Wednesday, October 07, 2020

Cooper, Cal, and Cameltoe

Roy Cooper is running campaign ads about  how he is going to rebuild North Carolina and our economy after COVID. Pardon me for pointing this out Roy, but you are the idiot who destroyed our economy. Electing Cooper to rebuild North Carolina is like hiring an arsonist to rebuild your house  after he set it on fire. No thanks, Roy, we will pass.

Cal Cunningham? Why is it that when Democrats do something wrong, it is "a personal issue", but when Republicans do something wrong, it is all about their character and should be widely discussed by the media. Are we just supposed to know that Democrats are reprobates?

Cal Cunningham bragging about his Bronze Star devalues the value of the Bronze Star. Kind of like John Kerry and the Purple Heart.

Things are so bad for Cunningham that the Associated Press ran a story last night about his indiscretions including that he and his "friend" consummated their relationship in his home. She described that setting as "weird". Really??

The AP story about Cunningham was evidently written by a pair of schizophrenics. It alternates between paragraphs praising his "wholesome appeal" and paragraphs detailing his indiscretions. It included his lover saying to a friend that she should send his naked pictures to his opponent. I am pretty sure that she didn't do that or they would be in a Tillis ad now. 

Joe Biden and Cameltoe Harris refuse to answer questions about whether they will try to "pack" the Supreme Court if they are elected. They tell us all of their other plans, why not this?

CNN attacked Donald Trump today for (fill in blanks here).

The News & Record ran a story today about a "bipartisan" group of candidates demanding that the state Board of Elections take control of the Rockingham County Board of Elections. The "bipartisan" group is six Democrats and a Libertarian. I guess the Green Party candidate was not able to be there.

After 47 years in Washington, Joe Biden is finally ready to solve all of our problems. Believers are invited to contact me for bridges that are available for purchase.

Trump is being criticized for not being sick long enough with the COVID virus. Leave it to the media to find the down side of someone surviving a disease.


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