Wednesday, December 09, 2020

Outreach Wednesday

 Today was the day for my outreach program. I was at the intersection of US 29 and NC 14 at 7:30 this morning and stayed until 9:00 AM. This is my favorite outreach location. It has a lot of traffic and is in conservative Rockingham County. 

What did I learn today? COVID has more favorable poll numbers in Rockingham County than does Governor Roy Cooper. People are desperate to take pictures of a crazy man on a corner as I saw several people take pictures of me. I actually had a couple of people stop and ask if they could take a picture of me. Coming to a Facebook page near you? My favorite was a guy in a van who stopped and asked if he could have his passenger take a picture of the two of us while I held my "Impeach Cooper Now" sign. 

When it comes to signs, I like to hold one sign and alternate others in sign holders that I keep in the back of the truck just in case I encounter a protesting emergency. The most popular sign today was "Impeach Cooper Now". How popular was it? I had been out there about 30 seconds when a guy driving a crane turned on to the ramp and blew the horn and gave me a thumbs up as he passed. I don't want to speculate how he was steering that rig, but no animals were harmed in that show of solidarity.  Roy Cooper, in case you are reading this, reaction from large truck drivers shows your approval levels are crap with truck drivers. I guess that whole "Democrats are the party of the working man" idea is past tense. In keeping with that whole "Truth in Advertising" idea, they should change that slogan to "Democrats are the party of the NON-working man".

I had a couple of folks who disagreed with my positions. One guy who was in a Volvo and had a ponytail gave me a thumbs down. His hippie parents probably took him to vote to make sure he voted Democrat. Some woman yelled something at me and waved a middle finger. You don't get a lot of creativity from angry liberals.

Just in case you need some messages for a sign so that you can experience the joys of pissing off liberals, here's my messages from today. I haven't copyrighted any of them.

1. Impeach Cooper Now!

2. Today is day 270 of Cooper's 15 day plan to stop COVID

3. Curfews Kill Freedom not COVID

4. Cooper hasn't missed a paycheck. Have you?

5. Has your doctor ever prescribed a curfew?

6. Comrade Cooper's Curfew, Bad for NC

7. Defund Democrats 

8. Cooper Copies California. They are doing so well.

That's it for tonight. See you out on the roadside!!!


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