Friday, June 30, 2023

"Bidenomics" ??

 The Biden administration and the media whores who cater to liberals every whim have coined a new term, "Bidenomics". They are all thrilled by their clever terminology. But what is "Bidenomics"?

Bidenomics is a like a pyramid sales scheme. Bidenomics followers think that if we can just find enough people to loan us money, we can borrow our way to prosperity. Why balance a budget if the Chinese are willing to buy our bonds with the money that they have made selling cheap stuff in the United States? Instead of just an American disaster, Bidenomics aims to destroy the world's economy.

During the recent "fight" over raising the debt limit, there were several so-called economists claiming that the federal government should not even bother to pay the government debt. Let's deport these guys to some other planet!

Bidenomics is based on "F.E.A.R.". I learned this from a Zig Ziglar seminar many years ago. "FEAR" is an acronym for "False Evidence Appears Real". This is the backbone of the Biden Administration economic plan. The government tells us that inflation is now around 5%. Figures don't lie, but liars can figure. The government surveys the prices of a handful of selected products in selected areas of the nation. They don't go price everything in a grocery store and then check it again the next month.  That would be beyond the skill level of government economists. Actually, I am sure that grocery chains actually have that data if the government really wanted to know. So instead, they pick and choose what to measure.

The price of the average fast-food meal has doubled in the last three years. How could this be a 5% increase? A few years ago, at Bojangles, we would run a special on Country Ham Biscuits a couple of times a year. The sale price was 2 for $3. A couple of months ago they ran that same special at the sale price of 2 for $5. In what demented mathematical system is that 5%? 

One of the biggest price increases is in vegetable oil and the products made from it. The store brand vegetable oil has gone from $1.99 to $5.29. The tubs of whipped spread or "faux margarine" have gone up at a rate greater than the rapidly diminishing vegetable oil that they contain. It's so bad that I switched to using real butter. Of course, that price is up too as the Biden Administration seeks to put cows out of business to save the earth. Liberals don't want us to raise crops or animals. They want to save the earth by starving people. Only a Democrat would buy that plan.

If you need further proof, go to the Dollar Tree. They are now the $1.25 tree. If we wait another three years, that will be down to an average of 5% a year. Of course, that is predicated on the hope that they won't become the $1.50 Tree by then.

The Biden "No energy" Plan has raised gas prices by 50%. Memo to economists/morons in DC: If you cut the supply, you raise the sales price. 

Have you priced a new car lately? Have you priced an electric car lately? It's either groceries or a new car in the Bidenomics world. 

Bidenomics tells us that unemployment is at record lows. What they don't tell us is the number of people who have chosen to stop looking for work and live off of government programs. There are ten million jobs open, and people are getting unemployment benefits. WHY?? Some people have chosen to just go steal their groceries and other needs rather than work. We will explore that on another post.

Like everything else he is or has done, "Bidenomics" is a fraud. Actually, it is just a misspelling. The phrase that they should use is "Bad Economics" or "Badenomics". 

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Saying "No" to Naked Natives??

Word reached the editorial headquarters of Random Moments of Lunacy this morning about the demise of the National Geographic magazine. Yesterday, the magazine laid off their remaining 19 staff writers. They plan to rely on independent contributors to write the magazine's articles until publication ceases sometime next year. 

The National Geographic has been a part of the Disney media empire since 2019. Is National Geographic going out of print to cover the costs of the leftist swill-filled movies that Disney has been producing in the last few years?  Did Disney find some closet conservatives over at National Geographic? Were the National Geo staff writers unable to find primitive tribes with homosexual celebrations or witch doctors practicing "gender affirming" rituals? The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind. We just don't know, and Disney isn't talking.

When I was in school, National Geographic was in the school library. That's where young boys went to look for pictures of topless women. Kids today have never been to the school library, but it doesn't matter, they don't have books and magazines there anyway. All they have are rows of computers. (Memo to the editorial director: Write rant on Remember Books?)

How many young boys saw their first picture of a woman's bare breasts in the Geographic at the school library? For the culture warriors among you, this was almost assuredly an experience in multi-culturalism as those breasts were usually on BBBOCs. That's Bare Breasted Babes Of Color. Nothing said diversity like National Geographic. 

