Saturday, March 25, 2023

Saturday Night at the Internet

The never-ending NCAA basketball tournament is winding down. On Friday night, the University of Alabama and their "Murderers Row" lineup lost to San Diego State. A great editorial somewhere pointed out that San Diego State did the nation a favor by beating Alabama. At least we won't have a championship team with a Clintonesque body count. I guess we should be grateful that Alabama superstar Brandon Miller didn't deliver a gun to the 'Bama bench.

I just saw a story about an exchange on Twitter last night. A fan identifying as "Barstool Bama" tweeted "I just want to die." An honest Tennessee fan who goes by "Classless Vol". responded, "Send Brandon Miller a text". Tasteless? Maybe. But incredibly honest and accurate.

At a Trump rally in Waco, a reporter interviewed a guy who claimed to have been a Marine. However, he refused to provide any details to the reporter. So, the media claims that there is a fake Marine at a Trump rally. I don't understand what the big deal is about this guy. You can go to a Biden rally and find guys who are claiming to be women and women claiming to be men. You never see any evidence supporting those claims. Maybe if the Waco guy had claimed to have been a woman in the Marines, the reporter would have walked away. If only reporters were as interested in the claims that Joe Biden habitually makes? How about that yarn about watching two gay men kiss on a Delaware street in 1961? Which black church did he attend after leaving the Catholic Church on Sunday mornings? Where in Puerto Rico did Joe grow up?

The Taliban continues to destroy our nation's history by renaming military bases, ships, tanks, buildings and anything else with a name. It is just another attempt to see that only one side of American history is taught. Chairman Mao would be proud of today's Democraps. The Cultural Revolutions lives on.

I watched the video of Biden's tale of the two gay men kissing in Delaware and his father's reaction. I did about five minutes of research to discredit his story. I can only assume that reporters are either lazy or stupid. Biden said that his father was dropping him off at school in his senior year. He said that the two men kissed and headed off in separate directions, one towards the DuPont building and one towards the Hercules building. 

The devil is in the details. Biden went to Archmere Academy in Claymont, Delaware which is a suburb of Wilmington. The DuPont building is in Wilmington and according to Google maps, it is 8.2 miles from Archmere. Either Biden's dad dropped him off in downtown Wilmington to walk eight miles to school or Biden's lying. If he dropped Biden off at school, those gay guys loved to walk. That's a long way for a guy in a suit to walk to work. Beyond that, how would Biden have known which buildings the gay guys were headed towards if they were out in front of his school? Did any reporter ask him about this? Would a reporter have asked Trump?

When will a reporter come to grips with reality and ask Biden why he is lying? When will pigs fly?

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Thursday Thinking

 At the Department of Veteran Affairs, they have changed their motto/mission statement. Claiming that they have complaints from women who feel left out they have abandoned their stated mission. Their old mission was expressed by a quote from Abraham Lincoln. It read: "To care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow, and his orphan."

The new mission is "To fulfill President Lincoln's promise to care for those who have served our nation's military and for their families, caregivers, and survivors." The only issue with that is that it is not what Lincoln said.

Jefferson wrote that "All men are created equal".  Shall we remove that from the Declaration of Independence because someone is offended and feels left out?

When I was a child, we all were familiar with the chant of "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." Now if you fail to use someone's " preferred pronouns", they have to retreat to their "safe space" and seek treatment. We have created a generation of pussies and pantywaists. Thank God they are all going to college to really enhance these feelings of woeful inadequacy. Rather than listen to someone give them good advice, they yell, scream, protest and throw temper tantrums. I can't wait until those little bastards  have to run the country, said no one ever.

Manhattan DA seeks to indict President Trump for violating a law that does not exist. If DA Alvin Bragg is successful, the liberals will be so grateful they will let the name of the Army base in North Carolina remain "Fort Bragg".

When the Taliban tore down statues, we were told they were savages. When Democrats tear down statues, they are preserving our country and culture. I am going to need someone to explain this without calling me names. I don't have a "safe space", I collect firearms.

If paying Stormy Daniels to NOT say anything is considered an "unreported campaign contribution", then is a televison network paying MSNBC, NBC, ABC or CBS "talking heads" to say bad things about everything that Trump says or does, going to be considered as an "unreported contribution" to the Biden campaign? Inquiring minds want to know.

