Friday, March 19, 2021

Friday Facts, Fiction, and Follies

 Does God care about sports?  This afternoon Oral Roberts University, a 15 seed in the NCAA Basketball Tournament, defeated "The" Ohio State University in overtime. Bookies across the land are celebrating as most people's brackets just went down the drain. How many people were in Las Vegas earlier this week saying "Put it all on Oral Roberts"?  Since the Obama Foundation published the Chosen One's bracket and it turned up on the news, I checked it. He picked Ohio State. Unfortunately for America, this was not his first bad pick.

There's no hiding Biden as he fell three times going up the stairs to Air Force One. We were told that this was because it was windy outside. Windy at an airport? Who has ever seen that before? Yet, there are no pictures of anyone else falling while trying to board Air Force One today. If there were, you can bet that we would have already seen them. Coming soon to an Air force One near you, one of those stairlift chairs. He can board the plane and wave, maybe at the same time. 

Maybe some dedicated, demented, Democrat will call the Secret Service with a tip on Biden's falls. I am sure that they believe that it is either the work of Biden's old nemesis, the famed gangster "Cornpop", or Trump was there with an industrial strength fan. 

Suddenly the nation is alive with the allegations of hatred against Asians. A psychopath in Georgia killed six Asian woman. He also killed two other people, but those deaths are ignored by the news media since they weren't Asians. I hate to buck the national mood, but I think that his anger was directed more at sex workers than Asians. 

All of the media attention given to declaring that this a hate crime against Asians is ignoring some obvious points. If he was killing Asians, why did the two non-Asians get killed? Why are so many Asians working in these "massage parlors"? Is there some "human trafficking" going on in this case? In most places, "massage parlors" are just a front for whorehouses. Were these locations in that category?  How many people who work in these places have actually studied massage techniques in some kind of actual school? Check with New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft on what happens in massage parlors. 

Take a look at that kid's booking photos. "Loser" does not go far enough to describe him. I hate to contradict liberals everywhere, but trying to claim that Trump labeling Coronavirus as the "China virus" caused this guy to kill eight people is an argument just not worth pursuing. 

As I scanned stations a few minutes ago, a show on WUNC-TV was discussing this issue. I watched for about 45 seconds before changing stations. I will watch a show called "Black Issues Forum" on the day that I am waiting for "Redneck Issues Forum" to begin. Or "Bald Guy Issues Forum".

In this nation, we have hordes of "journalists" who attended the Chicken Little School of Journalism. 

Liberals are screaming about the "filibuster" rule in the US Senate. They had no issues with it when they were in the minority. Someone needs to notify the press that the Democrats have used this rule to their advantage also. 

Sometime in the last couple of years, I wrote a post about the question never asked in the United States. That question is "Then what?" So as I see all of these commercials about  the flood of electric cars coming our way, the question is "How will we generate all of the electricity to charge these vehicles?" Coal, gas, hydroelectric, nuclear power?  They can't keep the lights on in California now, what does the future hold? If you think that electric vehicles will soon dominate the marketplace, you might want to wait to see what replacing batteries and electric motors will cost. Then what? Circle back to me on that, Sleepy Joe.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021


 In the United States today, we have given up proving that people have done wrong. We are evolving into a culture of "guilt by accusation". This is a media-driven phenomena. It will destroy the fabric of society quicker than the communism that these same folks are hustling.

Let's use Andrew Cuomo for Exhibit A. During the recent pandemic, Andrew Cuomo was the darling of the media. He was even awarded an Emmy for his press conferences. Of course, he didn't have to deal with some CNN jackass like Jim Acosta attacking him at press conferences. Cuomo had his private CNN reporter, his brother Crazy Chris Cuomo. 

As the pandemic declined, networks began looking for "real" news. It turns out that there was evidence that actions taken by Andrew Cuomo during the pandemic had resulted in the deaths of hundreds of nursing home patients.  Then the state may have covered up this evidence. All of this was just a blip on the national news radar screen. No one in the national media paid attention. Who criticizes a fellow Emmy winner?

