Thursday, November 12, 2020

The Jones Plan B for Trump

 I want to see Trump win in the courts with his legal actions about the elections. I think that anytime that you change the way the game will be scored after you have started the game, that is wrong. In addition, the Democratic party has a long history of cheating in elections. It is in their DNA. However, I am a realist and think that one should always have a Plan B. So here's my Plan B for Donald Trump.

A week or two before the election, Trump should address the nation and tell us that he is resigning rather than hand over the government to a crook like Joe Biden. He should say that Mike Pence has agreed to perform that distasteful task. 

Then, he should announce his plan to promote that "unity" in which the Democrats are suddenly all interested. In the interest of national unity, he should pardon Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, and Hillary Clinton for all of their influence peddling rackets that they have been running for years. He should offer a partial list (as no one has a complete list) of the things that they have done. Before you conservatives get upset, you must realize that the career people at the Department of Justice are never going to investigate a Democrat. So there is nothing to lose in this action.

So what else does this accomplish? Glad you asked. Pence becomes the 46th President of the United States. In any future political endeavors, he must be referred to as "President Pence". The big bonus with this is that by this point in time, the Democrats will have printed up all kinds of stuff with "Joe Biden, 46th President" on them. Suddenly, they are all worthless, not that Democrats can count anyway.

Pence should immediately nominate Ben Carson as Vice President and send that to Congress. If Congress decides not to act on Carson's nomination, they should be called out by the Black Lives Matter crowd for refusing to elect a black man as Vice President. If they do confirm him, he will be the first black person to be Vice-President, which will make all of the  Kamala Harris merchandise incorrect and worthless. It's a win either way.

Then on Inauguration Day when the President-elect comes to the White House to meet President Pence, Pence should make a statement with Biden by his side. He should announce that to promote "unity" and allow the Democrats to get to work on serious issues, he has issued a pardon for Donald Trump. That will keep the Democrats from wasting time and money trying to harass Trump for the rest of his life.

So what is the next step in the Plan B for Trump? If he has not done so already, Trump needs to start his own cable channel, Trump TV. It can be like CNN, except for patriots and people who actually love America. He should start broadcasting at noon on Inauguration Day. What do you want to watch? Your choices are to watch Donald Trump give a speech or Joe Biden give his inaugural address or as much of it as he can read. No response is needed.

Let's get Plan B going!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Kristin Cooper, Broad, bimbo, or bitch?

This from the News & Observer on Nov. 6.

 "North Carolina’s first lady has apologized after a screenshot of her saying she “flipped off” supporters of President Donald Trump during a rally in the state was circulated on social media. According to a screenshot of the comment that was also posted on a conservative website this week, Kristin Cooper made the comment while responding to a Facebook post from another user about the Sunday event in Raleigh. Nearly 60 people had attended the rally, which had a goal of encouraging Christians to vote, WRAL-Channel 5 reported. Michelle Morrow, an organizer for the event, told the news outlet that attendees were carrying a “Trump flag,” a “Back the Blue” flag as well as American flags. “There was a pitiful family group waving those flags by the Capitol today. I flipped them off and told them to go home,” the screenshot shows Cooper as saying. “Was flipping off a brainwashed kid my finest hour? Probably not, but I can live with it.” Cooper, who is married to Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper, apologized Thursday in an emailed statement from her spokesperson to The News & Observer."

Kristin Cooper is the perfect example of a female Democrat. They talk about how everyone should be treated equally, but none of that applies to conservatives. She described a child holding a flag as "brainwashed". WOW!! Only if the child goes to public school, Kristin. Would a child holding a Black Lives Matter banner have been flipped off by  liberal Kristin Cooper?

In the movie "10", Dudley Moore and Julie Andrews had a heated discussion about his use of the term "broad". Ms. Andrews said that the term was derogatory and Moore responded with a story about a relative whom he described as a "great broad". Andrews was decidedly unmoved by his story. I doubt that Mrs. Cooper has sufficient personality to meet the "broad" standard.

Could the vocabulary challenged Kristin Cooper be described as a "bimbo"? Well, she is married to a lawyer who has made his living slopping at the public trough for the last 34 years. She and Roy have spent the last four years living in government housing so that must have made some impact on her. I just don't think she has enough intelligence  to be a bimbo, unless there is a "dumber than dirt" model. Let's face it. Flipping off a family of voters two days before an election is not the brightest thing to do.

By now, even the slow among the readers of this can see where I am going with this. Mrs. Cooper is part of the new generation of female Democrats. They tell us how nice we should treat everyone and then they treat conservatives like dirt. Conservatives are sub humans in the minds of the all knowing Democrats. So Kristin makes the grade as a "bitch". To paraphrase Mrs. Cooper, "Is calling Kristin Cooper  a bitch my finest hour? No, but I can live with it." The good news for Kristin is that I didn't go with the "C" words.