I have some old National Geographic magazines from the 1920"s and the 1930's in my collection of "stuff for sale". I read them occasionally and then place them in my "Free stuff" box at sales. There is no need to try and sell them. There is nothing harder to sell than a National Geographic magazine. Trust me, I have tried. They just don't sell. 

There was an article in the Geographic back in the early 1930's about a guy who rode a pony from Buenos Aries to Washington DC. It was a great story! I read it at least twice. Then I had trouble giving that issue away at a sale. I worked harder to get someone to take that issue free than I worked at selling "stuff". People don't want to read a magazine!! If it won't appear in front of you with a few keystrokes, no one is interested.

So, what do we take away from all of this? People don't read to learn anymore? Disney doesn't want people to learn about anything other than sexual deviants? Unlike the racist, sexist, colonizing deplorables of the past, liberals are terrified of exploring uncharted territory?  If you guessed "all of the above", you are correct. Our smartphones can tell us everything, why learn anything?

What's my "Readers Digest" view of the demise of National Geographic?  Liberals lie. People really don't want to know anything about other parts of the world. They may learn something that contradicts their Facebook version of the world. 

Goodnight, National Geographic.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

It's called Random Moments for a Reason

 “The people running this world are running it over a cliff. They have done everything in their power to destroy every filament of reality that they could. They have destroyed capital. They have destroyed wealth. They have destroyed other countries. They have destroyed the social order. They have destroyed the culture. They have destroyed lives. They have traumatized the remaining populace. Let’s be clear; they are evil incarnate. If God is not real, we are all f’ed, forever.”– Michael Rectenwald, Author

Did the Department of Injustice take so long on the Hunter Biden "investigation" to allow the statutes of limitations to kick in on several of his offenses?

In Greensboro, Rep. Kathy Manning and County Commissioner Skip Alston both lobbied the federal government to place a facility for unaccompanied underage illegal immigrants in Greensboro. When the little bastards are escaping regularly, neighbors will know who to blame.

Several days driving in Florida has prompted a few questions. Does "No Fault Insurance" cause bad drivers or do bad drivers cause "No Fault Insurance?" Or is it just all of the Yankees who have moved down from New York?

Years ago, at the Waffle House in Tampa, the most frequently used expression by complaining customers was "I'm not rude, I am from New York." They were half right, their cars had New York plates.

Math rules!! A builder who told an employee to place boards on the roof "parallel to the rafters" was stunned to find out that "parallel" and "perpendicular" do not have the same meaning. Just another tribute to the failure of public education.

I used to keep a dictionary on the desk at a restaurant that I ran for many years. You can get that information on your smartphone now. Of course, that only works if you are smart enough to know that you don't know everything. You can probably find a kid who can use a rotary phone before you can find one who can use a real dictionary.

NASCAR is having a "Street Race" in Chicago this weekend. Already making headlines is the cost of beer at the race. Busch and Michelob are both priced at $10.50 a bottle. Ray Kroc, who built McDonalds into an empire, used to say, "This business is for the needy, not the greedy." Nobody at NASCAR ever talked to Ray Kroc.

A friend got a call from a NASCAR team wanting to know if he wanted to work this weekend as a door gunner on a racecar in the Chicago Street Race. He told them that he would go back to Vietnam first.

Since the Dobbs decision on abortion was leaked in May 2022, there have been more than 160 attacks on Catholic Churches.  On Saturday night, the one-year anniversary of the Dobbs decision, the interior of Incarnation Catholic Church in Orlando was burned. Why do we have special protections for places that perform abortions but no protections for those who oppose abortion? How many abortion clinics have been attacked since the Dobbs decision? Why isn't the FBI investigating these attacks on churches?

A relative was slightly wounded when he served in Vietnam. If his name was John Kerry, he would have received a Purple Heart. He got nothing. The problem was that his helicopter was in Laos at the time. The government would not admit that we had troops engaged in combat in Laos. Why am I writing this? Remember this story the next time a Biden mouthpiece says that we have no troops in the Ukraine. Here are a few undeniable truths. The sun rises in the east, the sun sets in the west, the government lies. 


Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Tuesday Taunts and Tantrums

 In Cranston, Rhode Island, Democratic State Senator Joshua Miller was charged with a misdemeanor for "keying" a vehicle bearing a "Biden Sucks" bumper sticker. He claimed that he thought that the car owner was some kind of "gun nut" who was harassing him. If he really thought that the guy was a "gun nut", why would he "key" his vehicle? Who tries to antagonize a guy that you think is a "gun nut"? What's a "gun nut" if not armed?  It is obvious who the real "nut" is in this case. There's a (D) after his name.

A reporter asked Biden if he lied about not talking to Hunter about his business dealings. Biden said "No". I think that any father who said that he never talked to his son about his business dealings is lying. 

The whistleblowers from the IRS are causing problems for the Biden Crime Family. They are making it obvious that Garland and his lawbreaking bastards over at the Department of Injustice are covering for the Bidens.

The first thing that Congress needs this week to do is impeach Merrick Garland and Christopher Wray. There's no need to wait any longer. We have seen enough!

It's time to dissolve the law abusing crime family known as the FBI. Dissolve, destroy, defund the Bureau. Let's start again from scratch. The culture of corruption there is so perverted and deeply rooted that you can never change it. They are supposed to be a "law enforcement" group, not a "law breaking" group. Bulldoze the DOJ building, terminate ALL of the employees, change the name. Start again from scratch with new goals and perspectives and leadership. The first step is to have a system of accountability.

The media is abuzz with stories about the "attempted coup" in Russia. This is the same group of loons who think a guy sitting at Pelosi's desk is a "threat to democracy". This is the same group that thinks where the Congress meets to dole out payoffs and take bribes is "Our Temple of Democracy".

I have covered this before; democracy is not for everyone. We need to work on returning our nation to a democracy before we worry about what is going on in Russia. Let's be honest here. Is Putin any worse than Biden? Are the streets of Moscow any more dangerous than those in Chicago? How many people are being shot in Moscow every weekend? Is there more corruption in the Communist Party than in the Democratic or Republican parties? Is the Russian action in the Ukraine any more destructive than our "nation building" wars in Iraq or Afghanistan? Are the people in those countries any better off now than they were twenty-five years ago? Other than, of course, having billions of dollars' worth of that great US military equipment that we left behind to play with and make war.

Is Putin's state police force any worse than Biden's FBI? Will the people who marched towards Moscow get treated any worse than the Jan 6 demonstrators? Is Democrat Merrick Garland and his Department of Injustice trying to destroy the opposition party?  Is Garland copying the Russians or are the Russians copying Garland? Has Putin charged the past leader of Russia with bogus crimes about "secret" documents? Are those in power in Russia harassing the opposition with chicken shit legal cases?? Who do these Russians think they are, Democrats??

What's the moral of all this? Clean up your own house before telling the neighbors how to act in their house.

Monday, June 26, 2023

Monday Moans

President Biden announced today that the Department of Transportation has dispatched a train to the Titanic site to help in the search for the remains of the Oceangate submersible. Pete Buttgig announced that the use of this train in the North Atlantic will not have any effect on the daily TransPacific service to New Delhi.

Is Jill Biden the new Edith Wilson? Did Woodrow Wilson ever propose a railroad across the Pacific Ocean to India? Of course not, India was still a British colony at that time. Besides that, Edith never sent Woodrow out to fondle actresses and sniff little girls.

Coming home from Florida on Saturday, a couple of military cargo trailers on a flatbed semi and a Bradley fighting vehicle on another semi were heading north on I-95. My wife asked, "Where are they taking those?" I didn't miss a beat, "The Ukraine." 

While Democrats scream for tougher gun laws, Hunter Biden is living proof that the Dims don't actually want those laws enforced.

Are Hunter Biden and his family living at the White House? Where are the Democrats who complained about the Ford kids?

Chelsea Clinton showed up in the news the other day blasting Joe Rogan (whoever he may be) about his comments about the COVID vaccine. First, she looks a lot like Vince Foster. Beyond that, being Hillary's only child doesn't make you an expert on anything other than suicides. 

The DOJ continues to demonstrate that they have lost their way. They want to restrict what Trump can say, but leaks flow to the New York Times like Ukrainian money to Hunter's bank accounts. Trump can't divulge secret government info, but the FBI flings it around like confetti at a drag queen New Year's party. 

Dr. Fauci is joining the faculty at Georgetown University. He is teaching a class on Chinese banking laws. There's also a special seminar called "Statistics- Lies or Damned Lies?"

