Monday, June 15, 2020

When did we decide?

When did we decide that sports stars should be our social, moral, and political spokespersons? It's not like eloquence is their strong point. How does tossing a ball through a hoop qualify you to judge the performances of others. Hell, we can train a seal to put a ball through a ring. Go find a real job and check back with us on your views.

When did we decide that gays and transgenders should be prized for their keen insights into the evils of heterosexuality?

When did we decide that offending someone is a crime or a sin?

When did we decide that "Black Lives Matter" is the most important cause in the universe? This is based on observations of news reporting.

When did we decide that people who lived in the past must meet our moral standards of today? Are we meeting the moral standards of the future?

When did we decide to rewrite our history? Was this a government decision? Was it made by a popular vote? Was there a referendum that I missed?

When did we decide that our lives and our accomplishments should all be judged based on our interactions with the opposite sex? Is all the good in your life overwhelmed by how you related to women?

When did we decide that the standard for greatness involves renouncing your connection, if any, to slavery? As an example, is Thomas Jefferson's work for the establishment and growth of the United States negated by his approach to slavery? Because of his relationship with Sally Hemmings, Jefferson hit the daily double on both race and gender relations. He's lucky that the liberals haven't started grinding his image off nickles. Of course, no one has any solid evidence on what the Hemmings-Jefferson relationship was actually like from an emotional or personal point of view.

When did we decide that George Washington should have his legacy questioned because he owned slaves? Does this negate his role in the American Revolution? Does this cancel out his Presidency?

When did we decide that racism is somehow the exclusive province of white guys? Are black people not capable of racism? Will we ever explore the racism that blacks show towards Asians and Hispanics? How about the racism that blacks show towards Jews?

When did we decide that liberals have the right to tell the rest of us what to think? When did schools become indoctrination centers?

When did we decide that placating less than 13% of the population is worth destroying the nation?


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