Then rumors erupted that Andrew Cuomo, AKA The Love Gov, may have made advances to a few women. The media world exploded!! Democrats lined up to demand that Cuomo resign. So now what? The Attorney General of New York is doing an "independent" investigation. An "independent investigation' by someone rumored to be desirous of the governor's office in the next election? How is that possible? Have any of the women involved filed a police report about the incidents? Have any filed a civil suit against the Emmy-winning Love Gov? 

Preliminary reports indicate that Cuomo is not the toucher and sniffer that President "Sleepy Joe" is alleged to be. So touching a woman on the back is a bigger offense than placing hundreds of COVID victims in nursing homes resulting in hundreds of other deaths? Really?

We used to try people in courtrooms, now we try them online or on television. Allegations are treated as facts. It makes no difference whether there is any corroborating evidence. The whole "women must be believed' idea is bullshit. They must be believed when they are telling the truth. Same thing with allegations from men. Obviously, no one in politics or the media has heard Terri Clark sing her hit song  "Girls Lie Too". 

Frankly, I thought that we had hit bottom with Christine Blasey Ford's fairy tale about Brett Kavanaugh. After weeks of lying, Ms. Ford was able to soothe her pains with hundreds of thousands of dollars raised from Go Fund Me pages for her benefit. Before anyone gets their panties in a wad about Ms. Ford, allow me to point out that Ms. Ford's appearance in Congress started with a lie from her. They delayed the hearing for a few days to allow her time to get to Washington because she claimed that she could not fly for emotional reasons. When the panel convened, it turned out that Ms. Ford had flown to D.C. In fact , over the previous few years, she had flown to distant islands in the South Pacific. Apparently, flying was only an issue when it involved lying about Kavanaugh.

Ms. Ford's testimony was an award winning piece of fiction. She could not recall dates, times, names, or places. The news media who routinely ignore the journalistic basics of who, what, when, where, why,  and how in their work were lavish in their praise of Ms. Ford. They should package her testimony and sell it as a children's book. The title has to be "Ford's Fairy Tales". She can be her own wicked witch.

It goes without saying that only Senate Democrats are more immoral than Ms. Ford. Wait, House Democrats are swine as well.

Rant over.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Notes and Quotes

 "Adam was the only man who, when he said something, knew that nobody had said it before him." - Mark Twain

"When I was a boy I was told that anyone could become President; I am starting to believe it." - Clarence Darrow

"In America any boy may become  President and I suppose that it's just one of those risks he takes." - Adlai Stevenson

"I have been told that I was on the road to hell, but I had no ide that it was just a mile down the road with a Dome on it."- Abraham Lincoln

"I go to class reunions, but I don't want to go to one everyday." Daniel Flynn of the American Spectator explaining his dislike for social media.

"Here I sit all broken hearted, paid a dime and only farted".- Wall of a pay toilet in Chimney Rock NC 1965

Today, boys and girls, we are climbing into Mr. Peabody's wayback machine and going all the way back to the year 2020 when the press used to ask the President questions. Now they are in awe that he reads from index cards. Too awed to ask a question?

I am starting a pool where readers can pick the date that President Biden will hold a formal press conference. Other than the glory of being right, I am offering no prizes in this pool contest.  How does one place a monetary value on bragging rights? Leave a comment with your prediction. My guess is May 1, May Day. It is celebrated in the Communist countries, why not D.C.?  Plus that's around Biden's 100 day mark. 

Biden and the Democrats want to offer "a path to citizenship" for illegal immigrants. As they have already bypassed the real "path to citizenship", why are we doing this? We all know the answer. Power

My COVID relief bucks are in the "pending transaction" file at my bank until March 17.  Here's an economic forecast before we all go spend that money. I predict an income tax increase of more than $1400 in the near future(by 2022).

Biden passed the 50 day mark in his term last week. Gasoline is also up at least 50 cents a gallon in that time period. Coincidence? I think not. By the hundred day mark of the Biden era, gasoline will be up a dollar.

Why hasn't Kamala Harris spoken out about Andrew Cuomo? Two words, Willie Brown.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

If you have Lemons, make Lemonade

 Have you heard anything about people dying of the flu this year? Of course, people are only dying of COVID-19. Apparently, COVID also killed the flu this year.

