Thursday, September 17, 2020

Random Ravings?


Today is Constitution Day. There is still time to e-mail your Congressman, your Senator, your governor, or even a Democrat a copy. Then you just hope that they can read.

NBA team owners are the largest collection of eunuchs in this country. NFL owners are hot on their heels. In the real world, we don't allow employees to ridicule, criticize, and attack our paying customers. What we have here is a need to redefine the business-customer relationship.

Biden ads are claiming that Trump is lying about Biden raising taxes. Apparently, Biden now claims that he will not raise taxes for people making less than $400,000 a year. In his remarks shown on video, Biden says clearly, "I am going to raise your taxes." No mention of a $4000,000 floor in that remark.

Liberals live to tell us all that everyone should pay their "fair share". One assumes that a "fair share" means that we all pay the same rate. Not in Demo Land! In Demo Land, we have to penalize people for being successful and celebrate those who will not work. It is all about leftists buying votes by promising to give loafers everything that others have to work to get.

The Greensboro City Council is still trying to limit anything that the police can do to protect themselves and innocent citizens. Studies have shown that regardless of race and ethnic group, people who obey the law are less likely to be shot by the police. Why doesn't the City Council just compel their constituents to obey the law?

By July 7 of this year, there had been 29 homicides in Greensboro. The victims were 26 blacks, 2 Hispanics , and 1 white person. Yet the City Council is worried about how the police treat criminals? Attention Greensboro City Council members: Remove your heads from your asses and look at what is happening. How long will elected officials ignore the facts that are right in front of them?

Bob Woodward? Troubled so badly by Trump that he could only wait until less than two months before the election to speak out. He was busy on vacation for the six months before that.

Inquiring minds ask:

Is Kamala Harris really black?

Is Elizabeth Warren Native American?

Is Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner a woman?

Does Joe Biden know what today is?

Has Gov. Roy Cooper called the movers to the Executive Mansion yet?


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