Sunday, August 09, 2020

Sunday Sarcasm

 As a teenager, I was sure that nothing could be more revolting than a Tampax or Kotex commercial on television. This week, I have seen several "Manscape" commercials on television. I am not sure if "tasteless" goes far enough to describe it. I rarely admit that I am wrong, but those Tampax commercials are looking pretty good right now.

Joe Biden as presidential candidate has left old Democrats longing for Michael Dukakis to make a comeback. Who can forget Snoopy posing in the tank? Maybe Biden can guarantee the gay vote by running as "Tail Gunner Joe". C'mon man, give it a try!!

I'm so old that I remember when they selected Vice-Presidential candidates based on their ability to campaign for the party's presidential candidate. Now Biden is trying to pick the best black woman to be the candidate. Can you imagine the media outrage if Trump had said that he was going to pick the best white male for the job?? Democrats, the masters of the double standard.

Biden can't shut up? At least when Hubert Humphrey was running, he actually made intelligent statements as he droned on for hours.

Anyone who thinks that the cardboard cutouts in the stands at baseball games makes it look more realistic needs mental help. All it does it stress how dull the actual game is. The sound track added to the game is like the laugh track added to other television shows. It's just as unbelievable. It's like watching the cast of Seinfeld play baseball. Somebody put MLB out of its misery. PLEASE!!

I saw a headline the other day, "Athletes push for diversity in sports". Are they recruiting white defensive backs for the NFL  or finding white guys to make  free throws in the NBA?

I am so old, I remember when people "reporting" the news knew the difference between a fact and an allegation. 

There was an earthquake in North Carolina and other southern states today. It was centered in Sparta, NC. My wife said that she felt the ground shaking. I didn't feel a thing. It's the old story. The dog appears to have ignored it. I have started a pool to see which "news" channel  will be the first to blame  Trump for the quake.

Will public schools doing "virtual learning" turn out a bumper crop of "virtual idiots"?? How will we tell these from the idiots that they have been producing?

I couldn't find it anywhere, but a friend swears that there is a picture of Joe Biden sniffing Ruth Bader  Ginsburg's hair. Gag if you have seen it.

I can't wait for the NFL season to start so that I will have something else not to watch on television. I think that people will find that they can do without pro sports. If anything has to die from the coronavirus, let it be pro sports. 


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