Saturday, August 29, 2020

Saturday Morning Confusion

 Black leaders from the march on Washington are demanding that we stop killing them. The fact that they are slaughtering each other has not dawned on them yet. 

The NBA, Major League Baseball, and a couple of other sports cancelled games on Wednesday and Thursday to protest the shooting of the Blake felon in Kenosha, WI earlier this week. When these guys all have to get real jobs or move to foreign countries to find people willing to pay to watch their shit, maybe the lights will come on in their heads. Owners are working to satisfy their employees while pissing off their customers. It might be time to go back to business school or look for a bankruptcy attorney for owners. In my hierarchy of needs, making sure that LeBron James is happy isn't even showing up on the screen. Who is looking to guys who throw balls through a hoop for leadership in this nation?

Why do all of these media created saints being shot by police have criminal records? Why are they all resisting arrest? Why do so many of these cases involve drugs and/or alcohol?

Eighty per cent of NFL players are black. Ninety per cent of NBA players are black. These are the guys calling for racial diversity? You're shitting me, right?

"If you don't quit killing our criminals, we aren't going to play sports."  Oh, the humanity!! Reeling from this threat, Americans are confused about which sport to ignore first. Get used to playing in those empty stadiums guys! Don't look now, but I am sure there is some relationship between TV ratings and money received.  People are watching less on television every time you open your mouths. Stand up, shut up and play the game.

Business analysts are stilled stunned by NASCAR's announcements which basically labeled their fan base as racists. What moron attacks people who are giving him their money? Quick, how many Bubba Wallace hats and shirts have you seen? Did he get a rope endorsement deal?

Roy Cooper has a new commercial showing someone alleged to be a health professional telling us that if she can wear a mask and a face shield for forty hours a week, we can wear one for thirty minutes in a grocery store. A few notes here, honey. First, you get paid to wear that mask, I don't. Beyond that, you are free to leave that job. Did the governor order you to wear that mask?  Obviously, you have that same pompous, holier than thou, attitude that affects Roy Cooper. Why don't you both just go bite a hog in the ass?

Cal Cunningham, because the name Karl Marx, is already in use.

If you don't believe that Americans are tired of all this rioting, looting, and burning, just watch!!


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