Sunday, July 12, 2020

Letter to the Editor

I sent a note to the editor of the Rhino Times on Friday. The Rhino is an online publication in the City of Greensboro. As it probably won't make it to the Rhino, here's the text of it.

In Greensboro, the Confederate Memorial at Green Hill Cemetery was vandalized over the holiday weekend. It was reported to police on Friday afternoon, July 3.  The city hauled it off to storage while they attempt to justify the removal. If the statue of the Greensboro Four had been vandalized, would they have put it into storage? If people start tearing down MLK street signs, will they be placed in storage? Why didn't the city leave it in place so that news organizations and members of the public could see what had been done? Where are the pictures of the vandalism? You can bet your last dollar that if someone had vandalized the Greensboro Four statue, it would be all over the news with pictures. Is there a double standard being used by the leftist liberals and Communists who run Greensboro? After years of telling us that Confederate memorials need to be in cemeteries or museums, the left has demonstrated that idea is just another leftist lie. The memorial was in a cemetery. Nothing is safe from these people who accuse everyone else of hate and bigotry, but are themselves the real hate group.

Gilbert Jones


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