Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Tuesday Topics, Taunts, and Tantrums

 "Women must be believed", said liberals everywhere. Of course, that was before a Democratic woman accused Gov. Andrew Cuomo of sexual harassment. Try to find this story on any of the major networks. It's a tough call as to which group is bigger hypocrites, the media or the Democrats. Look for this story to die quickly. What the Democrats actually said was "Women must be believed when they talk about Republicans. Otherwise, they are liars."

The NC Governor's Crime Commission has released their report on why drivers are stopped by police. The racist news in the report is that white drivers are cited or arrested at a higher percentage than are black drivers. How does this result compare with the media reports?

Joe "The Joke' Biden has told his supporters to stop talking about "defunding the police" until after the Georgia Senate elections are over. Now why would Joe do that?

I posted a few signs from my outreach ministry (see earlier post) in my spaces at the Raleigh Market at the State Fairgrounds ;last weekend. I got lots of comments about them. Several people took pictures of the signs. Apparently, conservative protesters are so scarce that people need photographic evidence when they tell their friends about it.

In the protest line of thought, I am trying to start a National Mask Burning Day on January 20. I am asking people to gather at noon and to celebrate the inauguration of the first moron by burning a pile of face masks. Joe Blow wants us to wear a mask for 100 days because it is patriotic. Joe can neither spell nor define "patriotic". 

There is a commercial on television touting Trevor Noah and his "comedy" show. This guy is alive because it is illegal to kill him. Here's a guy from South Africa lecturing us on "racism". I am certain that South Africa, regardless of who is running it now, is hardly a paragon of good race relations. Let's get  one of the few white people left in South Africa to give us their perspective. Also, Noah is unable to differentiate between protests and rioting. Looting and burning are not protests, Trevor. They are just criminal activity. 

In Greensboro, where the murder count continues to climb to new heights, the City Council wants to limit what police can do. They also want the police to cut the murder rate. City Council members should be compelled to spend a night shift a week riding with a police officer. 

I saw where some idiot liberal, it may have been Joe Blow, said that we need to get psychologists and psycho-therapists to handle some of these 911 calls. As you can barely get an appointment with one of these guys between 9 and 5, how the hell are you going to get them out at 2:00 AM to deal with a drug crazed 300 pound  maniac? I would pay to watch that. I grew up at the Waffle House, I know what happens at 2:00 AM and it is not pretty. After handling about one lunatic, the psychologist would be begging to carry a gun. 

The real problem here is that those wanting to "solve" these problems have had no personal experiences with these problems. Let's get them some education on these situations!! Give them some on the job experience. You will hear some different viewpoints quickly.


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