Since the federal and in many cases state governments provide some financing for PBS and affiliate stations, is the government actually taking sides in an election? Quick, name one broadcaster at PBS who endorsed Trump.

What's the difference between the FBI and the Gestapo?  The spelling.

Biden claims to be committed to defending Taiwan from an invasion by China. As the US Navy continues to shrink, is he going to bus troops and equipment to Taiwan in case of war?

Sunday, March 19, 2023

The Banana Republic of Biden

 We are officially in the Banana Republic of Biden. From Chuck "The Schmuck" Schumer claiming that allowing Americans to watch anything other than videos edited by the Huse January 6 Committee will "harm our democracy" to the Manhattan DA trying to indict Donald Trump on a "Trumped up" charge, we are up to our asses in "Banana Republic" politics.

Democrats who claim to support freedom of the press oppose it when it gets too close to the truth. At a House Subcommittee Weaponization of the Federal Government hearing, Ranking member Delegate (Non-voting position) Stacy Plaskett described two reporters as "so called journalists". They should have responded that she is a non-voting delegate posing as a Congressman. The Democrats support free speech as long as they can limit what people can say. This is the same free speech practiced in the Ukraine, where our tax dollars and military equipment are disappearing at warp speed.

New York City is in the midst of a growing crime wave. So naturally, the Manhattan District Attorney wants to focus on Donald Trump. Trump announced that he will soon be indicted and arrested by New York City. The DA's star witness in this case is a guy who spent time in prison for perjury. He wants to charge Trump for an unreported campaign contribution. The only problem here is that the presidential elections are governed by federal laws and that's not the responsibility of the Manhattan DA.

Trump is a New York native. One would think that they would celebrate one of their own being elected President. No, this is New York City where everything is tainted by liberal stupidity. In New York City, people are being robbed and killed at record rates, so naturally enough, the District Attorney focuses on the sins of Donald Trump. People are being pushed and thrown in front of subway trains, but the DA thinks that his real duty is to make sure that Trump's campaign didn't break any rules. 

If as an American citizen, you believe that the Federal Department of Justice should step in to protect Trump's rights, you are wrong. Hell, you are damn near delusional. There are two systems of justice in the Banana Republic of Biden. One is for Democrats and the other is for Trump, his supporters and conservatives. The Department of Justice is so out of control that they now want to charge more than a thousand Americans for being "near" the Capitol without a permit on January 6. They still have not prosecuted a single person for protesting at the homes of Supreme Court Justices. Merrick "Ma" Garland blames this on the US Marshalls not filing any charges. Of course, "Ma" Garland is over the US Marshalls Service. 

There have long been two systems of justice in America. It's just more blatantly obvious in the Banana Republic of Biden. Here's an example: The federal government made the presidential tapes from the Nixon Administration public. The first President to record office conversations was FDR. Eisenhower made recordings, Kennedy made recordings, Johnson made recordings. Are all of these available for public perusal? Of course, they aren't. Most of Kennedy's will probably never be made available. Most of the records on his assassination are still sealed. Why? Because the Banana Republic of Democrats doesn't want citizens to know the truth. It's just that simple.

In 1990, Richard Nixon wrote a great book, "In the Arena". I have read it several times. I think that Donald Trump should read it. Nixon writes about the terrible days after he left office and the lies spread by liberals about Watergate and everything else in his life. Nixon wrote that he will never be judged fairly by historians because most historians are liberals. He knew that he would not get treated fairly by a group that was seeking to spread their own version of events. He was correct. By the way, for the real Nixon haters among you, this fact. Since the government started providing Secret Service protection to past Presidents, Nixon was the only President to give his protection up.

Is Trump being treated fairly by the Banana Republic's judicial system? If you think he is, you are wrong. See for yourself. Watch the video of the idiot "foreperson" on the Fulton County Grand Jury. Ask the New York State Attorney General if they have investigated the Clintons or the Clinton Foundation. Ask the Manhattan DA how many killers are walking the streets of New York City. Why did they charge a storekeeper with murder for defending his own life? They dropped that quickly due to public outrage. Why do they let people steal and not charge them?  The answer is simple, there is no real justice in a state corrupted by liberals. They need the votes of criminals to remain in office. It's all about power.