Sunday, November 08, 2020

Further Reflections on elections

 H.L. Mencken was right. "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people". Joe Biden must have that tattooed on those "hairy legs" that he talks about little children rubbing at the swimming pool where he worked. Of course, Biden had only been a lifeguard because Reagan had been a lifeguard.

George W. Bush should be removed from the Republican Party. His comments today indicate that he has lost another battle with alcohol.

"On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron."  H.L. Mencken, writing about the Biden presidency..

Twelve years ago, America elected a President who didn't know where he was born. Now, they are trying to install a President who doesn't even know where he is. Democrats are not good with geography. 

Back to G.W. Bush. You would think that if anyone knows that the election is not over yet, it would be Bush. Florida, George!! Do you remember Florida?

Great article in the American Spectator about Democrats and their history of cheating in elections. I believe that it was by Dov Fischer, attorney and Rabbi. It may be on his website if you don't subscribe to the American Spectator. If you can't get it, send me an e-mail or post a comment and I will dispatch a copy to you.

Are the polls just incredibly inaccurate or is a tool of voter suppression?  Is the media using them to try and keep conservatives from voting? There was a poll last week that showed Biden up by 17 points. Was that just a plot to let Republicans know that their guy was losing big, don't bother to vote?

Alex Trebek died today. They say that he wouldn't let Hillary appear on Jeopardy.

Barack Obama's long awaited book is scheduled to be released soon. It covers his early years and the fist three years of his presidency. It is said to be 768 pages in length. 768 pages?  Is Obama, the half black, foreign American equivalent of Fyodor Dostoevsky? I suggest you buy the book. When Biden orders a lockdown and toilet tissue becomes scarce again, you will be glad that you have Obama's book.

Final thought, polling should be declared dead.

Coming soon, "Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves". the story of the Democrats.

Wednesday, November 04, 2020

Early Election reflections

 I live in a state filled with schizophrenics.  North Carolina gave a majority of votes to  Donald Trump and Roy Cooper. How in the hell can anyone support both Cooper and Trump?

"Not every Democrat is a socialist, but every socialist is a Democrat", said Marco Rubio.

Nobody can squander money like a Democrat. Bloomberg spent millions of dollars in the primaries for a handful of votes. In South Carolina, Jaime Harrison was going to sweep Lindsay Graham out of office, or at least that was the story the news media told us. Harrison raised over one hundred million dollars and liberal swine groups supporting him spent probably a hundred million more, yet Harrison came up woefully short. I don't think that he ever even led a poll, but what does an old white guy know? Senator Graham remains Senator Graham.

In the same theme, how about that Cal Cunningham? It's still close, but Cal is trailing and nowhere near the lead that the polls proclaimed that he enjoyed. It is the same story across the nation. Polls are no more objective than the schmucks running them. I personally don't believe that surveying a thousand people in a state of ten million gives you an accurate view.

Trump needs to carry Pennsylvania. This is a state where the Democrats in the court system are trying to put Biden into office. This one will go to the US Supreme Court. You read it here first. This is why Trump needed Barrett.

This is 2000 all over again. We will just wait for the courts to decide. 

Monday, November 02, 2020

'Twas the night before Election Day

 Tomorrow is Election Day. Every couple of years, we do this to determine the fate of the nation. It would be quicker just to roll some dice.

The Democrats have spent hundreds of millions of dollars to regain control of the nation. We are not told where their money originates, but according to all of the Democrats advertising, the Republicans get all of their money from Insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies.

If Biden loses, we may never hear again about the famed gangster Corn Pop. I was hoping that Biden would update us about Corn Pop by telling us about Corn Pop's accomplices, Sugar Smack and Cocoa Krispy. Not to mention Biden's fascinating "I got hairy legs" story. Maybe that's where they harvested the hair plugs for his head.

I hate to suggest Google, but I do suggest that you find the State of California's guidelines for celebrating Thanksgiving. Why those people haven't staged a real revolution is beyond me.

I find the Democrats to be amusing, but I have always found stupidity to be entertaining. I love how they are attacking insurance companies and Big Pharma, but they are depending on those two groups to get us out of the corona virus mess. 

I am fascinated by the whole "pre-existing condition" thing. Does your homeowner's insurance cover damage that happened before your policy started? Does your auto insurance cover damage from accidents before you bought a policy? Can you buy life insurance for someone who is already dead? Why would medical insurance be any different? There is a solution to this, but I doubt that it will come from a Democrat. What party do most of the lawyers support?

Some countries in Europe are trying lockdowns again. I will bet that in the 1800's, they were the folks saying, "Let's try that snake oil again. I am sure that it will work this time."

Since it is Election Day tomorrow, this note. You won't hear this from the "Lincoln Project" idiots, but in 1838 Lincoln warned about the dangers of mob rule. Nothing has changed.