The 16 states that do not have mask mandates have a death rate of about half of that of states that do have mask mandates. We should just start killing people who chant "Follow the science".

I saw "Assembly Required' the other day with Tim Allen and Richard Karn. Actually, I was only able to watch about ten minutes. Memo to Tim and Ken: Just walk away soon before it dies. 

Dr. Seuss has been canceled, but I saw a commercial on television for South Park. How can we take liberals seriously about what our children should see?

I saw a clip om the news where Biden could not remember neither the name of his Secretary of Defense nor the name of that five sided building where the Secretary works. 

Now that the House has passed the "stimulus" bill, it is headed to the White House for President "What's his name" to sign it into law. Hopefully, a staffer or Dr. Jill has placed a card in his pocket with his name and the proper spelling so that he can get this right.

Free Plug!! I watch "Huckabee" at 8:00 PM Saturday night on TBN. It repeats on Sunday night if you miss it. You can go online at and watch the show if you can't find it on the television. While I usually enjoy the show, last week's show was great. Go watch it long enough to hear the Seuss style book that one of his writers put together. Also, there is a great interview with Kristie Noem, Governor of South Dakota. My sister Sheila keeps telling me that we are going to a taping of his show sometime. I have to call her and remind her that I am older than her and we don't want to wait too long.

How many rappers have been canceled for bad language? Asking for Morgan Wallen.

Last note on Huckabee. It's worth watching last week's show just to hear him talk about Biden putting a log on the fire in the Oval Office. 

Meghan Markle and her sister in politics  news, Don Lemon, are both attacking the British Royal family with accusations of racism in the monarchy. Just for the record, the British were one of the leaders in abolishing slavery in the Western world. Maybe Ms. Lemon and her sister Meghan need to do some research on countries where slavery is still actively practiced today.

Meanwhile, while Meghan moaned to Oprah about how badly she is treated, Oprah failed to ask about her relationship with that white man who fathered her. Wonder why??

Last shot of the day. You would think that Don Lemon would go easier on Elizabeth as they are both Queens.

Tuesday, March 09, 2021

Wanted! A sense of humor for liberals

 Yesterday, it was announced that Pepe Le Pew has been cancelled. He will not appear in any future Warner brothers projects. This came a few days after New York Times writer Charles M. Blow wrote that Pepe Le Pew had "normalized the rape culture" in his cartoons. Where do I even start to discuss the stupidity of these statements and actions against a cartoon character skunk?

First, the easiest shot is the writer's name. Is Charles M. Blow's name a palindrome of sorts? Does Charles M. Blow work in reverse as Blow Me Charles?

So a cartoon skunk after 75 years has been outed as "normalizing the rape culture". If you believe this crap, you need to get out and get some fresh air and some unfiltered oxygen. 

Did Dick Tracy normalize police brutality?

Does Sergeant Snorkel cause drill instructors to abuse recruits like Beetle Bailey in boot camp? Did Beetle's buddy "Killer" promote the "rape culture".

Does Hagar the Horrible encourage people to join the Vikings in looting and pillaging? Is Hagar responsible for the looting in Minneapolis? Was he the inspiration for looting in New Orleans after Katrina? Was he the guy in the recent "storming" of the Capitol?

Did Little Orphan Annie cause mothers to abandon their children?

Does Wile E. Coyote cause us to all search for Acme dynamite to blow up speeding birds?

Did Zonker in Doonesbury inspire the name of this blog?

This whole thing is raging out of control. Let's all take a deep breath and examine the real issues. A columnist or politician making a claim is not the same as stating a fact. We are a nation rapidly losing our collective sense of humor.

Monday, March 08, 2021

Mad about Monday?

 Incredibly enough, someone asked me today if I had watched the Oprah Winfrey interview of Meghan Markle and the Harry formerly known as Prince. I spit out my ice water upon hearing the question. First, I have never watched Oprah interview anyone and I am not sacrificing that streak for a pair of losers like Harry and  Ms. Markle. Harry? Here's a guy born with a silver spoon up his ass and he wants to tell us all how difficult his family can be. WOW! All he has to do is play Prince for a few days a week and live like a billionaire. How cruel can life be? And Meghan? Thank God Diana isn't around to be her mother-in-law. They could team up to keep all of the reporters busy.  The Royals, a hit movie? Or will it  just be the Honeymooners on crack? Meghan Markle has accomplished the seemingly impossible. She has made Wallis Simpson seem like a caring, loving American. Why don't we solve both Britain and America's problem and name these two clowns the King and Queen of California and give them all their freedom??

