Sunday, November 08, 2020

Further Reflections on elections

 H.L. Mencken was right. "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people". Joe Biden must have that tattooed on those "hairy legs" that he talks about little children rubbing at the swimming pool where he worked. Of course, Biden had only been a lifeguard because Reagan had been a lifeguard.

George W. Bush should be removed from the Republican Party. His comments today indicate that he has lost another battle with alcohol.

"On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron."  H.L. Mencken, writing about the Biden presidency..

Twelve years ago, America elected a President who didn't know where he was born. Now, they are trying to install a President who doesn't even know where he is. Democrats are not good with geography. 

Back to G.W. Bush. You would think that if anyone knows that the election is not over yet, it would be Bush. Florida, George!! Do you remember Florida?

Great article in the American Spectator about Democrats and their history of cheating in elections. I believe that it was by Dov Fischer, attorney and Rabbi. It may be on his website if you don't subscribe to the American Spectator. If you can't get it, send me an e-mail or post a comment and I will dispatch a copy to you.

Are the polls just incredibly inaccurate or is a tool of voter suppression?  Is the media using them to try and keep conservatives from voting? There was a poll last week that showed Biden up by 17 points. Was that just a plot to let Republicans know that their guy was losing big, don't bother to vote?

Alex Trebek died today. They say that he wouldn't let Hillary appear on Jeopardy.

Barack Obama's long awaited book is scheduled to be released soon. It covers his early years and the fist three years of his presidency. It is said to be 768 pages in length. 768 pages?  Is Obama, the half black, foreign American equivalent of Fyodor Dostoevsky? I suggest you buy the book. When Biden orders a lockdown and toilet tissue becomes scarce again, you will be glad that you have Obama's book.

Final thought, polling should be declared dead.

Coming soon, "Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves". the story of the Democrats.


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