Tuesday, March 02, 2021

Let Loose of Seuss!!

 Today was the birthday of Theodore Seuss Geisel, the famous Dr. Seuss. It was also National Read Across America Day. So naturally enough, Sleepy Joe Biden and his union buddies at the National Education Association removed Dr. Seuss from the books that children should read.

Full disclosure statement: I have read all or almost all of the Dr. Seuss books. I read those books to my two sons when they were children. My granddaughter had Seuss read to her. 

Seuss was a liberal Democrat who supported FDR during his many terms. Now, he is being savaged by today's liberals. They really do eat their own.

A study done by the Conscious Kids Library (I'm not making that up) and the University of California-San Diego studied all of the characters in Seuss' books and broke them down by categories. They are dismayed at the lack of color in the Seuss collection characters. What a crock of crap that is!! Who sits down and thinks, "I am going to write about a little boy walking home from school. I will need to make sure that all of the major ethnic groups are represented by his friends and the other characters. I need to make sure that the occupations of people mentioned are not stereotypical for those ethnic groups." Many writers of today must subscribe to this idea because so much shit is being published. 

It's just not books and literature, it's everywhere. Based on television commercials, one would assume that more than one half of the families in America are interracial. This is not the case, but are liberals pushing to ban these ads? 

We are all products of our experiences. We can be nothing else. Did any child ever listen to a Seuss story and go kill a neighbor? Of course not. No child ever read a Seuss book and asked, "Why does Heather have two mommies and I only have one?" Get a grip, folks.

Let Seuss loose!! Read Seuss to a kid. Piss off a liberal!!


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