Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Thoughts for a Thursday

 Melania Trump spoke to the Republican national Convention last night. While many thought she delivered a great message, the alleged comedian Kath Griffin disagreed. She tweeted "Fuck this bitch". Ah! Is this what passes for humor from Ms. Griffin?  Do people actually pay to watch her perform? Save your money honey!! I will cuss at you for free. Normally one would need to frequent a truck stop or a bordello to find a woman of Ms. Griffin's talents, Now with the magic of cable television, she is in your living room. Save yourself!! Shoot your television!

Jeff Flake has announced that he will not support Trump. In other startling news, the sun came up in the east this morning. Flake should take his band of Romney Republicans and join the Democrats. Please!!

Three people were shot and two of them died in Kenosha, Wisconsin last night. You are safer in Afghanistan than at a Black Lives Matter march. So more people have died in the protest, two, than died in the incident being protested, none.

If Black Lives Matter, why do they keep killing each other?

The Republicans are attacking the programs that the Democrats want to implement. The Democrats tell us that Trump is a bad man and won't wear a mask. WOW!!

Biden wants to implement a national mask mandate. No one under 21 can buy tobacco. Ever see a teenager smoking? Same story on alcohol. And except for a couple of states, the same thing on marijuana. Government orders work so well.

If Governor Roy Cooper doesn't start reopening businesses soon, he may as well call the movers to start packing at the Executive Mansion. 

I love all these cities and states declaring racism to be a public health issue. You could be a little more stupid, but it would be tough. The real public health issue is stupid people and the government isn't working to change that.

I grew up in Florida. Thank God that we didn't have the Weather Channel then! It's bad enough that you have hurricanes, but the minute by minute, play by play, reports on the Weather Channel are just more than anyone should have to tolerate. Life was easier when you just looked outside and thought, "It looks like a storm today." You didn't need Jim Cantore to be in your front yard.

I saw an article today about what millennials hate about baby boomers. One thing that stuck out was that they hate for boomers to leave voice mails. I don't even have a smart phone, but here's a thought on that matter for all you genius millennials. Even I could figure out how to turn that feature off so that I didn't get any voicemails. But rather than go full Kathy Griffin on a generation of dorks, here's a thought for the millennials. There is more to life than a smartphone and a collection of apps.


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