Thursday, June 25, 2020

The State of Washington, DC??

Democrats in the House want to create our 51st state out of the District of Columbia. The bill is certain to die in the Senate. If it passes the Senate, it will be vetoed by Trump.

I am tired of hearing all of the complaining from District residents about everything. NO ONE is compelled to live in the District, except Donald Trump. If you don't like it, move.

The Democrats want to pick up more members in the House and Senate. Would they be proposing this bill if the Republicans were in the majority in the District? Of course not.

There actually is a very simple solution to this problem. Return the parts of the District that are not Federal government facilities to the State of Maryland, from whence it came. There is actually a legal precedent for this. In 1847, what is now Arlington County, Virginia was retroceded by Congress to the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Problem solved.


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