Sunday, March 07, 2021

Sunday Sundry Stuff

 Dr. Fauci and others of his kind are screaming about how dangerous the COVID-19 virus still is. I will not validate his claims by pointing out how often he has been wrong. His batting average is not Hall of Fame material.

Is it possible that the disease has just run its course? Some people believe that it is fading due to vaccinations. Sorry, but I am not buying that because the disease is fading fastest in some states with low vaccination rates. Have the lockdowns and quarantines of healthy people actually stretched out the life span of the disease? Would we have been better off just living life and waiting to see how many die? Or were the politicians right in limiting our activities and stretching out the death cycle? Did we save lives while destroying our nation's economy and individual rights? Why did the states with the most restrictions have the higher death rates? Will we ever audit the deaths and see how many people died "from COVID" as compared to how many died "with COVID"? 

Is it okay to point out that in the United States, abortions end more lives every year than COVID?

The Cancel Culture folks are outraged that there is a drawing of a Chinese person in "To Think that I saw it on Mulberry Street" and want the book banished. I will just point out that for the past 5 years, there has been a caricature of Donald Trump appearing online or in print EVERY day. Yet, the Cancel folks have spoken not a word. Why is a caricature of a Caucasian who is also the President okay, but a sketch of an unidentified  Asian in a book is not?? The folks who are ranting about hate and racism need to read their own material. It is filled with the things that they want the rest of us to stop saying but that they are practicing. Clean up your own house first.

How high can you pile manure? How tall is Roy Cooper?

In Virginia, they are legalizing recreational use of marijuana. Since North Carolina has not jumped on that bandwagon yet, I am contemplating a new business venture. I am calling it "State Line Donuts". I will place locations on all of the major roads leading from Virginia to North Carolina. That will serve a  dual market. Primary market will be those who couldn't wait to get back home to sample the product and need some snacks. Secondary market is all of the NC State law enforcement officers waiting for those folks they spotted at weed store parking lots in Virginia who are bringing home souvenirs. 

Virginia, limits how many guns you can purchase a month, legalizes weed, outlaws the death penalty, shuts down the rest of the economy? Here's a state with ADD.

. In a completely unrelated matter, Charles Hawks passed away on Friday. He had been sick with heart issues and had been in hospice care for a couple of weeks. I met Charles when he was the North Carolina Sons of Confederate Veterans State Commander. A few years later, he ran for the ANV Commander post against Kirk Lyons. I may have been Charles' most vocal supporter. But that's a story for another day. I have belonged to a couple of other groups with Charles over the last twenty years. It was a hell of a ride, Charles! We will miss you.


At 5:11 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

You could probably write a very interesting book.


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