The END is near!! Reporters were heard actually questioning Karine Jean-Pierre the other day with unscripted questions. The girl with the Jiffy Pop hair was actually surprised by the questions.

My hero, Sen. Tommy Tuberville, continues to hold up the military general officer promotions in the Senate. The military is too busy worrying about diversity to fight an actual war. When the Air Force General announced, "I hire for diversity," he told us that he is not committed to winning wars or defending the nation. 

On the street facing the sponge docks in Tarpon Springs, Florida is a small ice cream shop/ bakery. I didn't even bother to find the name. What's important is that they had the BEST coconut macaroons that I have ever eaten. The carrot cake was good, but the macaroons were the best. See for yourself! There is a larger bakery a few doors down. Look for the small bakery with the ice cream shop. 

In Florida, drivers think that "no passing" zones are not a law, but a challenge. Set the cruise control at the speed limit for your chance to watch the morons in action. 

Florida has come up with a new form of population control. They are putting bike lanes on four lane highways like US 301. I didn't actually see anyone stupid enough to use the lanes, but it is always the thought (or lack of it) that counts.

All of the feminists must be in hibernation somewhere sitting out the Biden presidency. He can't be within three feet of a woman without grabbing her or sniffing her. Where have all of the feminists gone, long time passing? Sing it with me!!

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Thursday Thinking

“To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.”  President Theodore Roosevelt

Have you ever heard a broadcaster quote a Joe Biden book? Have you ever heard Joe Biden quote any book?

The FBI is now claiming that if they allow a source about the Biden Family business to be identified, it could result in his death. Yet incredibly enough, no one asked who would want to kill him. Is Hillary working with the Bidens?

As long as we are asking, when will the roster of the people flying Air Epstein to Lolita Island be released? I think they are rerecording "The Twelfth of Never" to answer this question.

I buy books online at Thrift Books. In my world of business, the cash register talks, everything else is make believe. Biden claims that he made $10 million in 2017 on his book. I want to see receipts!! I don't recall ever seeing the book in a store. Maybe it was a bestseller in the Ukraine??

On a regular basis, Joe Biden claims that his son Beau died in Iraq. Beau died at Walter Reed Hospital in Maryland. When will any of the networks challenge him on this lie?

Liberals have spent a lifetime screaming that people violating gun laws should be punished to the full extent of the law. That ended when Hunter Biden violated gun laws. Why don't they just admit that there are two systems of justice and only Republicans are subject to penalties?

I saw Sen. Tim Scott on television doing a "town hall" at Myrtle Beach. I was okay until they got around to discussing the Ukraine. I realize that I am in the distinct minority because I oppose supporting the Ukraine. Undeterred by being in the minority, I offer the following thoughts. 

Many years ago, I learned that everyone's favorite radio station is WII-FM. That stands for "What's In It For Me?". What's in it for the United States? What happens when we squander a fortune that we have to borrow from other countries to help one of the most politically corrupt nations in the world? Did they or did they not give the Bidens millions of dollars? Stop everything until this question gets answered! We don't have enough military equipment to give them everything they need to win and have enough left to defend our own nation, What if we get attacked? Do you really believe that the Ukraine will come to our aid? Can we just look both ways before crossing the street into another war?

Washington is alive with the sound of faux outrage as the Chinese are said to be building a military/spy base in Cuba. In the Cold War days, we had bases throughout Europe with missiles pointed at the Soviet Union. What's the difference? In the Cuban Missile Crisis, we didn't want the Russians having missiles in Cuba. What we never discuss  about settling the Cuban Missile Crisis is where the missiles  went that we had positioned in Turkey just a few miles from the Soviet Union. 

We are worried that the Chinese are sending spies to Cuba while we have 2300 employees at the US embassy in China. How many of those 2300 are US spies? 

We would probably accomplish a lot more diplomatically if we would just acknowledge what we do rather than acting like we are the last Virgin out of Pompeii.

Biden said that he thinks that the Chinese spy balloon shot down was not sent intentionally. Someone needs to check his bank account for a large transfer from China. 


Tuesday, June 20, 2023

On that Midnight train to India?

