Sunday, March 14, 2021

Notes and Quotes

 "Adam was the only man who, when he said something, knew that nobody had said it before him." - Mark Twain

"When I was a boy I was told that anyone could become President; I am starting to believe it." - Clarence Darrow

"In America any boy may become  President and I suppose that it's just one of those risks he takes." - Adlai Stevenson

"I have been told that I was on the road to hell, but I had no ide that it was just a mile down the road with a Dome on it."- Abraham Lincoln

"I go to class reunions, but I don't want to go to one everyday." Daniel Flynn of the American Spectator explaining his dislike for social media.

"Here I sit all broken hearted, paid a dime and only farted".- Wall of a pay toilet in Chimney Rock NC 1965

Today, boys and girls, we are climbing into Mr. Peabody's wayback machine and going all the way back to the year 2020 when the press used to ask the President questions. Now they are in awe that he reads from index cards. Too awed to ask a question?

I am starting a pool where readers can pick the date that President Biden will hold a formal press conference. Other than the glory of being right, I am offering no prizes in this pool contest.  How does one place a monetary value on bragging rights? Leave a comment with your prediction. My guess is May 1, May Day. It is celebrated in the Communist countries, why not D.C.?  Plus that's around Biden's 100 day mark. 

Biden and the Democrats want to offer "a path to citizenship" for illegal immigrants. As they have already bypassed the real "path to citizenship", why are we doing this? We all know the answer. Power

My COVID relief bucks are in the "pending transaction" file at my bank until March 17.  Here's an economic forecast before we all go spend that money. I predict an income tax increase of more than $1400 in the near future(by 2022).

Biden passed the 50 day mark in his term last week. Gasoline is also up at least 50 cents a gallon in that time period. Coincidence? I think not. By the hundred day mark of the Biden era, gasoline will be up a dollar.

Why hasn't Kamala Harris spoken out about Andrew Cuomo? Two words, Willie Brown.


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