Thursday, December 17, 2020

Thursday Thoughts Ver 12.20

 Those calling for "Medicare for all" have never been on Medicare.

Biden picked a lawyer to run the Health and Human Services Department. The only good news is that it wasn't Roy Cooper.

The idiots from the Lincoln Project are now saying that they will never support another Republican. Of course, for this to be any kind of a threat, they would have had to supported a Republican at some point in time. I don't think that any of them actually even know who Lincoln was.

How much will the $600 stimulus check end up costing me in increased taxes over the next 20 years? It would be cheaper if I just sent the government $600 today.

In the U.S. Constitution, Congress sets a national Election Day. Notice that "day" is singular. It sets a day, not days. Let's bag all of this voting for weeks crap and get back to the basics.

Biden claims that the stimulus bill being considered now is a "down payment" for people. Why doesn't he get his friends, the Democratic governors, to open up their states?

I keep hearing that Biden's Cabinet will "look like America". I am sorry, but someone in the Biden camp needs to examine the nation's demographics and tell Joe he needs some white folks in there.

Biden the Moron has nominated Pete Buttigieg as his Secretary of Transportation. Buttigieg was the mayor of a town with a bus system consisting of 66 busses. What qualifies him to head up the Department of Transportation? Does gay sex in the back seat of a car qualify one for a Cabinet position? Don't ask, don't tell? Thank God he didn't have a GI Joe as a child or Biden would have made him the Secretary of Defense.

I have always thought that the development of the smart phone marked the beginning of the end for Western civilization.  Of course, that was before Roy Cooper and Joe Biden were both elected in the same year.

In North Carolina, we are told that Trump won, Cooper won, Mark Robinson won as Lt. Governor, and Cooper's appointee as NC Chief Justice was defeated. If this is actually true, we have an enormous problem with schizophrenia or people are unable to read the ballots. Maybe we need to bring back those literacy tests for voters?

National Mask Burning Day is on January 20 at noon. Extra credit if your mask has a Biden insult on it.


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