Your homework assignment is to read the Declaration of Independence. You will find that the list of grievances against the King is shorter than the list of grievances that conservatives have against the Banana Republic of Biden. Read it. You will know what to do. 

End the Banana Republic of Biden. 

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Same words, Different dummy

 Here's the latest example of the liberal control of the speech of their trained followers, in and out of the media. This latest outbreak of "monkey say, monkey repeats" is in conjunction with the Russian incident with a US drone over the Black Sea.

The Pentagon announced that the action was "unprofessional". There was a "News" report with Sen. Mark Kelly referring to several Russians who had flown with him as "unprofessional". There was another government spokesman who said that the Russians were not a "professional air force". Evidently "professional" was the word of the day in Washington, DC. That is excluding the public schools, of course.

Let's put all of the liberal lingo aside for a moment and discuss the word "professional." A "professional" is simply someone who gets paid for what he does. Russian pilots do get paid. They qualify as "professionals."

The US military system likes to brag about how diverse our ranks have become. The Russians had a squadron of female fighter pilots at the Battle of Stalingrad in World War 2. They were called "Night Witches" by the Germans. Would these women qualify as "professionals"? How long would it be before the USAF allowed women to fly combat missions? Asking for a friend.

The Russian planes may or may not be as good as ours, but that does not make them "unprofessional"? Have you read anything about the Korean War and "MIG Alley"?  The Russian fighters shot down some United States planes in Vietnam as well. Not bad for guys we refer to as "unprofessional". 

The United States and Britain and their allies were able to win the war in Europe because the "unprofessional" Russians kept the German army occupied in Russia while we built up our forces in Europe. Millions of Russians died in that war to help our side prevail. I think that referring to them today as "unprofessional" says more about us than it does about them. 

The "World Peace" that everyone claims to want cannot be achieved by attacking and ridiculing those that you disagree with on the concept. Maybe it is time to take a few deep breaths and sit down and talk. We are not always going to be right; they aren't always going to be wrong.

Friday, March 17, 2023

Pentagon Pontificates on Pilots

The Pentagon (the building in Washington with four walls and a spare) issued a statement today claiming that Russian pilots intercepting a US drone acted in “a reckless, environmentally unsound, and unprofessional manner.” The Russian pilots are no doubt searching for a safe space to seek shelter while they recover from these hate-filled remarks. The Pentagon is treating these Russian pilots like they are American conservatives.

"Environmentally unsound?" There's not a "green" version of a modern warplane. These machines are built to destroy things. They are not used to water flower gardens. Next week the Pentagon will be attacking the Russians for the lousy gas mileage that their tanks get. 

The only thing that the Pentagon left out was to criticize the pilots for picking on a "drone of color". There was no word on the exact position of the drone at the moment of contact. The Pentagon will insist that it was in international waters and the Russians will insist that it was in Russian airspace. Both countries have been playing this "see how close we can get " game for more than 70 years. That's why the drone was there in the first place. Imagine a Russian plane cruising the airspace over the Gulf of Mexico. Would we react? You can bet your Biden we would.

We have been shipping lots of military equipment to the Ukraine. The Army has recently taken delivery of the new armored personnel carriers that will replace the M113's that have bee in use more than 60 years. According to the website Task and Purpose, "The initial fielding of the AMPV comes amid a push within the Army to accelerate the acquisition of the new armored personnel carrier to replace the hundreds of M113s transferred to Ukraine amid the ongoing Russian invasion of the country, as our colleagues at the War Zone previously reported." Did you catch that part about "hundreds of M113s transferred to the Ukraine? The Army will get 72 of the new AMPVs in fiscal 2023 and 197 in fiscal 2024. Yet we have sent hundreds of the old ones to the Ukraine. We are taking equipment from our troops to give the Ukraine. What will we use until they are all replaced? Are we stripping our cupboards bare to help the Ukraine? We are so busy defending them that we won't have any equipment left to defend us. That's reckless and just stupid. Call the dumbass representing you in Washington!

