Friday, June 19, 2020

Pelosi Purges House History

Nancy Pelosi has ordered that the portraits of four Speakers of the House who were connected with the Confederacy be removed from the Capitol.

In a move straight out of Stalin's playbook, Pelosi is rewriting history. Will she next have any portraits of Republicans removed?

Stalin used photography as a way of rewriting history. Stalin would have opponents who had been purged airbrushed out of photographs. If he had been able to use Photoshop, there wouldn't be any original photos left in Russia.

Of the four Speakers who had their portraits removed, three served as Speaker before the Civil War and one served in the 1890's. Charles Crisp of Georgia served as the Speaker from 1891 to 1895. This means that 26 years after the Civil War ended, the nation had reconciled to such a point that a Southerner could be elected Speaker. More than 125 years later, Pelosi and Democrats are trying to rewrite American History and divide the country again.

I am fascinated that a woman who has had breast implants and uses Botox is concerned about another Speaker's portrait. 

What will next week's episode of "Liberals Gone Wild" bring?


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