Monday, June 15, 2020

Is COVID-19 a social disease??

I just finished watching 45 minutes of "Lying Mandy Cohen", who is in charge of the NC DHHS. She can spin a lie faster than her mentor, Governor Roy Cooper.

Mandy has that Democratic line where they talk about the communities that have been "marginalized" down pat. There were a couple of questions about certain counties and the rates of infection there with minorities. I was unable to decipher an actual answer to any of these questions by the acclaimed Dr. Liar.

So bored with the lies, I thought that we should explore my own theory that COVID-19 is a "social disease".

It is reported that blacks and Hispanics have a COVID-19  rate about twice that of white Americans. There are three possibilities for this trend. They would be social/cultural reasons, biological reasons, or environmental reasons.

A lot of the white people dying are in nursing homes or as the doctors like to say "congregate living facilities". I think that would be an environmental cause.

There may be a biological reason, but as liberals like to claim that we are all the same except for the color of our skin, this must be impossible.

This leaves us with cultural or social causes. Let's start with Mexicans. The women who was the Spanish teacher at my sons' school was the daughter of missionaries and had lived in Mexico for several years. She told them that Mexicans have no concept of "personal space". That's why you see eight of them get out of a Toyota Corolla. Many of them live together in very crowded conditions. This might also be an environmental issue, but one they have chosen for cultural reasons.  This is why meat packing plants have been so affected by COVID-19 outbreaks. People who all work together, live together, and play together are going to be more prone to spread the disease. To solve the meat packing plant problems, they need to diversify their staffing.

Let's go to whether COVID is a social issue among blacks. Do you ever see two white guys meet in a public place? They make shake hands, but usually they just speak and maybe nod. What happens when two black guys meet? They have to do the "bro hug" thing. Then after speaking, there is a departing embrace. If you have several children by different women, you have a much more extended family than typically found in other communities. There are larger families in minority communities than found elsewhere. This is a social construct that causes an environmental problem.

An Ohio State Senator was fired from his job as an emergency room doctor for asking a similar question about whether the black community was practicing social distancing, wearing masks, and washing their hands. Outraged that he used the term "colored people", like in NAACP, people are demanding that he resign from his elected office. Interestingly enough, no one answered his question about social practices. The issue changed from "how can we fight this disease?" to "how could you say that?"

Are we going to curb the spread of the disease or are we going to refuse to say something that might offend a minority group? This isn't about science, it's about politics. Facing the facts requires that we kill a sacred cow. Not everything relates to being "marginalized". This is about social habits.


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