Thursday, June 11, 2020

Adios NASCAR??

In January of 2019, Gillette unveiled an ad campaign criticizing men for "toxic masculinity". Seven months later, Procter & Gamble took an $8 Billion dollar write-down on the value  of Gillette. Yesterday, NASCAR banned "the Confederate flag" from their races. Obviously, NASCAR is listening to the same geniuses who advised Procter & Gamble on their Gillette marketing.

What kind of idiot thinks, "Our business is down a little, let's attack our customer base"? Other than those geniuses at P&G?? Beyond attacking your business base, how are you going to enforce this rule? This has the potential to become a public relations nightmare.

First and foremost, NASCAR apparently does not know or understand that there are several "Confederate Flags". I am sure that in their ignorance and lack of knowledge,  they are referring to the "battle flag", but are the others banned as well? As least if they ban all of the flags, many Americans will get a long overdue history lesson. If the others are not banned, how long before they are also popular?

How are they going to enforce this ban? Will they let you park in the lot if your car has a flag sticker on it or even a state-issued license plate with a Confederate symbol on it? Can you compel someone to remove a government issued license plate? What if someone has their car painted as a battle flag? Will you be forced to remove a tee shirt with the NASCAR banned symbol on it? Will they allow people in who have a flag tattoo? What about battle flag jewelry? What about battle flag pocket knives and key rings? Battle flag wallets and purses?  Will admission lines be like the TSA "security" lines at airports?   Will people be subject to strip searches to make sure that they are not smuggling in forbidden symbols? Looking into the future, will they provide dumpsters at the admission gates where fans can voluntarily surrender the forbidden symbols? Will there be a buyback program at NASCAR tracks for Confederate items?

NASCAR is betting the ranch that they can diversify their fan base, while antagonizing their core base. Good luck guys!! By the way, what's your Plan B?


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