I keep reading the Bill of Rights and I can't find the amendment that protects pantywaists from being offended. If I do find it, I am bringing in Wile E. Coyote and a box of Acme dynamite to blow it up.

Is Jill Biden the next Edith Wilson? It is okay to Google Edith Wilson if you are sitting there going "What is he talking about now?"

Waiting for a reporter to ask Joe Manchin, "What's it like to be holding Chuck Schumer by the balls?"

Joe Biden talks about Neantherdals. Isn't this the same guy who spent an election talking about unity? Unity is like bi-partisanship. It happens when Republicans agree with Democrats. Democrats have never agreed to work with Republicans.

Dr. Fauci? He's still in place because he is sharper than Joe Biden. But honestly, anyone not wearing a flea collar is sharper than Biden.  Well, anyone other than Eric Swalwell. 

The Cancel Culture wants to ban or change movies and TV shows so they won't be offended. What do you never hear from the Cancel Culture? Answer: Their plans to deal with pornography. Dr. Seuss must go, but Fifty Shades of Grey can stay? Female activists think that Debbie Does Dallas shows a woman with initiative. Let's get Dr. Jill's input on this!!

Sunday, March 07, 2021

Sunday Sundry Stuff

 Dr. Fauci and others of his kind are screaming about how dangerous the COVID-19 virus still is. I will not validate his claims by pointing out how often he has been wrong. His batting average is not Hall of Fame material.

Is it possible that the disease has just run its course? Some people believe that it is fading due to vaccinations. Sorry, but I am not buying that because the disease is fading fastest in some states with low vaccination rates. Have the lockdowns and quarantines of healthy people actually stretched out the life span of the disease? Would we have been better off just living life and waiting to see how many die? Or were the politicians right in limiting our activities and stretching out the death cycle? Did we save lives while destroying our nation's economy and individual rights? Why did the states with the most restrictions have the higher death rates? Will we ever audit the deaths and see how many people died "from COVID" as compared to how many died "with COVID"? 

Is it okay to point out that in the United States, abortions end more lives every year than COVID?

The Cancel Culture folks are outraged that there is a drawing of a Chinese person in "To Think that I saw it on Mulberry Street" and want the book banished. I will just point out that for the past 5 years, there has been a caricature of Donald Trump appearing online or in print EVERY day. Yet, the Cancel folks have spoken not a word. Why is a caricature of a Caucasian who is also the President okay, but a sketch of an unidentified  Asian in a book is not?? The folks who are ranting about hate and racism need to read their own material. It is filled with the things that they want the rest of us to stop saying but that they are practicing. Clean up your own house first.

How high can you pile manure? How tall is Roy Cooper?

In Virginia, they are legalizing recreational use of marijuana. Since North Carolina has not jumped on that bandwagon yet, I am contemplating a new business venture. I am calling it "State Line Donuts". I will place locations on all of the major roads leading from Virginia to North Carolina. That will serve a  dual market. Primary market will be those who couldn't wait to get back home to sample the product and need some snacks. Secondary market is all of the NC State law enforcement officers waiting for those folks they spotted at weed store parking lots in Virginia who are bringing home souvenirs. 

Virginia, limits how many guns you can purchase a month, legalizes weed, outlaws the death penalty, shuts down the rest of the economy? Here's a state with ADD.

. In a completely unrelated matter, Charles Hawks passed away on Friday. He had been sick with heart issues and had been in hospice care for a couple of weeks. I met Charles when he was the North Carolina Sons of Confederate Veterans State Commander. A few years later, he ran for the ANV Commander post against Kirk Lyons. I may have been Charles' most vocal supporter. But that's a story for another day. I have belonged to a couple of other groups with Charles over the last twenty years. It was a hell of a ride, Charles! We will miss you.

