Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Tuesday Target Time

 Joe Biden has announced that Kamala Harris will be his VP choice. Enthralled by his choice, a media outlet announced that Harris was the first black, South Asian American woman to be a major party's candidate. They left out Jamaican. When she loses, she can do commercials for Ancestry and their DNA testing. She can replace Elizabeth Warren in that capacity.

Gov. Roy Cooper is running commercials about his opponent, Dan Forest making appearances without a mask and social distancing. This is your best shot, Roy?? If Forest has any balls, he will run the video of Roy marching with BLM protesters with his mask hanging from his ears and no one "social distancing". Forest, put me down for a donation if you run that ad!

Someone questioned me about a recent post where I gave Cooper's name as Ass-Berry. Just to clarify, Cooper's middle name is actually Asberry. I just have trouble with the spelling. It's that damn Common Core spelling class!

Biden is operating from his basement and Cooper is holed up at the Emergency Management Services bunker doing his scripted press conferences with hand selected reporters asking questions by telephone. These two clowns are staying off the streets so that they won't be confused with rich white guys by the rioting Democrats. Even Hitler got out and walked through crowds.

"Progressives". This is how journalism schools taught reporters to spell "Communists"

College and pro football players are worried about catching Covid-19. I guess the chances of crippling knee injuries or concussions turning them into vegetables is not an issue. 

I haven't heard much about the NBA. A survey showed that their top concerns are paternity suits, child support payments, and forgetting to kneel for the national anthem.

In Major League Baseball, they are so desperate for viewers that  last week an outfielder attacked a carboard cutout for interfering with him trying to make a catch.

In NASCAR, they are just trying to win a race while praying that a racially diverse crowd is watching on television. That and drawing lots to see who checks Bubba Wallace's garage door for a rope tied into a noose.

Need a mob to riot, loot, and burn? Call 1-800-DEMOCRATS. Free contactless delivery is available.

Russia claims that they have developed a vaccine for the coronavirus. Many "experts" have said that this is impossible. Let's face it, if Russians know everything happening in the US government, can't they also know what all of the drug companies are doing? Besides that, when was the last malpractice suit filed in Russia?

Have anyone noticed how the Covid news is not the first story on the news now every hour? The Democrats have finally realized that Biden will have to leave his basement and campaign and they have to make that possible.

The annual Labor Day Weekend Flea market in Hillsville, VA has been cancelled due to government regulations. I was looking forward to Gov. Northam appearing there in blackface. Maybe next year?

.If you believe that people can return from the dead, did you see Timothy McVey in Beirut recently?

They used to refer to Beirut as the "Paris of the Middle East".   Now, it is the "Chicago of the Middle East".                                                   


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