Tuesday, September 01, 2020

Tuesday Talking Topics

 Roy Cooper continued his campaign to lose his office in November today. he announced that the state is moving to Phase 2.5. He is allowing gyms to reopen at 30% capacity after they started reopening anyway in the last few days. He will also allow museums to reopen at 50% capacity. How many museums have you been to where the crowd was an issue? Bars, movies, and indoor entertainment are forbidden by the amateur dictator. Vote the bastard out in November! 

The young man who shot three in Kenosha is awaiting extradition to Wisconsin. One of the men he shot was a convicted child molester who had also been a disciplinary problem in prison. The mainstream media is not running that part of the story. They should be giving the kid a medal instead of charging him with murder. Why isn't the media telling us everything about the people who assaulted Rittenhouse before he shot them? On e person was described as working as a medic for the protesters that night. He was the one carrying the pistol. Don't all medics? Why don't we know as much about the "victims"?

They aren't getting the press that COVID-19 victims are getting, but there seems to be an increase in the number of people "dying suddenly". For those unfamiliar with that term, "dying suddenly" is a media euphemism for "suicide". It is tragic, but it is a side effect of actions taken by governors during the corona virus "Panic of 2020". Not all who die have the virus.

In what can only be described as the new standard for stupidity, CNN did a story about a protest in Kenosha. While their reporter appeared with a backdrop of burning vehicles and property, the headline on the screen read "Fiery but mostly peaceful protest.." This is the new standard for ignorance in the media. They have taken denial to heights only previously attained by Bill Clinton and "I did not have sex with that woman."

It is an old story, but it illustrates the topic perfectly. Had CNN been around in 1865, their reporter would have been the one to ask, "Other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the theater last night?" 


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