Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Cheap shots?? Say it ain't so!!

Watching something on You Tube and on the list of upcoming videos was "Secret Service agent exposes Hillary Clinton". Isn't it enough that we can see her face??

When the Congress passed the CARES Act, there was discussion about the $600 a week federal supplement on unemployment. Some tried to point out that people would not go back to work if they can make more not working. Congress passed it anyway. Guess what's happening right now??

Why aren't people at box stores and Wal-Mart not all dying of COVID-19 after being exposed to crowds of people for hours every day? Yet, I am told that if I get within 6 feet of someone, I will die.

Andrew Cuomo or Roy Cooper? Who holds the dullest press conferences? By the way, this isn't England. Stop calling them "pressers".

Trump wants Governor Cooper to guarantee that the Republican Convention can take place in Charlotte in August as scheduled. If not, Trump wants to move it to another state. A Charlotte official says that Trump is bluffing.  I think that General Soleimani was the last guy to make that claim.

Cooper said that the virus will still be here in 3 months. So now he's a medical expert? Guess as a lawyer, he gave up on that Constitution thing.

If Cooper really knows what the virus is doing, why did he sneak out of the state on March 5 to go to a fundraiser in Tampa, Florida? Twelve days later, he shut down the state. What did he know on March 5 about the virus? He claims now to know what will be happening in 3 months. Did he know then?

Why doesn't Cooper get the kind of questions at press conferences that Trump does?

While Cooper and Charlotte bullshit the press about the Republican Convention, governors in Florida, and Georgia are asking Trump to bring the convention to their states. Losing business will be nothing new to Charlotte businesses as they can watch traffic on I-77 everyday heading to South Carolina to shop and eat.

Fox is coming out with a new mini-series, The Gretchen Whitmer Story. The role of Whitmer will be played by her twin brother/sister(?) Caitlyn Jenner.

Mandy Cohen, leading the NC DHHS, is in charge of the COVID-19 program. Could we not find a doctor who has actually practiced medicine?

In NC, bars are still closed, but you can drink in restaurants. Call if this makes sense.

The US House has been in session two days since the virus outbreak. Guess they are not essential.

Cooper, Whitmer, and Northam all need to study the history of revolutions. Or maybe have someone read it to them.

Any elected official or journalist using the phrase "new normal" should be executed.

The Monterey County DA in California is launching an investigation into Tara Reade's testimony about her job qualifications. Helen Keller could have seen that one coming.

Why are all of the states that are slow to reopen run by Democrats?

If "lockdown" works, why do so many inmates at state prisons have the virus?

Some states are releasing prisoners so they won't get the virus in prison. Instead, they will be out robbing and killing. Raise your hand if this makes sense.

Roy Cooper says that the pandemic response can not be political. That's why the counties that did not support him have a lower rate of infection than those that did support the crook. He's always wrong.

The New York Times keeps running stories praising Cooper. Of course, they don't live here. Also, they are used to Cuomo and de Blasio. Cuomo, Cooper, de Blasio, weren't they The Three Stooges?

Coming Thursday, "Is COVID-19 a social disease?"


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