Wild and Witless(?) Wednesday
Today, June 14, is Flag Day in the United States of America. It is also Donald Trump's birthday. That is actually true, I just threw it in first to piss off any liberals that might stray in to this.
George Takei, famed leftist homosexual, posted on Twitter on June 6 this comment, "Crazy thought, but those 20 million AR-15s now in this country could sure arm a lot of Ukrainians." I have never seen Mr. Takei in anything but a left-wing comment forum so, I won't pass any judgments on his entertainment performance skills. While Mr. Takei's rabid followers praise him for his wisdom on banning firearms, he actually just justified the existence of the Second Amendment. Thanks, George.
Paul Simon was right! There are at least fifty ways to leave your lover. However, there are only two genders that your lover can be. I realize that this is contrary to the prevailing wisdom of assorted jackasses, but you ought to be able to handle it.
In January of 1838, Abraham Lincoln spoke to the Young Men's Lyceum of Springfield, IL. Here are a few points from that speech.
"At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide."
I hate to agree with Abe, but we need to put the country on a suicide watch.
If cutting off your penis and testicles makes you a woman, does having your brain removed make you a Democrat?
Twenty years ago, the same loons who are promoting sex change surgeries today were claiming that circumcision was "sexual mutilation". Give them an inch, they will take a mile.
I like the ways that doctors used to practice medicine. Remember fair and honest research? Yes, I realize that they abandoned that to spread a disease that would help Biden win an election. Have you heard anyone talking about research on smaller breeds of animals before trying sex changes on human beings? I posed that question in some online forum today fishing for an easy mark. It only took a few seconds before some idiot responded with "That would be cruel!" and a bunch of sad emojis. WOW!!
This weekend at the Pride Month celebration at the White/Pink House, the bamboozled buffoon Biden and his band of butt bumpers managed to violate the Flag Code by displaying the Fag Flag where the United States flag should have been placed. As far as I am concerned, Biden should be impeached for that. Anything else is just piling on.
I saw the news coverage of the topless protesters at the same "Pride?" event shaking their breasts for the news cameras. My wife and I have toured the White House several times. Of course, we were there during the Reagan and Bush years. Who made the decision to let people like this into the White House? Is this the product of the higher level of security they claim to have? Were these some of Hunter's old babes? Did they stop Joe before he could sniff those puppies? Nothing says "freedom" like letting those big dogs out to play. Maybe the White House should start screening again for silicone levels? They stopped screening for silicon while Pelosi was Speaker. Did everyone know about the wet t-shirt contest? Did Dr. Jill participate? You can watch the highlights on You Tube. Search for "Saturday at Gomorrah".
I am not a NASCAR fan, but Bubba Wallace is complaining that that there are two standards in NASCAR, and he is getting mistreated by fans. Bubba's right!! There is a separate standard for "Professional Victims". Maybe it is time for Bubba to tie another one of those rope door pulls, pardon me, NASCAR nooses, and call the FBI?
On August 24, we will mark the 209th anniversary of the British attack on Washington, DC. Let's start a Go Fund Me page to raise enough money to get them to come back and finish the job.
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