Friday, January 01, 2021

Odds and Ends for 2021

Years ago I had a guy who worked for me who would periodically blurt out something that was sure to offend or anger someone. If someone said something to him about his remarks, he would simply respond, "It had to be said". With that I offer this medley of things that just "had to be said".

We are ALL essential. Anyone who says otherwise is a Democrat.

We need to amend the Constitution to forever ban the use of the word "unprecedented".

Some businesses and every government are using COVID as an excuse for piss poor performance.

Businesses are so busy being "woke" that they have forgotten the purpose of their existence. I saw a commercial today that featured an interracial, homosexual, handicapped couple who are here illegally. I got so engrossed with the social setting that I have no idea what they were advertising.

You don't need a DNA study or to figure out how "social justice warriors" came to be. They are descendants of the people we called "pinko commie fags" in the 1960's.

The News & Observer of Raleigh named Mandy Cohen as "Tar Heel of the Year". Random Moments of Lunacy has named the News & Observer as the official publication of the Communist Party. Just for context purposes, the year before WW2 started, Time magazine named Adolf Hitler as "Man of the Year".

Nothing devalues higher education more than Jill Biden demanding to be called Dr. Biden. You can get those degrees online. For about $20 each, we can all be doctors. 

But nothing proves how confused Democrats are as the television episode where Whoopi Goldberg said that Jill Biden should be named Surgeon General. Then she doubled down by claiming that she had heard that Jill was "a helluva doctor." You can find that clip all over the Web/Net/Sewer.

Mandy Cohen has released North Carolina's plan for vaccinations against the feared COVID-19. Given the complexity of the plan with a multitude of "phases", "groups", and "sub-groups", many will die before figuring out when they get the shots.

I remember when they used to prosecute people for "practicing medicine without a license". Today they are being named "Tar Heel of the Year".

We need to restore the integrity of American elections. I think that voters should have to fill out the same form to vote that we have to fill out to buy a gun. Both are just cases of people exercising their constitutional rights.

Let's start licensing reporters to practice their craft just like we license people to carry concealed firearms. How about some background checks on reporters? Liberals are looking for safe spaces from words, let's restrict their use of those words.

The federal government needs to break up the large companies that control the majority of media outlets. 

Let's start government budget cutbacks by shutting down PBS. The few good shows on there can survive on one of the other 853 networks on television. Whatever it takes to get that whacko, liberal, Biden ass-kissing, Judy Woodruff off the air. She makes Don Lemon and Jim Acosta look like Huntley and Brinkley.

Roy Cooper? D.B. Cooper has been seen in public since Roy was last spotted. A dairy in Raleigh is going to start putting Cooper's picture on milk cartons. 

Roy Cooper wants to "rebuild the North Carolina economy". He's the worthless, dictatorial, sack of shit who destroyed it. Does anyone with more than a Joe Biden IQ level, want to have Roy do this? Do you hire the arsonist who burned your house to rebuild it for you?

How many paychecks has Roy Cooper missed during the "pandemic"? 

Joe Biden speaks in the same nonsense as Cooper. He wants to bring "peace to our nation". Just for the record Joe, it is liberals who spent the last four years protesting, rioting, disrupting, looting, and burning our nation. Maybe if you brought your Commie friends and relatives into line, things would be better.

Joe may last four years, but will the nation?  There are people in places other than The South talking about secession.

If masks work why does the infection rate continue to climb? If lockdowns work, why do prisoners get COVID? California has been in various states of lockdown for almost a year and they continue to have huge problems. Based on news reports, there is no one still alive there. Is this the biggest "misinformation campaign" in the history of Western Civilization? 

Why is COVID worse in states with Democratic governors? Just asking for a nation.

Wrapping it up, Roy Cooper issued an executive order allowing people to get "cocktails to go". This is in violation of state law as the Sheriff's Association pointed out to the halfwit governor. As the governor claims that all of his decisions are based on science, I am calling on him to show us the science on this. I was going to refer to Roy Cooper as a a "dumb son of a bitch", but I don't want to start off the new year complimenting Cooper.

It had to be said.

P.S. After posting this, my stats showed that this was Post #666. I didn't realize that beforehand. Kind of adds to the mystique, Huh?


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