Monday, June 08, 2020

If Black Lives Really Mattered??????????????

Unless you have spent the last couple of weeks in a cave, we are in the midst of an attempt by liberals and blacks to rework the social fabric of the United States.

People who disagree with the ideas advocated by Black Lives matter are being stripped of their chance to express themselves. Since I have so little to lose, let me take a shot at this.

If Black Lives really mattered to blacks,

1. Would young black males be slaughtering each other?
2. Would young black females be aborting the unborn black lives?
3. Would there be rioting in the streets to provoke others into killing blacks?
4. Would there be more two parent families in the black community?
5. Would the BLM movement keep believing that the answers are in government social programs?
6. With young black men slaughtering each other, why do they want to "defund" police departments?

Sometimes in life, we have to look in the mirror and say, "We have met the enemy and he is us." The time comes to stop blaming everyone else's actions  for your failures. Look at the decline in the black family unit. Another 60 years of government social programs and handouts will completely destroy the black family unit.

The problem with rescuing people constantly is that you reach the point where they get angry when you do not rescue them well enough. This is America today.

ALL lives matter or no lives matter. You choose.


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