Monday, September 14, 2020

Monday Moans Ver. 9.14

 American Spectator , among many others, is predicting that Biden will drop out of any debates with Trump. Here in North Carolina, Gov. Roy AssBerry Cooper, is refusing to answer his opponent's calls for a debate. Why won't Democrats debate? It's been too long for them to still be reeling from the Lincoln-Douglas debates. Maybe Mondale-Reagan? Maybe their positions are indefensible?

Here's a question for the nation to ponder. Why do we keep looking back and trying to alter what has happened? Don't look back, that's not the direction that we are headed.

I loved the PBS show "Chef's Life". It was entertaining and insightful. I was sorry to see it end. Vivian Howard's new show is titled "Somewhere South". Mercifully, the initial run was only six episodes that were each an hour long and seemed even longer. It was social commentary and social justice meeting a cook book. I kept waiting for it to get better. It didn't. Thank God for those small things.

It's been more than seven months and my Bible Study group is still not meeting. It really doesn't matter if they restart, I have already decided not to return. Frankly, you either believe in the power of God or you don't. If you are unwilling to rise up to preserve your freedom of religion, than I would rate you as a non-believer. Or a fair weather follower of Christ.

Racism is a two way street and traffic is heavy going both directions. 

The Great Society was an incredible failure. The New Deal needed World War 2 to get the economy going again. The War on Drugs is a failure. Prohibition was a failure. What was the last government social program to work?

There is a new Bojangles opening in Mebane next week. They called me because they needed a token angry old guy to help on a part time basis. I will be entertaining there for the next several weeks.

I am not a trained political scientist like many in the media purport to be, but my grass roots outreach at the flea market is telling me that Roy AssBerry Cooper may be a one term governor. I frankly think that his only chance is to get school restarted before the election. When his bootlicking friends in the media are running headlines about parents and children angry about "virtual" school, it's not looking good for AssBerry.

A day after I posted here about The Lincoln Project, the mailman delivered a flyer from the same group. There have been no alterations to my work. 


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