Friday, January 08, 2021

"Temple of Democracy"? You're kidding me, right?

 On Wednesday night, several TV talking heads and many liberals were speaking about the "rioters" and their attack on "our temple of democracy". It's amazing how all of the "news" reporters and Democrats use the same words and phrasing. It's almost like it is scripted?

Anyway, I thought that I would address this "Temple of Democracy" idea. Let's look at some facts about the "Temple". 

This is the "Temple" where Brett Kavanaugh, Ron Bork, and Clarence Thomas had their reputations savaged by Democrats trying to keep them from a seat on the Supreme Court. This is where the Democrats praised Christine Blasey Ford, who lied about a fear of flying to stretch out the hearings. You couldn't get an investigation from Andy and Barney with the evidence and statements of Ford. The biggest benefit of Ford's testimony was Ford. She received hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations online. All of this in the "Temple"

This is the same "Temple" where Nancy Pelosi tore up her copy of Trump's State of the Union speech. She probably doesn't read anyway.

This is where Democrats decided last week that all language in bills must not be "gender specific". Words like man, woman, father, mother, son, daughter, and countless others are banned from legislation. These people have lost their minds. 

In this "Temple" Puerto Rican nationalists shot and wounded five Congressmen. Today, Democrats want to make Puerto Rico a state.

This is the "Temple" where Congress meets every year to decide how much deeper into debt we will go to keep buying friends from the nations of the world. It hasn't worked yet, but they keep pumping money out there. Who can forget Joe Biden telling Ukrainians to fire the guy investigating his son's employer to get their money? 

This is the same "Temple" where Democrats in the House voted to impeach Trump. Who can forget Lt. Col. Vindman' s testimony about how his homeland of the Ukraine is the keystone of American national security? How about that ambassador who complained that her office did not have a coffeemaker? How about Adam Schiff prohibiting Vindman from answering a question about a person because he feared that person might be identified as "the whistleblower"? All of this while Schiff maintained that he didn't know who the "whistleblower" was. 

In this "Temple" the liberals put Trump on trial for beating Hillary Clinton in 2016. All of the other charges were a smoke screen. 

This is the "Temple" where Democrats try constantly to take away your Second Amendment rights.

This is the "Temple" where "Tail gunner Joe" McCarthy performed.

This "Temple" is the home of Obamacare. I don't even need to elaborate.

In this "Temple",  Rep. Preston Brooks caned Sen. Charles Sumner. That may have been the last time that a Senator got what he deserved.

This is the "Temple" where the "Gulf of Tonkin" resolution started a war that cost the lives of over 50,000 Americans. Today we get cheap tennis shoes and clothing from that country. Not very cheap, considering the investment of American lives.

In this "Temple", they have voted for the last 18 years to continue the war in Afghanistan. What is our military objective there? By the way, the Taliban had an anti-drug policy in Afghanistan, we don't. The opium business is flourishing under our protection. Is this why those in the "Temple" want us to stay?

On the steps of this "Temple", Rep. John Jenrette (D-SC) of ABSCAM fame and fortune, had sex with his wife, the lovely Rita Jenrette. Details of this encounter are available in the issue of Playboy containing her nude photos.

.This "Temple" is a place of economic miracles. Representatives and Senators enter this building with average incomes and assets, and leave as millionaires. Wonder how?

To bring this to an end, I direct you to Matthew 21:12. "And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the Temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves." 

We don't need to wait for Jesus this time. We need to take of this ourselves now. Wednesday was a good start.


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