Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Kristin Cooper, Broad, bimbo, or bitch?

This from the News & Observer on Nov. 6.

 "North Carolina’s first lady has apologized after a screenshot of her saying she “flipped off” supporters of President Donald Trump during a rally in the state was circulated on social media. According to a screenshot of the comment that was also posted on a conservative website this week, Kristin Cooper made the comment while responding to a Facebook post from another user about the Sunday event in Raleigh. Nearly 60 people had attended the rally, which had a goal of encouraging Christians to vote, WRAL-Channel 5 reported. Michelle Morrow, an organizer for the event, told the news outlet that attendees were carrying a “Trump flag,” a “Back the Blue” flag as well as American flags. “There was a pitiful family group waving those flags by the Capitol today. I flipped them off and told them to go home,” the screenshot shows Cooper as saying. “Was flipping off a brainwashed kid my finest hour? Probably not, but I can live with it.” Cooper, who is married to Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper, apologized Thursday in an emailed statement from her spokesperson to The News & Observer."

Kristin Cooper is the perfect example of a female Democrat. They talk about how everyone should be treated equally, but none of that applies to conservatives. She described a child holding a flag as "brainwashed". WOW!! Only if the child goes to public school, Kristin. Would a child holding a Black Lives Matter banner have been flipped off by  liberal Kristin Cooper?

In the movie "10", Dudley Moore and Julie Andrews had a heated discussion about his use of the term "broad". Ms. Andrews said that the term was derogatory and Moore responded with a story about a relative whom he described as a "great broad". Andrews was decidedly unmoved by his story. I doubt that Mrs. Cooper has sufficient personality to meet the "broad" standard.

Could the vocabulary challenged Kristin Cooper be described as a "bimbo"? Well, she is married to a lawyer who has made his living slopping at the public trough for the last 34 years. She and Roy have spent the last four years living in government housing so that must have made some impact on her. I just don't think she has enough intelligence  to be a bimbo, unless there is a "dumber than dirt" model. Let's face it. Flipping off a family of voters two days before an election is not the brightest thing to do.

By now, even the slow among the readers of this can see where I am going with this. Mrs. Cooper is part of the new generation of female Democrats. They tell us how nice we should treat everyone and then they treat conservatives like dirt. Conservatives are sub humans in the minds of the all knowing Democrats. So Kristin makes the grade as a "bitch". To paraphrase Mrs. Cooper, "Is calling Kristin Cooper  a bitch my finest hour? No, but I can live with it." The good news for Kristin is that I didn't go with the "C" words.


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