Gavin Newsome, the "Hair Gov," has been pushing for the federal government to cover all of the losses at Silicon Valley Bank. He never mentioned that some businesses that he owns bank there. A bank officer sits on the board of a charity run by Newsome's wife. And the story goes on and on. Somewhere on Newsom's body is a tattoo that reads "Rules for thee, but not for me."

In the almost traditional NCAA tournament upset today, the Virginia Cavaliers were stunned in the last few seconds by the mighty Furman Paladins. There goes the "bracket" of everyone who lives outside of South Carolina. 

If Furman winning didn't upset the "Bracket people" enough, later in the day Princeton beat Arizona. I thought that Princeton had quit playing basketball after Bill Bradley graduated almost sixty years ago. Apparently, I was wrong.

Today is Saint Patrick's Day. This is a day marked by Corned Beef and Cabbage at the Jones house. Our tradition does not involve drinking until one passes out. I don't drink alcohol at all. I prefer a more natural form of insanity. I live in fear that I might insult someone on these pages if I consumed alcohol.

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Thirty Thursday Thoughts Ver. 3.16

1.  "A Prague Professor thinks that despite opposition English will become the world's language. America will be the last country to give in." Passing Show (London)

2.  "We do not know what the country is coming to, but we hope it is coming to." Weston Leader

3. "The world seems fairly safe for democracy, except at a Democratic meeting." Brunswick Pilot

4. "Another difference between death and taxes is that death doesn't get worse every time the Congress meets." Akron Beacon-Journal

5. "The abolition of U-turns in Washington will certainly be hard on politicians." "Washington Post"

6. The Chinese government is considering sending troops to the United States to help with the invasion from Mexico. They are just trying to protect their biggest customer.

7. In the same vein, why don't we send troops to secure the peace in places like Los Angeles and Chicago rather than worrying about the Ukraine?

8. Before we abandoned ship in Afghanistan, a 19-year-old black man was safer in the Army in Afghanistan than in Chicago.

9.The brothers who played "white supremacists" in the Jussie Smollett production in Chicago a couple of years ago are telling their story now. It doesn't bear any resemblance to what Jussie says.

10. What kind of dumbass pays two black brothers to pretend to be white supremacists in Chicago? Jussie will claim to be handicapped by color blindness. 

11. Donald Trump wouldn't take a million dollars to scream "This is MAGA country" in Chicago at 2:00 AM. (And he has Secret Service protection)

12. About forty years ago, an acquaintance of mine was sent by his police department to monitor a KKK meeting in Hillsborough County, Florida. He told me later that there were nine people at the meeting. Four were undercover law enforcement agents. And that was four that he knew, it could have been more.

13. How many confidential informants and undercover agents were at the January 6 disturbance? Intelligent people want to know. The FBI claims that they can't tell us. Intelligent folks know that this response is bullshit.

14. Don't we have enough crime in the country without the FBI encouraging illegal activities? Asking for a friend. Police agencies are to stop crime, not encourage it.

15. When I worked at the Waffle House, all of the hookers working the area knew who the cops were.  Drug dealers weren't as smart as hookers. They were always getting busted.

16. The University of Alabama refuses to take any action against their star basketball player who many believe broke the law by delivering a gun to a friend at a bar at 1:30 AM. He brought a gun to a guy who had been in a bar drinking. He dropped him off at the bar earlier. Criminal negligence? Then it was just a "coincidence" that he parked his car in a position to block the path of the woman who was later murdered. His car kept her from being able to drive away before she was shot and killed. Non-basketball playing people have gone to prison for less. The guy indicted for the murder was an Alabama player. Will winning a national championship bring that young woman back to life? Maybe they should wait until next year to play for a championship. But that would require more decency than is available in college sports.

17. I will be at the Moultrie Spring Automotive Swap Meet when the Final Four starts. Hopefully, no one will have a radio or television there.

18. Justin "Little Fidel" Trudeau has Canada on the fast track to a dictatorship. We still need to do that DNA test on him. If he isn't a Castro, he's doing a hell of an impersonation.

19. Nothing like a few thousand jobless illegal immigrants to change some attitudes in New York City. I keep watching the news for a picture of him reading this site. Can Mayor Adams still say, "Sanctuary City"?

