Thursday, June 22, 2023

Thursday Thinking

“To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.”  President Theodore Roosevelt

Have you ever heard a broadcaster quote a Joe Biden book? Have you ever heard Joe Biden quote any book?

The FBI is now claiming that if they allow a source about the Biden Family business to be identified, it could result in his death. Yet incredibly enough, no one asked who would want to kill him. Is Hillary working with the Bidens?

As long as we are asking, when will the roster of the people flying Air Epstein to Lolita Island be released? I think they are rerecording "The Twelfth of Never" to answer this question.

I buy books online at Thrift Books. In my world of business, the cash register talks, everything else is make believe. Biden claims that he made $10 million in 2017 on his book. I want to see receipts!! I don't recall ever seeing the book in a store. Maybe it was a bestseller in the Ukraine??

On a regular basis, Joe Biden claims that his son Beau died in Iraq. Beau died at Walter Reed Hospital in Maryland. When will any of the networks challenge him on this lie?

Liberals have spent a lifetime screaming that people violating gun laws should be punished to the full extent of the law. That ended when Hunter Biden violated gun laws. Why don't they just admit that there are two systems of justice and only Republicans are subject to penalties?

I saw Sen. Tim Scott on television doing a "town hall" at Myrtle Beach. I was okay until they got around to discussing the Ukraine. I realize that I am in the distinct minority because I oppose supporting the Ukraine. Undeterred by being in the minority, I offer the following thoughts. 

Many years ago, I learned that everyone's favorite radio station is WII-FM. That stands for "What's In It For Me?". What's in it for the United States? What happens when we squander a fortune that we have to borrow from other countries to help one of the most politically corrupt nations in the world? Did they or did they not give the Bidens millions of dollars? Stop everything until this question gets answered! We don't have enough military equipment to give them everything they need to win and have enough left to defend our own nation, What if we get attacked? Do you really believe that the Ukraine will come to our aid? Can we just look both ways before crossing the street into another war?

Washington is alive with the sound of faux outrage as the Chinese are said to be building a military/spy base in Cuba. In the Cold War days, we had bases throughout Europe with missiles pointed at the Soviet Union. What's the difference? In the Cuban Missile Crisis, we didn't want the Russians having missiles in Cuba. What we never discuss  about settling the Cuban Missile Crisis is where the missiles  went that we had positioned in Turkey just a few miles from the Soviet Union. 

We are worried that the Chinese are sending spies to Cuba while we have 2300 employees at the US embassy in China. How many of those 2300 are US spies? 

We would probably accomplish a lot more diplomatically if we would just acknowledge what we do rather than acting like we are the last Virgin out of Pompeii.

Biden said that he thinks that the Chinese spy balloon shot down was not sent intentionally. Someone needs to check his bank account for a large transfer from China. 



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