Monday, January 18, 2021

History at the Flea Market??

 I spent Saturday and Sunday at the Raleigh market, the flea market at the North Carolina State fairgrounds. I might have the most photographed signs at the market. I could probably double my income by asking for a dollar when someone asks if they can take a picture of my signs. 

My signs are on poster board and usually in an upright sign frame that I purchase at grocery store auctions. I usually take three or four of these frames and spread them around my spaces. My most popular sign reads "This is Day  309 of Cooper's 15 day program to stop COVID". I update the number to reflect the time passed since Cooper closed the schools on March 14 last year. I always have one of those signs posted. The subject of the others is dependent upon what's happening in the world, my mood, and the level of sarcasm available that day. 

Here are a few messages from the last few weeks:

Will Cooper's Carry Out Cocktails kill COVID?

Curfews stop freedom, not COVID.

Show me the science in Carryout Cocktails.

Carolina's Commies: Cooper and Cohen

Has your doctor ever prescribed a curfew?

Cooper hasn't missed a paycheck, have you?

However, this weekend I finally got a reaction worthy of a story on this blog. I had purchased some Civil War books at an auction last week. I sorted out the ones that I wanted and took the rest to sell at the market. I put the books on a table and put a sign up that read "Civil War Books. Buy them before they are banned, burned, or cancelled." I had dozens of people comment positively on this sign, but that's not the story that I want to share.

Here's what happened. A young man, probably about 20, and a much older man, probably his grandfather, came by in the early afternoon. The old guy looked at the sign and said, "That's right. they are trying to destroy our history." The young man responded, "They shouldn't put history out in public spaces. They should have it in museums where it won't offend people so easily and they can decide whether or not to see it." The old guy said "Why should people have to pay to see their history?" The boy replied "State museums are free. People should not have to see something that might offend them." At this point, the old man's face was about to explode as he spoke. "What the f*ck have you been learning at Chapel Hill? Are you telling me that it is wrong to display our history as every other civilization has done?" Within a few seconds they were out of range, but I think the kid had met his match.

It's sad that so many young people believe the swill that liberal teachers spread in the schools and universities. But it's always good to hear another curmudgeon bark back at some Communist trained punk.


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