20. Is the FBI too busy breaking the law to find those other folks who are breaking the law?

21.  Alexander the Great could not control Afghanistan. The British could not control Afghanistan. The Russians could not control Afghanistan. What the hell made us think that we could? Arrogance.

22. What does it costs to replace the batteries in a Tesla or other electric car? How much does it cost to replace the electric motor? Where will we get the raw materials to make the batteries?

23. There's a new battery plant being built in Liberty, NC. The government is pumping millions into this project. What's the schedule on recouping our investment? Building big manufacturing plants in small communities is just the 21st Century mill village.

24. At a Waffle House a few months ago, I was looking at the pictures on the wall of people who worked at Waffle House in the early days. I told the waitress, "I used to work for that guy in the picture." She said, "What was he?". I said, "He was an asshole." She laughed and asked, "What does he do now?" I replied, "I guess that he is still an asshole." She walked to the back to share the story with the manager.

25. If you think that things ever change in Washington, this note. The five quotes at the top that started this missive were all published in 1931. You should have been able to tell by the comment from the Washington Post.

26. I love reading old books and magazines. I picked up a few at an auction last week from the 1920's and 1930's. More excerpts later.

27. They are going to build a casino in Danville, Virginia. That's only about 20 minutes from home.  America is going to go broke gambling our way to riches.

28. Why don't we require passports for travel in and out of Indian reservations? 

29. I heard someone refer to Karine Jean-Pierre as "KFC with the Jiffy Pop hair". 'Nuff said.

30. If Biden does appear at the Carter funeral when it comes, how will we be able to spot which one is the dead guy? Name tags? EKGs?


Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Waiting for Wednesday's Wit and Wisdom??

 Is Joe Biden the biggest liar in the universe? Let's look at his most recent entry in the competition.

The story out today is that Biden told some gay guy interviewing him that he saw two well-dressed gay men kiss each other when his father was dropping him off at high school one day. He claims that his dad told him that they were just two people in love. Biden claims this happened when he was a senior in high school. Since Joe graduated from high school in 1961, if this actually happened, it was at least 62 years ago, 

So, 62 years later Biden remembers this. He has NEVER told this story before. He only recalls it on a day that he is being interviewed by a gay guy on television. What are the odds that this is actually true? What are the odds that you can win the Powerball without buying a ticket?

Did Biden tell this story on the day that he voted for the Defense of Marriage in 1998? Of course not. 

Joe scores high on creativity but gets a zero on honesty. Biden's motto for interviews is "If you have the time, I have a tale." Next case?

Joe Biden claims that Jimmy Carter wants Joe to do the eulogy at his funeral. Jimmy must be in worse shape than previously thought. Jimmy went with Joe after someone told him that Wile E. Coyote was not available.

The media always accused Trump of lying but have been mute when Biden speaks. Are they hypocritical much? Know any reporters with double standards?

The NCAA basketball tournament is starting and this morning there was a story on the news about people using "artificial intelligence" to fill out their "bracket". Among many of these folks, any intelligence would be artificial.

Last year, St. Peters made it to the final eight teams before losing. No one without "Father" before his name had picked St. Peters to beat Kentucky in their opening game. Their two other wins merely confirmed the existence of a higher power. Artificial Intelligence was missing in action on this bracket.

Last week, Jane Fonda suggested "murder" as a way to silence anti-abortion protesters. Her friends all laughed. The next day she issued a statement claiming that her remarks were actually meant to be humor. "Murder" is how an 80-year-old Communist wants to deal with people with differing opinions. 

So you will have to wait until next Wednesday for the Wit and Wisdom stuff.


Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Tuesday Tidbits

 Do FBI paid informants get a 1099 form from the FBI at the end of the year? They pay almost all of these people in cash. If not, why not? Has an FBI informant ever been audited? Do they have to declare that money on their tax returns? Is the FBI breaking federal laws by not sending a 1099? Unless your senator is Turncoat Thom Tillis, write them about this. Don't waste your time contacting Turncoat Thom.

Turncoat Thom Tillis continues to demonstrate that he is not a real conservative. He only makes this claim in election years. If King Roy Crapper runs against Turncoat Thom Tillis in 2026, how will we be able to tell them apart? There's an election where everybody loses.

