Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Roy Cooper- Idiot at Large

 Gov Roy AssBerry Cooper held his weekly "press conference" today. In case you have not watched a Cooper "press conference", here's how the press conference works. Cooper and his security detail go to the Emergency Management Headquarters "bunker" in Raleigh. There he appears on UNC-TV with the unlicensed Dr. Mandy Cohen and Chief Ass Kisser Mike Sprayberry.  The only involvement with the press is allowing a few  media members to call in with prescreened questions for the Idiot-At-Large.

Today, Cooper announced that they were likely going to allow large outdoor arenas to open with 7% of their occupancy. WOW!! 7% of their capacity? How far into into his ass did Cooper reach to get that number? What is the science behind a 7% occupancy rate? How did he and the alleged Dr. Cohen come up with 7%? Did they cut a deck of cards and draw a seven? Did they roll a pair of dice and get seven? Did they add their IQ's?

Is Roy Cooper drawing 7% of his salary? Is the unlicensed Dr. Cohen getting 7% of her salary? Have we cut the staff at the executive mansion by 93% to stop the spread of the virus? Can the state survive on 7% of the normal tax revenue? So, how can private businesses survive on 7% of their revenue? Have we made enough cuts in state employee staffing levels to reach 7% of the pre virus levels? Of course not. The state does not follow the policies that it compels those in the public and those operating small businesses to follow. 

Cooper is obviously a Communist bent on destroying private enterprise in North Carolina. It is time to vote the socialist bastard out of office!


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