Friday, March 05, 2021

Friday Free Shots 3.5

 Rep. Eric Swalwell, one of the many failed Democratic presidential candidates, has filed suit against Donald Trump and others over the "riots' at the capitol on January 6. Hopefully, Mr. Swalwell's testimony during the trial will explain his connections to the Communist Chinese through his dating and staffing choices. 

The count of signatures continues to rise on the recall petition for Gavin Newsome. 

I don't know what is going on in California, but let's trade California to China for Taiwan and a couple of future draft choices.  It's not like the Communists haven't already established a beachhead in California. Isn't that right, Eric Swalwell?

I slept better last night  knowing that Hasbro has saved Mr. Potato Head from those losers in the Cancel Culture. 

I don't know if  Donald Trump will be the Republican candidate in 2024, but I am sure that Nikki Haley will not be. She has spiraled down the charts in the last couple of weeks. Is this the Peter Principle at work?

The House has passed the "For the People" act. They changed the name of the legislation to "For the People' because "Fuck the People" was just too honest for them.

Sleep Joe says, "Are you ready for $4 gasoline?" Gas is up fifty cents a gallon since his inauguration. I am sure that it is just a coincidence?

Andrew Cuomo is rumored to actually have apologized the other day. It was not about the thousands of people who died after Cuomo sent COVID patients to nursing homes, but about some young lady he kissed.

One of the women accusing Cuomo of harassment is an active LGBTQ person. They should require those folks to wear warning labels so that Cuomo can make better choices.

The much heralded by the media, March 4 Revolution in Washington has come and gone without anything actually happening. What else have they been wrong about?

The Justice Department is the most politicized department in the federal government. If you disagree, call me when they indict Hunter Biden.

What can Donald Trump do to jumpstart the 2024 Presidential election campaign? He should go to the Capitol, stand in front of the fence surrounding the Capitol, hold a press conference and make this announcement. "Mr. Biden, tear down this wall!" 

I have said it thousands of time, but I will repeat it anyway. The most basic principle of human motivation is "Whatever activity you reward, you reinforce."  If the government will pay people to not work, they won't work. While millions of lazy people sit at home waiting on their "stimulus checks", millions of job openings go unfilled. 



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