Last week, Joe Biden announced that we are working on building a railroad to cross the Pacific Ocean and go to India. That no one in the room screamed in response says more about the media tolerance of dementia than anything that I could write.

Biden made this statement in front of scores of witnesses and television cameras. Has any network asked him for details? Has there been any explanation of this by his babbling lesbian press secretary? Has she checked her notebook for any details? 

This is an absurd statement by an obviously demented man. If I told my kids that I was taking a job as a conductor on the Trans-Pacific railroad, my ass would be somewhere for a mental evaluation within minutes. Biden just continues on as President.

Think about it!! A guy who thinks that we are building a railroad across the Pacific Ocean is in control of the nuclear launch codes. Has Gen. Milley Vanilli met with his staff to tell them to ignore orders from Biden like he did with Trump?

This should have been the lead story on every TV news show and the headline in every newspaper in the country. It wasn't. In many revolutions led by Communists, they kill journalists. The news folks here don't need to worry about that here. First, they aren't real journalists. Second, the Communists couldn't praise their cause as much as our news people would.

I am going to contact my US Senators to have them explain to me where we are in the planning stages of this railroad. Maybe I can make contact with Thom Tillis on one of his days that he is a Republican. Is this part of the Build Back Better plan? Is it foreign aid? Is it a jobs program for all of the illegals coming to our country? The Chinese did most of the work on the transcontinental railroad in our country. It only follows that we should give Mexicans the chance to build the Biden Trans Pacific Railroad System.

Most joking aside, this is a disgrace. We are letting a man with dementia run our country while we pretend that everything is okay. 

We are out of real leaders in this country. Remember when Reagan was shot and Alexander Haig claimed that he was in charge. Everybody ridiculed him for not knowing the order of succession to the Presidency. At least Haig realized that someone needed to take charge. No one today grasps that concept. We have forsaken leaders for political hacks. The American dream is dying.

This incident is not a call for leadership, it is a scream for leadership. Ed Ames said it best, "Who will answer?".

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Quick quote keeper!!

 “To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.”  President Theodore Roosevelt.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Wild and Witless(?) Wednesday

 Today, June 14, is Flag Day in the United States of America. It is also Donald Trump's birthday. That is actually true, I just threw it in first to piss off any liberals that might stray in to this.

George Takei, famed leftist homosexual, posted on Twitter on June 6 this comment, "Crazy thought, but those 20 million AR-15s now in this country could sure arm a lot of Ukrainians." I have never seen Mr. Takei in anything but a left-wing comment forum so, I won't pass any judgments on his entertainment performance skills.  While Mr. Takei's rabid followers praise him for his wisdom on banning firearms, he actually just justified the existence of the Second Amendment. Thanks, George.

Paul Simon was right! There are at least fifty ways to leave your lover. However, there are only two genders that your lover can be. I realize that this is contrary to the prevailing wisdom of assorted jackasses, but you ought to be able to handle it.

In January of 1838, Abraham Lincoln spoke to the Young Men's Lyceum of Springfield, IL. Here are a few points from that speech.

"At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide."

I hate to agree with Abe, but we need to put the country on a suicide watch.

If cutting off your penis and testicles makes you a woman, does having your brain removed make you a Democrat?

Twenty years ago, the same loons who are promoting sex change surgeries today were claiming that circumcision was "sexual mutilation". Give them an inch, they will take a mile.

I like the ways that doctors used to practice medicine. Remember fair and honest research? Yes, I realize that they abandoned that to spread a disease that would help Biden win an election. Have you heard anyone talking about research on smaller breeds of animals before trying sex changes on human beings? I posed that question in some online forum today fishing for an easy mark. It only took a few seconds before some idiot responded with "That would be cruel!" and a bunch of sad emojis. WOW!!

This weekend at the Pride Month celebration at the White/Pink House, the bamboozled buffoon Biden and his band of butt bumpers managed to violate the Flag Code by displaying the Fag Flag where the United States flag should have been placed. As far as I am concerned, Biden should be impeached for that. Anything else is just piling on. 

