Wednesday, January 06, 2021

George W, I have your "banana republic" hanging right here!

 Any doubt that Joe Biden is an idiot was settled today by his comments about the Capitol demonstration. Mr. Biden acted enraged by the events of the day. Maybe it was because the Capitol is dear to him as the place where he has hustled the taxpayers for the last 40 years.

Biden and his ass-licking liberal media friends were calling this an "insurrection" and a "revolution". The hyperbole from the "reporters" was breathtaking. Not since Geraldo Rivera was in one of the Iraq wars and was broadcasting from a position purported to be near the front has the media shoveled the manure at such an incredible rate.

We have spent the last several months watching liberal mobs proclaiming "Black Lives Matter" riot, burn, and loot several American cities. Biden went months without offering any critical comments on these events. Today, because it is the other side protesting, he suddenly came to life. He is okay with people burning and looting, but you can't enter the Capitol? So much for the idea that the people are the government.

Network Gossip spreaders spoke of how horrible this event was. Let's get the videos and compare their comments on this to their reporting on the rioting, looting, and burning of this summer. Basically, liberals are okay with your home or business being looted and burned, but don't try that with their offices.

George W. Bush said that this is how election results are protested in a "banana republic". George, first let me thank you for sobering up for the day. Beyond that, when you hold elections that look like they are in a "banana republic", you will get results like this from people who care.. 

For the people moaning about how this is the worst thing ever to happen at the Capitol, get out your history books. In the War of 1812, the British burned part of the Capitol. In 1954, four (4) Puerto Ricans, led by a woman, entered the House Chamber and opened fire. They wounded five Congressmen. Just as a reminder to how little Democrats know, they now want to make Puerto Rico a state. There have been a couple or more explosions at the Capitol. This event today is neither the worst thing that has happened there and will not be the last incident there. 

Democrats are okay when "social justice warriors" are doing the rioting, but a bunch of white, conservative, folks better not do that. Can the double standard for liberals as opposed to conservative be any more obvious?

Did you see any video of a demonstrator running from the Capitol with a big screen TV, a bottle of liquor, some jewelry, or a pair of expensive tennis shoes made in China by slave labor?

Did you see any demonstrator trying to blind law enforcement officers with laser lights?

Did anyone loot and burn as they walked to the Capitol?

Did the demonstrators declare the Capitol to be an autonomous zone? 

Did anyone burn a police station or police cars?

Did they tear down any statues? Did they drag any statues out of Statuary Hall?

Was anyone wearing one of those "pussy" hats? Other than George W. and Biden, of course. 

Relax, Congress will reconvene tonight or tomorrow and start wasting more money. They will soon be asking "What can we do to keep those people from coming here and hurting us?" Wrong Question!!! What they should be asking themselves is "What are we doing that is pissing people off so badly that they want to come down here and hurt us?"

Finally, a footnote on exactly how stupid members of Congress actually are. A Member of the House sent out a picture of himself leaving the House chamber wearing his "escape mask" or gas mask. So you think that you are under attack and  may be  injured, so you stop, take a selfie, and post it on social media? There's a new standard for stupid! 


At 10:31 AM, Blogger Gilbert’s Only Friend said...

Right on Gilbert as usual. It’s ok to loot and burn. Little press and little criticism. Hopefully the Supremes were looking out the window and asking John Roberts “What the Hell?”

At 10:33 AM, Blogger Gilbert’s Only Friend said...

Gilbert right as usual.


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