When I see an article with pictures of McConnell, Romney and Tillis, I don't even bother reading. The only place that I want to see those names together is the obituary page.

I hate Tillis so much that I told someone the other day that I was starting to miss John Edwards. Then I woke up and realized that it was all just a bad dream.

Keith Olbermann, the only rabid dog still on television. 

The United States armed forces are not able to meet their recruiting goals even though they have lowered their standards. The "Go woke, go broke!" thing obviously applies in this situation,

The Army has a new slogan out with an old touch. Today's slogan is "Be whatever you identify to be". Don't look for long lines at recruiting offices.

Critics claim that Tucker Carlson is only showing selected clips from the Jan 6 video footage. Isn't that the same thing that the Jan 6 Committee did?

The Carolina Panthers last season traded their best running back to San Francisco. Getting ready for next season they traded their best receiver to the Chicago Bears for a draft pick to get a quarterback in the draft. If you don't have a great runner and a great receiver, why do you need a great quarterback? There's nobody left to hand the ball or throw the ball to. This is why I don't watch sports. Reading the highlights or lowlights is all that I have time to do. 

Memo to David Tepper: Running a football team like a hedge fund just won't work.

In yesterday's rant about Silicon Valley Bank, I forgot to mention that Signature Bank of New York has also failed. The New York Attorney General is so obsessed with the Trump family that she had no time to keep an eye on banks. In her defense, she did not pledge to keep the banks open. 

It finally snowed here on Sunday. My wife can abandon her snow forecasting duties now.

On March 8, President Biden and Dr. Jill Biden (allegedly the smartest woman in the United States) celebrated International Women's Day at the White House. The Presidents Biden awarded an "International Women of Courage Award" to Alba Rueda of Argentina. Don't bother looking her up. 

What an incredible honor for a non-American woman from the President of the United States. If only Alba Rueda was a woman. Alba is in fact a biological man. There are about 4 billion women in the world and the Bidens gave a biological man an award for a woman. After beating those odds, the Presidents Biden should have had the Secret Service rush them to a Seven Eleven to purchase a fistful of Powerball tickets. 

Years ago, I would have had to make this shit up. Not anymore. Thanks, Joe and Jill.

Monday, March 13, 2023

Monday Morning Musings

The Silicon Valley Bank failure runs in sharp contrast to lyin' Biden's analysis of the economy. Silicon Valley Bank was one of the leaders in wokeness. Unfortunately, diversity was not the object of their operation. They were in finance, not feelings. They were a bank, not a psychologist. If they had worried as much about their holdings as they worried about global warming, they would be opening again this morning still as Silicon Valley Bank. 

Bernie Marcus, co-founder of Home Depot had this to say about Silicon Valley Bank. "And these banks are badly run because everybody is focused on diversity and all of the woke issues and not concentrating on the one thing they should, which is, shareholder returns.” Bernie is 95, he was born before the Depression. He has seen some bank failures. 

The UNC-CH Tarheels failed to make the NCAA basketball tournament this year. They were the pre-season Number One ranked team. Unfortunately, in real life, we still go ahead and play the games, no matter who the favorite is. They failed to live up to their press releases. Yesterday, they announced that they would not accept a bid to the NIT. They are taking their ball and going home to pout. They might want to squeeze in a few more practices.

When I was growing up in Tampa, I loved to go to spring training baseball games. This was before baseball changed for the worse. My wife is a Houston Astros fan, so we have watched a couple of pre-season games on television. It is nowhere nearly as interesting as the games that I used to attend. This year, they have a pitch clock and limits on how many times a pitcher can try to throw out a runner on first base and other changes. The bases are bigger, but I don't understand why. How do you complicate a game so much?

Major League Baseball says that they are trying to cut down the length of games that now take between 3 and 4 hours to play. When I was a kid, the average game lasted a little over 2 hours. What takes so long? Hitters have to step out and adjust their batting gloves after every swing. If the batter gets on base, it takes a couple of minutes for him to shed all of his batting equipment and give it to some kid to lug back to the dugout. Then they put on the special "base running gloves". They have electronic communication on pitching signs, are they picking up the wrong stations? Players show off a lot more. Strutting scores no points and only runs up the clock. Players are making millions playing a game that kids in my neighborhood played for free. 