I saw the news coverage of the topless protesters at the same "Pride?" event shaking their breasts for the news cameras. My wife and I have toured the White House several times. Of course, we were there during the Reagan and Bush years. Who made the decision to let people like this into the White House? Is this the product of the higher level of security they claim to have? Were these some of Hunter's old babes? Did they stop Joe before he could sniff those puppies? Nothing says "freedom" like letting those big dogs out to play. Maybe the White House should start screening again for silicone levels? They stopped screening for silicon while Pelosi was Speaker. Did everyone know about the wet t-shirt contest? Did Dr. Jill participate? You can watch the highlights on You Tube. Search for "Saturday at Gomorrah".

I am not a NASCAR fan, but Bubba Wallace is complaining that that there are two standards in NASCAR, and he is getting mistreated by fans. Bubba's right!! There is a separate standard for "Professional Victims".  Maybe it is time for Bubba to tie another one of those rope door pulls, pardon me, NASCAR nooses, and call the FBI? 

On August 24, we will mark the 209th anniversary of the British attack on Washington, DC. Let's start a Go Fund Me page to raise enough money to get them to come back and finish the job.

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

As the Banana Republic falters

 In the Banana Republic of Biden, the Democratic Party's secret police (AKA the FBI) and their masters at the Department of Injustice are charging Donald Trump with espionage today in Florida. 

Just for the record, there is a Presidential Records Protection Act. There is no records protection act for Senators, Vice-Presidents, or Secretaries of State. They are simply not allowed to keep classified documents after leaving the public payroll. Why has the FBI failed to charge any of these people who have clearly violated the law? Is it because they are Democrats? Or is it because they are not Donald Trump?

Joe Biden started in the Senate in 1973 at the salary of $44600 a year. By the time he left in 2009, he was making $169,300. On this salary, Biden was able to live in Washington and acquired three homes, including his home on the beach that the taxpayers are currently paying to improve. Just to be fair, maybe he used Dr. Jill's doctor's income to help pay for that. Of course, that would require her to be an actual doctor. She's a teacher and Joe claims that they don't make any money.  That guy must be one hell of a money manager to live that lifestyle on a Senator's pay. He probably clipped coupons and collected S&H Green Stamps to make that budget balance. Ironically, he's never balanced a government's budget.

Quick!! Name a Senator or Representative who went to Washington rich and came home poor! Google can't help you on this, there aren't any. 

Here in North Carolina, former US Senator Richard Burr is the cautionary tale for taxpayers on how this "wealth enrichment experience" happens. Burr played the stock market so brazenly with inside information that the Senate actually claimed they were going to investigate him. If they actually did anything, nobody has heard what it was. 

The FBI claims that it is investigating Hunter Biden. How long does that take? It only takes a few weeks to indict a Republican, but a Democrat takes forever?

We are fighting a war in the Ukraine because the Ukrainian government gave the Biden Family millions of dollars. Other than covering up information about what a collection of sleazebags the Bidens are, why is the US and our money there? What in the Ukraine is worth a single American life? If the Ukraine was blown off the face of the earth tomorrow, would it impact our lives here? Other than the noise of the blast, maybe?

It's time to focus on America. We need to start by overhauling the Department of Questionable Justice and their stormtroopers at the FBI. The FBI sends SWAT teams to arrest abortion protesters while allowing bands of looters and burners to roam the streets. Last week, the FBI charged a man with participating in the Jan 6 debacle in DC two years ago. They searched thousands of hours of video footage to find a picture of him in the crowd and then used special processes to detail the footage and identify him. How many looters, burners, and rioters have been identified in the millions of hours of video footage from the BLM riots in 2020? How much time has the FBI spent on this? Where are those indictments? Dissolve the FBI!!

There were several federal cases against people involved in the attacks on the Federal Court House in Portland, Oregon in 2020.  The Wall Street Journal reported that almost half of the cases were dropped after the offenders performed community service. How many people in the Jan 6 cases were given community service?

We have lost our way as a nation. The road that we are on will not take us to where we need to go. It's time to speak up.

WAIT!!! There was good news out of Greensboro over the weekend. The North Carolina Republican Party voted to censure Senator Thom Tillis for his votes supporting gay marriage. Thom's not worried. He's only a Republican in election years anyway. 

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Pride Month??

"Marked Safe" from being compelled by extremists in government and private business to participate in a celebration of a perverse lifestyle that threatens the very existence of the human race.

Mom said it best. "If John jumps off a cliff, are you going to jump too?" The correct answer is always "No, I will make my own decision."