Friday, December 11, 2020

Free Shot Friday Ver 2.0

 Gov. Roy Crapper has announced a 10:00 PM to 5:00 AM curfew for the peasants of North Carolina. In addition, alcohol may not be served after 9:00 PM. Who knew that Crapper is both a moron and a Puritan?  Gov. Crapper is following the lead of his boyfriend, Gov. Gruesome in California. There is no statistical proof available that demonstrates curfews can stop COVID-19. But why let facts get in the way?

It appears that those wearing masks are dying at higher rates than those not wearing masks. I really can't be sure as newspapers and magazines won't print anything that contradicts the liberal wisdom and online monopolists censor anything they don't like. Like facts?

In North Carolina, we are in day 272 of Crapper's 15 day plan to "flatten the curve". In my profession, if your 15 day plan flops, you try another plan. Not Crapper, he blames everyone else in the world for it failing and just keeps piling on more stupid things. Two hundred years ago, a mob of angry citizens would have already hung this bastard. 

We have a lawyer in charge of an effort to stem a disease. Since it isn't working, should we hire a doctor to sue Crapper for malpractice? His chief lieutenant in this effort is a doctor who has no license and has never actually practiced medicine. She went from her residency to politics. Why practice the profession that you studied for so many years? She probably discovered that politicians are immune to malpractice suits and you don't have to wear those white coats. She's a political doctor, she interned in Ted Kennedy's office when she was young. I assume that means that she has good oral skills.

Are we really having a lot more deaths or are they all just being blamed on COVID? Johns Hopkins released a study on this recently, but it was quickly deleted from any sources. It's kind of like a study from Denmark(?) about masks being detrimental to health which no one in the United States will publish.

In Burlington, there is an electronic billboard that reads "Caution: Flattening of the curve ahead". The state is running ads telling folks to "Get Behind the Mask". Why isn't the state subject to Truth in Advertising rules? We could have already sued a private business for claims like this.

The state has no chance of stopping a virus with these rules. You can run ads, you can have catchy slogans, you can promise people the moon, but at the end you can't deliver. The state can't put enough lipstick on this pig to make it look good!

Meanwhile, Brain Dead Biden wants us all to wear a mask for 100 days because it is patriotic. The easy answer here is what the hell does Joe Biden know about American patriotism? Maybe he thinks he is talking to Ukrainians? Where is the science in the 100 days, Joe? Does something magic happen on day 99? 

Just one final point. Last year there were an estimated 700,00 abortions performed in America. My first point is that when we actually get scientific data on how many people died OF COVID and not WITH COVID, we will see that abortion has ended many more lives than COVID. Why do liberals want us to "follow the science" on a virus, but ignore the science on when life begins? Asking for a friend. 


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