Saturday, June 13, 2020

Numbers and more!

Lying Mandy Cohen of NCDHHS fame, says that 10% of the tests for COVID-19 are positive. She says that we need to get this number down to around 5%. Why has the number shot up? Because Lying Mandy has her fingers on the scale. She tells us to get tested if we think that we have been exposed or think that we are sick. If most of your testing sample thinks they are sick or have been exposed, then that number is not representative of the general population. Most tests require a doctor's referral for the test. Lying Mandy is distorting the facts. The facts are that 90% of the people who thought they were sick or had been exposed are not sick. Until you get a realistic sample of the population tested, your figures are worthless.

Black Lives Matter tells us about all of the black people killed by police, but never mention that more whites are killed every year by police. While blacks are killed in a disproportional rate to their presence in the population, they also commit a disproportional rate of violent crimes. How many incidents involve a person who has used drugs or alcohol? This info is available but we never hear about it.  Read the autopsy on Floyd Perry aka George Floyd. Why isn't Black Lives Matter chanting saying, "Say his NAMES"?

How many people demanding reparations for slavery have ever actually been a slave?  Without consulting any surveys, I will guess that the number is about zero. By the way, if you are looking to punish people for slavery, how about those folks in Africa who sold your ancestors into slavery? Number of people demanding reparations from African countries is zero.

What's the racial breakdown on looters? A couple of years ago, a Family Dollar near Wilmington, NC was looted live on television after a hurricane. I watched for about half an hour and did not see any KKK members present. Looters during that incident were 100% black.

What's the percentage of demonstrators/looters/rioters who have been so traumatized so badly by the death of someone they don't know, that they need to loot Walmart or Target and get a new television to ease the pain?

Walmart in Reidsville has an emergency capacity of 1091 people. Ace Speedway has a emergency capacity of 25.  Yet Lying Roy Cooper and BS-ing Mandy Cooper tell us that you are more likely to get sick at Ace Speedway. Number of people with functioning brains who believe Roy/Mandy is zero(0).

Number of people who stopped listening to Lady Antebellum because of their name. Zero. Number of people who have announced that they will no longer listen to their music. No total yet, but it is already more than zero. Number of Lady Antebellum listeners who actually thought that they were racists because of antebellum? None ever heard from before this week.

When Cooper was restricting churches from having more than ten people present, he said that it was dangerous to be inside and sitting. Then it was dangerous to be outside at Ace Speedway. Then he marched with protesters in Raleigh with his face mask hanging to one side and no social distancing.  Roy is obviously just making shit up, but a least he's still stupid. Percentage of people who believe Roy will be determined in November. Vote no to pandering!!


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