Thursday, July 16, 2020

Thursday Thoughts Ver. 7.16

Greta Thunberg is now an expert on race relations. There aren't enough black people in Sweden to form a basketball team. What does she know? The media was running short of punk ass teenagers to quote, I guess.

Gov. Kemp of Georgia is my new hero. He is suing the mayor of Atlanta for refusing to obey his executive order about mask ordinances. She's so busy trying out for the open space on the Biden-"Black Woman" ticket that she can't run the city.

Here's an area where we not only have achieved equality, but blacks have surged ahead of the old white guys. The area is mayors who are so corrupt or stupid that their cities are about to slide into the sewer. Blacks have made a strong push into the political corruption arena, but the news media is trying to gloss over it.

Gov. Kemp was right about mask laws being almost impossible to enforce. Try putting some old people in jail for not wearing a mask and you will find yourself hoping for a BLM protest instead. A government that screws with taxpayers about a face mask is a government looking to find other work.

Commissar Roy Cooper continues his drive to bankrupt North Carolina. Frankly, I am surprised that he is still alive. You don't see him anywhere other than at fundraisers in other states and his TV appearances from the Emergency Services bunker in Raleigh.

Cooper wants to put masks on all students at school when they go back to school. He needs to spend the day with a 6 year old before finalizing this policy.

I think that the leadership of Black Lives Matters are candidates for an investigation for violations of the RICO Act.

Another "Medical Expert" said that if we will all just wear a mask for the next four to six weeks, then we can stop this virus. So far, increased mask usage is reflected in higher numbers of people infected. What science is it that these clowns are using? They all talk about decisions based on science, they just never show us the science. To keep repeating this claim is testimony to the arrogance of man. Memo: We can't control everything.

CDC=  Constantly Defying Credibility

There are many in North Carolina who believe that Herr Cooper is only using "political science". Of course, he is being backed up by that Commie Cohen, the doctor who has never practiced medicine. What a team!!



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