Turn on the television or radio, go online, read a newspaper, or talk to a liberal.
In pursuit of liberal dreams, we have created a nation of idiots. We no longer encourage excellence as that would mean that someone else sucks at whatever activity is being measured. Liberals all want "equity". This means that someone else failed at something, so I want to fail too. I am sorry, but life is still a big math problem. If you want everyone to have equal outcomes, you must have everyone make equal efforts. Anything else is simply not true.
Thomas Jefferson High School in Fairfax used to be a school with high academic standards. They have abandoned grades and test results and are using race as a standard for admission. They are setting up people to fail by admitting students without the proven skills to do the work. Then when those folks fail and they will, we will listen to another round of endless whining about race.
Let's just put all of the liberal theories to a simple test and see if they work. Let's make the team rosters of the NFL and the NBA conform to the national racial mix. Is this any different than requiring a school to do the same?
In Greensboro, there is a library across the street from a recreation center. I have never seen anyone entering or leaving the library and the library parking lot is always empty. The recreation center is always full when I pass. Equal outcomes require equal effort.
Why do Asians do better in math and science classes than children of other races? They do better because they study math and science rather than play ball. There is no "math gene".
This may surprise some of you, but most scientists were not major league ball players first. Not may nuclear physicists can hit a three pointer. Your doctor probably did not set his high school passing yardage record in football.
The Senate confirmed a female justice who could not define what a "woman" is. I am looking forward to her ruling on laws that apply only to women. How will she know?
Biden said that mass shootings don't happen anywhere else in the world. Using that same standard, how many other countries engage in mutilating the sex organs of children not old enough to have "teen" in their age? The suicide rates among transsexuals are sky high, but we keep lopping off schlongs and hoping for the best. Is there a future in this?
The liberal media is currently screaming that the Second Amendment is not absolute. They want guns banned. Meanwhile, they use their First Amendment rights giving six year olds the idea that they can change their "gender" and be happy. Are they willing to discuss whether the First Amendment is absolute? Let's face it, social media, the Internet, television, radio, podcasts, and movies did not exist when the Constitution was written. None of those involve a "press". Are they covered by the First?
This whole gender thing confusion is actually pretty easy to sort out. Let's walk through the process. Go into a room by yourself and pull down your pants or whatever you are wearing that covers your body below your waist. Look down. If there is a penis there, you are a man. If there is a vagina there, you are a woman. If you run into a Supreme Court Justice, pass this pointer on to them.
There is nothing wrong with being the best at something. We need to quit pretending that we are all the same. Let's be honest and just celebrate our differences.
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