The big cause for baseball games being so long is television advertising, which no one ever mentions. They need the hundreds of millions of dollars that advertising generates to pay grown men obscene amounts of money to play a child's game. This adds 45 to 60 minutes per game for commercials. When I was a kid, they televised the "Game of the Week" on Saturday afternoon with Pee Wee Reese and Dizzy Dean calling the game. Now every game is televised.  Sports are the national soap opera.

Nothing will be accomplished in American offices today as millions of soon-to-be disappointed fans set up their "brackets". Am I picking a bracket? I would sooner have a good case of jock itch than waste my time on a "bracket". Besides that, I miss the basketball that we played as kids. The object was to throw the ball into the basket. How much athletic skill is required for a guy seven feet tall to cram a ball through the hoop? And yet they sometimes miss.

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Another lost hour?

 Daylight Saving Time started early this morning. Where do they keep all of that daylight that we are saving? Will we get paid any interest on our saved time? Can we withdraw some of that time for use in December?  

Thia is all just another scam from the federal government. What does it really mean? It means that tomorrow morning the kids down the street will gather at the bus stop in complete darkness. This increases the possibility that one will be hit by a car while playing near the road while they wait on the bus to come get them in the dark. It means that if you want to go to bed a little early, it will still be daylight when you try to go to sleep.

Is it just a coincidence that tonight in Whorelywood, they will be giving out the Academy Awards? Be still my heart! This will be the seventieth year that I have not watched the Academy Awards. I am hoping for one of their Lifetime Achievement awards! They will have to notify me by mail if I am a winner. I refuse to add to my wasted hour any time spent watching the Communists congratulate each other on entertaining the proletariat. 

If I had my hour back, I could go ahead and write a post for tomorrow. If you are sitting there reading this swill, you might consider this a plus. Don't bother leaving a comment.

If I had that hour back, I could mow the grass, but mercifully it snowed and rained this morning. I could have washed the truck or car or taken a longer nap. If you think that I would wash a car or truck in March, call me immediately about some oceanfront property I have for sale in Guilford County.

The Congress wants us to make Daylight Saving Time apply year-round. What this means is that they are just moving us to the time zone to the east of us. In the Eastern Time Zone, we will be on the same time as the Atlantic Time Zone. This is for those of you who want to know what the days in Nova Scotia or Puerto Rico are like. Just for shits and grins, it is also the time zone for Thule Air Base in Greenland. I doubt that the folks at Thule are mowing the grass after work in that extra daylight. 

In WW2 they claimed that Daylight Saving Time cut the use of electricity. It did not do that, of course, so it's just another lie from Washington. Why don't we just adjust our own schedules? That would be too easy. We need to elect 535 federal legislators and their support cast of thousands of staffers to come up with an idea this freaking stupid. 

I am going out to wash the snow off the truck! You can email me if you see me nominated for a Lifetime Achievement Award tonight. 


Thursday, March 09, 2023

Just Thinkin' on Thursday

 What the hell is going on at Chick-Fil-A? In the Greensboro area, we have been selected by Chick-Fil-A as one of the three test markets for their new "Fried Cauliflower Sandwich". I can't find the words to express my excitement over this new treat.

 Does anyone seriously believe that we climbed to the top of the food chain to eat cauliflower sandwiches?  Do you think that a shark attacks a human being because they can't find a fried cauliflower sandwich? Do you carry cauliflower to throw at a bear when you hike in the mountains? Ever baited a fishing hook with cauliflower? 

It is not like I am totally opposed to cauliflower. I like it raw and dipped in 1000 Island dressing. It's even good batter dipped and deep fried with some kind of sauce that kills the cauliflower taste. 

I gave up on Chick-Fil-A when their foundation abandoned the Salvation Army and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes for their beliefs about gay marriage to placate the left-wing nutcases. I haven't been in a Chick-Fil-A in several years. I am damn sure not going back for a fried cauliflower sandwich!

My wife and I spent a few days in Colonial Williamsburg last week. We like to go this time of year because there are no crowds. For a bonus this year, the weather was great.

