Monday, August 24, 2020

Post Market Monday Moans

 I was at the Raleigh market at the NC State Fairgrounds on Saturday and Sunday. I sold a lot of "stuff" and had a good time.

The flea market is still operating at a fraction of capacity since they rent space from the state and must comply with King Cooper's mindless edicts. Interestingly enough, the State Farmers Markets do not have similar restrictions as the state fairgrounds. Cooper hates consistency in rules.

Anyone who thinks "freak shows" are a thing of the past should just spend a day at the flea market watching the crowd. I am fascinated that "progressives" are regressing to things that primitive people did hundreds of tears ago. Once again, "Tattoos are permanent reminders of temporary insanity." 

From a neighboring vendor, I purchased a small book of quotes titled "Screw Calm and Get Angry". From that source, this Mark Twain quote. "In certain trying circumstances, urgent circumstances, desperate circumstances, profanity furnishes a relief denied even to prayer."

I am so old, I remember when it was only little old women who had blue hair. Now, people have hair of many colors, some all on the same head.

People who are always complaining about how animals are treated are putting rings in their noses and scores of other sites on their bodies. It's it is flesh, they want to pierce it. 

Watching the crowd some days reminds me of reading National Geographic in the 1950's and 1960's. To be honest, the folks in Geographic may have been better dressed.

I sell old issues of Life magazine and a couple of other magazines. I had a 1963 issue of Look magazine that I was reading while waiting for a customer. Two headlines on the cover were "Washington, DC, City of Crime" and "50 Years of anti-Semitism". Fifty seven years later and nothing has changed. 

The great thing about selling old "stuff' is to watch the looks on the faces of young people when they look at some old object and find out that civilization did NOT start in the year 2000. We actually knew things before smart phones. WOW!!!


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