Friday, January 22, 2021

Free Fire Zone Friday

 Joe Biden talks about unity as Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi are working on impeaching Trump, who is no longer an elected official. Yeah, pissing off the 74 million live Americans who voted for Trump will bring us all closer together.  What is it about Trump that drives Democrats crazy? Could it be his shoes? I swear that I saw Pelosi waving a broom and screaming something about "ruby slippers". Maybe a house will fall on her?

Larry Thornberry of The American Spectator wrote that Biden read his inaugural address from a "large print teleprompter". Larry also believes that Joe "studied condescension on a Barack Obama scholarship"

Congress issued a waiver for Lloyd Austin to be the new Secretary of Defense. They issued a waiver to James Mattis in the Trump administration for the same thing. The law requires that military retirees must be retired for seven years before holding that post. Why not just go ahead and change the law?

Maybe we should get a civilian to be the Secretary of Defense? Some fresh ideas and new faces might change the efficiency level at the Pentagon. Wasn't it Eisenhower who warned us about the military-industrial complex? Maybe an outsider could traverse the swamp into the Pentagon and clean house.

In Greensboro, NC, the Communist held city near my home, the City Council reauthorized a discrimination ordinance. They also banned discrimination based on hair styles claiming that those of African descent have trouble meeting standards set by other races. In 2020, Greensboro set a new record for murders in the city. Over 90% of victims and perpetrators are black. So naturally, the City Council thinks that this will cut the murder rate. If nothing else, it should flush out some hair bigots. I have heard so much about this problem. Yeah, right!

George Bush claimed that the brawl at the Capitol looked like a banana republic action. Now the Democrats seek to ban the leader of the opposition party. Just curious W, is this banana republic or Communist nation technique? I doubt that he will quit buddying up to Michelle Obama long enough to answer that question.

My nine year old granddaughter asked my son if they could move to a place where Donald Trump was still President. Thanks Alice!! "And a child shall lead them."

CNN and other leftist media (that may be redundant?) groups are reportedly cutting staff after Biden's election Over 95% of "fact checkers" have been laid off.  Most are going back to their jobs working the door at Wal-Mart.

Joe Biden? The media was fascinated by Trump's appearance. They must have been, they spent 5 years attacking it. The skin on Biden's face is tighter than a drum.  At 78, how long ago was that face lift?  Compare a picture of Biden from the 1980's and one from today. Can you say hair plugs? Hair Club for Men? He probably started with that Ronco spray-on hair and upgraded to the plugs.

Tuesday or Wednesday is my "outreach ministry" day next week. Working on some new material to piss off liberals.

A friend contacted me about Biden's choice of a "transgender woman" to be Assistant Health Secretary. After a heated discussion, we agreed that "person' looks like Phil Silvers in drag. Yes, Sgt. Bilko, coming to a health department near you. 

Heading to the Flea Market tomorrow to torment some liberals. It's just too easy.


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