We spent one day at Yorktown and did the Battlefield Tour. We haven't been there in about twenty years. There were a lot fewer artillery pieces on display there than there was the last time we visited. I don't know if they took them out due to problems with vandalism or if Biden shipped them to the Ukraine.

We made the requisite trip to Merchants Square in Colonial Williamsburg. As my wife is of Scottish descent, we always go to the Scotland Shop. I picked up a new fedora while we were there. My wife's family tree goes back to the MacLaines of Lochbuie, so she picked up a few tartan-adorned items. The Wyeth Candy store is only a few steps from the Scotland Shop. Late Saturday afternoon, it was packed. I fought the crowd and bought some of the eggnog fudge and the maple walnut fudge. It was really good. Thus ends my Rick Steves tour guide impression.

Walmart is closing their last two stores in Portland, Oregon. Who would have guessed that they would abandon a city where the government will not prosecute people who steal? When Walmart departs, others will soon follow suit. Residents of San Francisco and Los Angeles need to take note of this. By allowing people to steal at will without fear of prosecution, you are deciding to pay more for products and travel longer distances to shop. Welcome to free enterprise!!

In nearby Greensboro, liberals constantly talk about "food deserts' in certain areas. Who wants to open a store where people are going to steal your merchandise?? The city government doesn't leave their buildings open for the taking, why would merchants?

Wednesday, March 01, 2023

Wednesday Wit, Wisdom, and Snarky Remarks

 I thought that I would go with the truth in labeling idea on today's title.

Lori Lightfoot lost her bid for mayor of Murder City or Chicago as we used to call it. She managed to get around 17% of the vote. I would have thought that with Lori having (according to her own claims) the "biggest D*ck in Chicago" she was a shoo-in to win. It's not like she was running against Ron Jeremy or John Holmes, her leading opponent was an older white guy. Apparently, the voters did not rally around the long schlong lesbian.

Lori said that she lost because she is "a black woman". She was a black woman when she won four years ago. I am not sure if I am confused, or Lori is confused.

Down in River City or The City by the Sewer, (That's New Orleans for you cave dwellers) they are trying to have an election to recall Mayor LaToya Cantrell. This is the same women who would not reimburse the city for flying first class on airline flights. She said, "it isn't safe for a black woman in coach". Hell, it's not safe for any woman in New Orleans! But not all of them are sleeping with their police escorts. Maybe she couldn't take her cop on the plane? Maybe the real "Big Easy" is LaToya Cantrell?

The dumbest nominee ever for the Supreme Court testified before Congress. When asked, he said that the reason the DOJ prosecutes more Pro-life people is that Pro-Lifers work in the daylight unlike the scum who oppose them. Who knew the FBI knocked off at 5:00 PM? That may be the stupidest excuse ever offered in a Congressional hearing. They should use that in his coming impeachment trial. Who told him about the parents protesting at school board meetings? All of those meetings were after 5:00 PM. That must be why the FBI jumps on bank robberies. That all happen before 5:00 PM. If you are robbed after 5:00 at the ATM, you are on your own.

I didn't expect Biden to appoint any Mensa members to office, but I expected them to be able to breathe without instructions. 

Let's be honest here with Biden, Butt-Gig, Garland, Harris, Mayorkas and all of the other Cabinet level and higher office holders. The dedicated (liberal Democrats all) employees in every federal office are the ones actually doing the work. Your job is to lead. Your job is to be the public face of your department. They don't need you there to do any actual work. Nobody is working.  Pothole Pete waited three weeks before going to Ohio. Was he home chest feeding his baby?  He could have walked to Ohio before then. Biden went to the Ukraine. When the going gets tough, the tough get going. Biden goes to get ice cream.

It's time to get our money back from Dr. Fauci. At this point, it appears that other than his name, everything in his testimony was wrong. People who aren't doctors were right more than Fauci. 

If you get a COVID vaccine shot now, you are either stupid or not paying attention. Or you are a Democrat. It's like a Chinese menu, pick two.

The day after election day in Chicago, the chief of police and the US Attorney responsible for Chicago resigned.  I am sure this is all pure coincidence. Maybe they are afraid of getting into a schlong measuring contest with a new mayor?