Friday, March 05, 2021

Friday Free Shots 3.5

 Rep. Eric Swalwell, one of the many failed Democratic presidential candidates, has filed suit against Donald Trump and others over the "riots' at the capitol on January 6. Hopefully, Mr. Swalwell's testimony during the trial will explain his connections to the Communist Chinese through his dating and staffing choices. 

The count of signatures continues to rise on the recall petition for Gavin Newsome. 

I don't know what is going on in California, but let's trade California to China for Taiwan and a couple of future draft choices.  It's not like the Communists haven't already established a beachhead in California. Isn't that right, Eric Swalwell?

I slept better last night  knowing that Hasbro has saved Mr. Potato Head from those losers in the Cancel Culture. 

I don't know if  Donald Trump will be the Republican candidate in 2024, but I am sure that Nikki Haley will not be. She has spiraled down the charts in the last couple of weeks. Is this the Peter Principle at work?

The House has passed the "For the People" act. They changed the name of the legislation to "For the People' because "Fuck the People" was just too honest for them.

Sleep Joe says, "Are you ready for $4 gasoline?" Gas is up fifty cents a gallon since his inauguration. I am sure that it is just a coincidence?

Andrew Cuomo is rumored to actually have apologized the other day. It was not about the thousands of people who died after Cuomo sent COVID patients to nursing homes, but about some young lady he kissed.

One of the women accusing Cuomo of harassment is an active LGBTQ person. They should require those folks to wear warning labels so that Cuomo can make better choices.

The much heralded by the media, March 4 Revolution in Washington has come and gone without anything actually happening. What else have they been wrong about?

The Justice Department is the most politicized department in the federal government. If you disagree, call me when they indict Hunter Biden.

What can Donald Trump do to jumpstart the 2024 Presidential election campaign? He should go to the Capitol, stand in front of the fence surrounding the Capitol, hold a press conference and make this announcement. "Mr. Biden, tear down this wall!" 

I have said it thousands of time, but I will repeat it anyway. The most basic principle of human motivation is "Whatever activity you reward, you reinforce."  If the government will pay people to not work, they won't work. While millions of lazy people sit at home waiting on their "stimulus checks", millions of job openings go unfilled. 


Thursday, March 04, 2021

Cancel Culture and other Crap

 Does the "Cancel Culture" work?  Just days after Dr. Seuss books were ignored by alleged educators who are supposed to be promoting reading, the empire struck back. While Dr. Seuss Enterprises announced that they would no longer publish six of his books and President "Sleepy Joe" Biden ignored Seuss on National Read Across America, the public reacted. I checked just a minute ago and nine of the Top Ten books in sales on Amazon are Seuss books. There are another fifteen of his books  in the top fifty. So 48% of the top 50 books in current sales are Seuss books? 

What does this mean to me? I am digging through those mountains of books that I have in an attempt to locate any Dr. Seuss books and increase my income.

There are two emotions that drive markets, fear and greed. The Seuss Enterprise people will either find a way to start publishing those books again or somebody else will. Black market Seuss books? Can we even say "black market"?

The "Cancel Culture" is also taking a shot in the shorts from a 27 year old country singer with a drinking problem. Yes, the now infamous Morgan Wallen is lighting up the music world. Morgan who was captured on a video sold to TMZ, drunk and using the feared N-word, has been "suspended" by his record label. His music has been banned by most radio stations, and the country music empire has turned him into an outcast. Evidently, life as a pariah is good. Morgan is ranked number 1 on the list of the top 500 artists. His album "Dangerous"  is now the top selling album for the seventh straight week. I saw a report where a radio station owner in Knoxville, Wallen's home town, had started playing Wallen's music again. The owner said that he wasn't in "the censorship business". Wal-Mart has sold out of the $34 vinyl LP. There is also a special $119 edition recording that is almost gone. If Wallen gets "banned" again, he will be financially set for life. Money talks, bullshit walks. The "Cancel Culture" is wearing out a lot of shoes.

So the "Cancel Culture" is after a young, male country music singer with a drinking problem. Isn't that story in fact a country music song? Have you heard of Hank Williams, Johnny Cash, Merle Haggard, or David Allan Coe? The list is almost endless. For male country music singers, this is almost a rite of passage. Of course, I am not including those guys hustling that "bro country" crap. 

If you know someone who is active in that "Cancel Culture" crowd, here's a tip. Find a copy of David Allan Coe's "X-rated" album. I might have a copy from the late 1980's, but don't even consider asking for my copy. If your "Cancel Culture" acquaintance can survive listening to it, they will probably never speak to you again.

My wife just told me that there is a program about Teddy Roosevelt on the television. Now there's a guy who would have taken on the "cancel culture".

Tuesday, March 02, 2021

Let Loose of Seuss!!

 Today was the birthday of Theodore Seuss Geisel, the famous Dr. Seuss. It was also National Read Across America Day. So naturally enough, Sleepy Joe Biden and his union buddies at the National Education Association removed Dr. Seuss from the books that children should read.

Full disclosure statement: I have read all or almost all of the Dr. Seuss books. I read those books to my two sons when they were children. My granddaughter had Seuss read to her. 

Seuss was a liberal Democrat who supported FDR during his many terms. Now, he is being savaged by today's liberals. They really do eat their own.

A study done by the Conscious Kids Library (I'm not making that up) and the University of California-San Diego studied all of the characters in Seuss' books and broke them down by categories. They are dismayed at the lack of color in the Seuss collection characters. What a crock of crap that is!! Who sits down and thinks, "I am going to write about a little boy walking home from school. I will need to make sure that all of the major ethnic groups are represented by his friends and the other characters. I need to make sure that the occupations of people mentioned are not stereotypical for those ethnic groups." Many writers of today must subscribe to this idea because so much shit is being published. 

It's just not books and literature, it's everywhere. Based on television commercials, one would assume that more than one half of the families in America are interracial. This is not the case, but are liberals pushing to ban these ads? 

We are all products of our experiences. We can be nothing else. Did any child ever listen to a Seuss story and go kill a neighbor? Of course not. No child ever read a Seuss book and asked, "Why does Heather have two mommies and I only have one?" Get a grip, folks.

Let Seuss loose!! Read Seuss to a kid. Piss off a liberal!!

Monday, March 01, 2021

Monday Moans and Groans 3.1

 Mussolini would be proud!! The Biden administration is pushing their latest "big lie". They are trying to claim that there was no COVID-19 vaccine when they  came into office. Ignore those millions who got the vaccine before January 20. Is there anything that Biden will not distort?

On the bright side for Democrats, Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia has repeatedly voiced his support for keeping the filibuster rule in the Senate. A "journalist" asked Manchin about the filibuster the other day. Manchin explained it so that even a liberal could understand, "Jesus Christ, what don't you understand about 'never'?" Thanks for clearing the air on that, Joe.

The Biden administration is rumored to be preparing sanctions against Russia. WOW! Liberals all claim that they want "world peace" and then they piss off all of the nations they don't like. This in not unlike how they treat conservatives in our nation. According to liberals, we can all get along as long as we do exactly what liberals tell us to do.

Daniel Flynn of the American Spectator wrote about how all of the deaths caused by Andrew Cuomo's policies  during the COVID crisis failed to move the needle in press coverage. Then they all sprang to life when he was accused of kissing a female staffer. If he had kissed a male staffer, they would not have known whether to "shit or go blind". Thank God for little girls!

Sen. Richard Burr continues his descent into hell. He sided with 13 other alleged Republicans to vote for Biden's pick to head up the Department of Education. Stop him before he votes again. 

Without the filibuster rule, the Senate is just the House with longer terms and bigger offices. Years ago, on a trip to D.C., we visited the office of one of our Senators. CEOs of Fortune 500 companies don't have offices as grand as those taxpayers provide for Senators.

Maybe it is time to amend the Constitution again and put the state legislatures in charge of electing Senators again. Could we do any worse?

The District of Columbia was created because it was a central spot for the government. It's time to realize that the nation has changed and build a new center of the federal government in Kansas. "The Swamp" could become "The Prairie". Let's just start over and see if we can do better this time. Give D.C. back to Maryland and laugh all the way to Kansas.